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influence the size of the electrostatic precipitator.
Aluminum, silicon, and iron
is also applied to mineral matter that may have been transported into future coal deposits (i.e., this mineral
matter was not a part of the plant substance that contributed to the coal precursor nor
was it introduced during the coalification process) by water or wind
syngenetic mineral matter
refers to that material which was deposited into the
peat bog by descending (or ascending) solutions in cracks or fissures or in the bedding
planes of the coal; such mineral matter may often be found as cleat fillings
epigenetic mineral matter
produces barriers to heat exchange in the affected
equipment, which can substantially reduce its efficiency and require costly repairs.
s (slagging or fouling)
most common minerals in coal
illite clay, pyrite, quartz, and calcite
often constitute as much as 25% of the coal mineral matter.
Sulfide minerals
may occur
in concentrations as high as 20% w/w of the total mineral matter
particular element that occurs in concentrations of less than
0.1%; <1000 ppm) in the earth’s crust are classified as t
trace elements
chalcophile elements (i.e., those elements which commonly form sulfides; such as c
Co; nickel, Ni; lead, Pb; and antimony, Sb)
lithophile elements
silicon, Si; titanium, Ti;
aluminum, Al; and potassium, K)
Kaolinite minerals
semctite minerals
illite minerals
what are the members of pyrite?
Cattierite CoS2
Laurite RuS2
Marcasite FeS2
Pyrite FeS2
Vaesite NiS2
Villamaninite (Cu⋅Ni⋅Co⋅Fe)S2
low fusion temperature
Coal that is relatively rich in iron-bearing minerals (such as pyrite or siderite)
high fusion temperature
aluminum-bearing minerals (such
as kaolinite or illite)
The iron-bearing minerals in
ash, such as
wustite (FeO), almandite (3FeO⋅Al2O3⋅3SiO2), and fayalite (Fe2SiO4,
also called iron chrysolite
The clay minerals in coal contain water that is bound within the mineral lattice
– kaolinite contains 13% w/w bound water, illite contains 4.5% w/w bound
water, and montmorillonite contains 5% w/w bound water
elements in concentrations greater than 0.5% in the whole coal and
these normally include aluminum, calcium, iron, and silicon;
major elements,
hose in the range of concentration of about 0.02 to in the whole coal and
these usually include potassium, magnesium, sodium, and titanium, and sometimes
phosphorus, barium, strontium, boron, and others, depending on the geologic area
minor elements
all other inorganic elements usually detected in coal
at less than 0.02% (200 ppm) down to parts per billion and below
trace elements
an assay of the moisture, ash, volatile matter,
and fixed carbon determined by series of prescribed or standard test
methods developed as a simple means of determining the
distribution of products obtained when the coal sample is heated under specified
proximate analysis of coal
is actually a misnomer insofar as the
majority of the volatile matter is the volatile product of the thermal decomposition
of coal through the application of high temperatures.
volatile matter content
consists of groundwater and
other extraneous moisture and can be evaporated
adventitious moisture,
within the pore systems of the coal and is analyzed quantitatively
inherent moisture
The mirror is used when an
externai source of monochromatic light, such as a
sodium vapor lamp
strong pleiochroism of a mineral
the angle of incidence needed to produce the 90 degrees angle between the reflected and refracted rays is called
brewsters angle
used to adjust the intenstiy of the illumination
rheostat control
Because the light reaching the sample from the fixed condensor is only moderately converging, the illumination provided mineral is viewed perpendicular to the path of light,
orthoscopic illumination.
onsists of strongly converging light
viewed simultaneously from different angles in a cone of light using the maximum aperture
conoscopic illumination,
distance between the end of the lens
and the top of the sample
free working
distance (FWD)
size of the cone of light that the lens can accept
angular aperture (AA)
thickness of cover slip theat provides the greatest oprical efficiency
0.17 mm
distance between the lower and upper
limits of reasonably sharp focus
depth of
indicates that the lens is constructed of strain-free lens
elements and is intended for use with polarized light
also known as one wavelength or first order
gypsum plate
quarter wavelength plate 147nm
mica plate
provided on the knobs to allow
the slide to be moved in uniform
increments and the size of the
increments can be selected by
using different knobs.
strongly absorbs light
that vibrates parallel to its cleavage.
glass in water
carbon tetrachloride
hig relief
low relief
examining the “shadows” cast by the grains when
part of the light coming up through the microscope is
Oblique Illumination Method
the grains are dark on
the side facing the darkened part of the field of view
index of the grains is lower than the índex of the
e grains are light on the side facing the darkened part of the field, t
e index of the grains is
higher than the index of the oil.
cleavages commonly found in the isometric crystal system include
cubic {001} (three at right angles), octahedral { 111}
(four cleavages that outline an octahedron), and
dodecahedral {110} (six cleavages that outline a
CV direction
that the light is traveling
propagation direction
represents the side-to-side oscillation of the electric
vector of the plane polarized light.
vibration direction
numerical value depends on the path followed by the light through the mineral
numerical values of birefringence
are for light whose wavelength is 589 nm
retardation is 2500 nm,
a creamy white
Retardation for all wavelengths is 500 nm. Only a portion of the
red and violet ends of the spectrum are transmitted, and
500 nm light is completely blocked. The color is perceived
first-order red.
