review guide scinec chpt 2 - 2 Flashcards
What is biosynthesis
living things putting together substances
is it morally acceptable to create life
ya, not making humans, but animals
what are organic compounds
is a large group of chemical compounds with one or more carbon atoms that are covalently liked
What kind of bonds does carbon have when they bond to each other
they have covalent bonds
what kinds of shapes do carbon bonds form
why important
they form:
branched chains
triple bonds
it allows different ways to like cardon
what are the 4 groups of organic compounds
carbohydrates - sugars
lipids - fats
nucleic acids
what are the 3 functions of organic compounds
structural - helps with cell wall/membrane
what are carbohydrates made of
what do they do
made up of:
they store energy
what is the differnce btwn monosaccharides ad disaccharides
monosaccharides are simple sugars
disaccharides are monosaccharides liked together
what type of saccharides is glucose
where does this sugar come from
its a monosaccharid
comes from animals
what is a dehydration synthesis
making something by taking water out of something
where is lactose and sucrose found
lactose is found in milk
sucrose if found in sugar
what is hydrolysis
disaccharides are broken down by water to make monosaccharides
what type of saccharide is starch and glycogen
they are both polysaccharides
what is starch
energy storage for plants
what glycogen
energy stored or animals
where is cellulose found?
what is it
why is it important even though ppl cant digest it
what type if saccharide is this
found in plants walls
its a polysaccharide made of chains of glucose
it has fiber, which helps your digestive system
what is chitin used for
what types of animals have it
where is it found in the body
what saccharide is this
it’s used for insects exoskeletons
lobsters, shrimp, clams, insects
what are lipids
what are the funtions of lipids
its fat, that stores (extra) energy
what does it mean when it says lipids are semi-soluble
it means that lipids are not soluble in water, so they must be soluble by digestion.
how much energy can lipids state compared to muscle
They can store 2 times more energy
what is the difference btwn hydrophilic and hydrophobic
hydrophilic like water
hydrophobic is scared of water
what are triglycerides
what do they look like
they are fats that store energy
they look like a chain of hydrogens and carbons
what is the difference btwn saturated and unsaturated triglycerides
saturated - single bonds, unhealthy, solid at room temp
unsaturated - double bonds, liquid
what are cell membranes made of
made of phoshpolipids
what is the purpose of protiens
what are the building blocks of protein
they make a person unique
amino acids are building blocks
what elements make up protiens
how many amino acids are there
how many essential
20 different amino acids
9 are essential
why is the order of amino acids important
its important because the order of them makes up different proteins
what types of bonds hold amino acids together
peptide bonds *
what happens if the shape of amino acids is broken
it might not function
what do nucleic acids make
they make DNA & RNA
why is DNA important
bleu print of organisms
what is an enzyme
biological catalysts
what is a catalyst
lowers activation energy for the reaction to occur
( coupon for energy)
what are most enzymes made of
made out of proteins
what does it mean to reduce the activation energy
to use less energy to make a reaction
what happens to the function of enzymes if your body is no longer in homeostatasis
it prevents your enzymes from working
( making you sick, fever, hypo)
what is the lock and key model for enzymes
when substances bind to a enzyms and