Chp 3 -review sheet flash cards
1 What is cytology
the study of cells
2 why is Robert Hooke important
he coined the word cell
- Why are Matthias scheilden, theodor schwann and zacharias jassen important
- (scheilden) plants are made of cells
- (schwann) animal are made of cell
- (jassen) invented the compound microscope
- why is Leeuenwenhooke important
father of microscopy, made lense that improved use
first to find a microscopic organisms
- what did rubalf virchow say
cells come from preexisting cells
- what are the 3 principles of the cell theory
- all organisms are made of 1 or more cells
- cells are the buildings blocks of life
- all cells some existing cells
- what is the difference btwn unicellular and multicellular
unicellular - one cell (bacteria)
multicellar - many cells ( animals, plants humans)
- what is colonial orgasms
similar cells working together
- what is the differnce btwn tissure organ and organ system
tissue - similar cells working together
organ - similar tissue working together
organ system - organs working together
- difference btwn eukaryotic and prokaryotic
eukaryotic - membrane around the nucleus (anything but bacteria)
prokaryotic -no membrane around the nucleus (bacteria)
What are the 2 names of the cell membrane
- screen door
- plasma membrane
were is the cell membrane found
on the cell wall
difference btwn hydrophilic and hydrophilic
what parts are they on the cell membrane
hydrophilic- (heads) loves water
hydrophilic - ( tails) hates water
What structure on the cell membrane allows things to pass through it?
phospholipid bilayer
how does signal transmission across a membrane happen?
receptor protein recieves signal molecules (ligands) that cause a response in the cell
Where are cell walls found?
what do they do?
What is it made of?
the outermost layer of the plant cell
they protect the cell
they are made of cellulose
Difference btwn the primary and secondary wall
primary - made when the cell is developing
secondary - produced when the cell is mature ( more cellulose)
What does cytoplasm do?
How does it look?
How does it differ from cytosol?
cytoplasm keeps the cells in place
it looks like jelly, or a liquid
cytosol is the liquid of cytoplasm
what do the mitochondria do?
whats the nickname?
How many membranes does it have
it makes ATP / energy
powerhouse of cell
2 membranes
what are cristae
what is there purpose
the folds in the inner membrane
to increase surface area
What are the 3 organelles where DNA can be found
( 1 in plants and 2 in animals cells)
Plants: chloroplasts
Animals: mitochondria, Nuclues
How many mitochondria can be found in a cell
Numerous to few in a cell
(depends on how active you are)
What do ribosomes do
what are they made of?
ribosomes make protien
there made of protein and RNA
Where are ribosomes found
there found in the RER and flouting around in the cell
what are 2 kinds of endoplasmic reticulum
(Rough ) RER - has ribosomes
(Smooth) SER - detoxifies and produces lipids (no ribosomes)
what is the purpose of the golgie
how does it work
process, sort, and deliver proteins and lipids
it works by sacs being pinched off and put in vesicles and shipped to somewhere else
Nickname of lysooms
what do they do
Nickname: garbage man
they get rid of waste in the cell, ( by using digestive enzymes)
what is the cytoskeleton
what is it made of
what is the purpose of each one
the framework of the cell
its made of:
microtubules - give shape, act as a rail track
intermediate filaments - add strength
microfiliments - smallest diameter & help cell division
How are cilia and flagella the same?
How are they different
They have the same cause they both move the cell
Cilia - This covers the cell, like little whiskers to push around the cell
Flagella - has a long extension to move around
what are chloroplasts
chloroplast organically used to change light into energy
What is the difference btwn thylakoids and grana
thylakoids are flattened sacs
grana are stacked thylakoinds
what is chlorophyll
the pigment of chloraplasts
makes plants green
what is stroma
fluid that surrounds thylakoids
what is the purpose of vacuoles and vesicles
vacuoles - holds water, food, waste, or other stuff (closet)
vesicles - more mobile then vacuoles; madeby golger and ER (bookbage)
(short answer question) what is turgor pressure
how does it work
water pressure in a cell
it pushes the cell membrane against the cell wall
what are centrioles used for
produce spindle fibers for cell division cylindrical shared
what are considered the control center
where does DNA come from
decribe the nuclear envolope
double membrane around the nucleus
nuclear pores opening in the envelope
what is homeostasis
keeping steady condition, constantly collects info
what is the nucleolus
center of the nucleus
contains RNA and starts making protein
diff btwn isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic
isotonic - concentration of water is same inside and outside of the cell
hypertonic - lower concentration inside the outside
hypotonic - higher concentration inside the outside
What is passivetransport ?
what are 2 exaplmes
what are three things effect the speed of transport.
transport that doesn’t use energy
diffusion and osmosis
3 things:
electrical charges
what is active transportation
how do carrier proteins fit into this
transport that needs energy (against the gradient)
carrier proteins - allow only certain things tp pass through. Na+k+
diff btwn exocytosis and endocytosis
exocytosis - exiting the cell
endocytosis - into the cell
( both are active trans port
diff btwn phagocytosis and pinocytosis
phagocytosis - one cell ingesting another
pinocytosis - moves fluids
explain the soduim - potassuim pump (Na+K+) pump
(low to high)
for every ATP molecule, the pump uses 3 sodium ions are exported and 2 potassium ions are imported