maximum birefringence of 0.009.
low birefringence such as
plagioclase, K-feldspar, gypsum,
The angle between the length or
cleavage of a mineral and the mineral’s vibration
directions is a diagnostic property called
extinction angle
extinction in a grain follows an irregular or wavy
pattern it is called
undulatory extinction.
mica plate produces
147 nm of retardation,
light propagating at righ tangles to the optic axis
maximum birefringence
Useful for determining
privileged vibration
directions of any light
ray from path and
optic axes
Vibration directions
bisect angle of planes
as shown
Useful for determining
privileged vibration
directions of any light
ray from path and
optic axes
Vibration directions
bisect angle of planes
as shown The value is plotted on the left side of the diagram. NA is the
numerical aperture of the objective lens, 2D is the
distance between the melatopes, and 2R is the diameter of the field of view
Tobi’s Method
Mallard’s method for determining 2V uses an acute
bisectrix figure. It depends on the observation that
the melatopes must be further apart for larger values
of 2V (and 2E). If 2V is small, the melatopes are
dose together, and if 2 V is larger, the mela topes are
further apart.
Mallard’s Method
n updated version of the
Michel-Lévy method and is used when 2 V is large
and the melatopes are outside of the field of view. It
involves measuring the angle of stage rotation
needed to cause the cross-shaped isogyre in the
acute bisectrix figure to split apart and leave the field
of view. It also may be used with modera te accuracy
for obtuse bisectrix figures and is the basis for distinguishing between obtuse and acute bisectrix figures when 2V is large.
Kamb’s Method
method is used with optic axis
interference figures and depends on the observation
that curvature of the isogyre in a 45º position is a function of 2 V (Figure 7. 32) ~ If 2 V is 90º, the isogyre
forms a straight line in a 45º position. For smaller
values of 2V, the isogyres are progressively more
curved. If 2V is less than about 30º, both melatopes
are usually in the field of view. For 2V of less than
5º, the distance between the mela topes is very small
and the two isogyres look almost like the uniaxial
cross except for the small gap right in the middle.
Wright Method
unusual form of dispersion called that is found in brookite
crossed axial
plane dispersion
produced when
the obtuse bisectrix is parallel to the b axis.
Horizontal or parallel dispersion
acute bisectrix is parallel to the b axis
Crossed bisectrix dispersion
what is the mineral alteration of cordierite
mineral alteration of olivine
what is xenotime
igneous rock
found in meteorites, has a composition dose to the
ideal FeS and is hexagonal.
H = 3t-4!; G = 4.6;
opaque amorphous titanium
metamorphosed bauxite deposits
e members of the spinel group
magnetite, and chromite series
inverse spinel
structure with ali of the larger divalent cations (A2+)
in octahedral sites and half of the trivalent cations
(B3+) in octahedral sites and half in tetrahedral
Spinel Series
Spinel MgA120 4
Hercynite FeAl20 4
Gahnite ZnA120 4
Galaxite MnA12 0 4
Magnetite Series
Magnetite FeFe2Ü4
Magnesioferrite MgFe20 4
Ulvõspinel FeFeTi04
Franklinite ZnFe2 0 4
Jacobsite MnFe20 4
Trevo ri te NiFe2 0 4
Chromite Series
chromite~ FeCr20 4
Magnesiochromite MgCr20 4
green to blue-green spinel
olive brown to brown soinel
Spihel: colorless, green, blue, red
Hercynite: dark green
Gahnite: blue-green, yellow, brown
Galaxite: red-brown, black
brucite is called
found in
marble, resulting from the alteration of periclase.
found as a gangue
mineral in hydrothermal sulfide deposits
complete solid solution series with magnesite (MgC03) and rhodochrosite (MnC03)
siderite hardness 4 - 4 in a half
H = ~; G = 3.96 (pure)
altered to goethite or
less commonly to hematite or magnetite
y found in fractures and amygdules in basalt, diabase, and andesite.
a dolomite group mineral intermediat~ between
rhodochrosite and calcite.
Ca. Kutnohorite
Does n”ot readily react in cold dilute HCI, but reacts
with effervescence when powdered or if the acid is
float in diodomethane
dehydrate to
a crumbly mass of tinalcotine on exposure to air
Minerais found in evaporite deposits
soda niter-trigonal
Carbonate-bearing apatite is
called carbonate-apatite, or r OH-rich varieties and
F-rich varieties
term given to
fine-grained cryptocrystalline material that contains
a substantial amount of apatite.
fine-grained reddishor yellowish-brown material that consists of goethite, clay, chlorite, quartz, tale, a
essentially isotropic material
that is usually orangish or greenish. lt also is a mixture and appears to be composed of limonite and
chlorite or serpentine with other low birefringence
Magnesium-rich olivine often alters to serpentine,
which may either be
chrysotile or antigorite
sarne structure
as the other garnets except that a Si4+ has been
replaced by 4H+ with the hydrogens bonded to each
of the four oxygens surrounding the vacant tetrahedral site
which ali of the silicon has been replaced by hydrogen, has been
Most andalusite is relatively pure Al2Si05 ,
although a significant amount of Mn3+ and Fe3+
may substitute for the octahedral aluminum, and
extensive solid solution to
used for andalusite containing substantial amounts of both Fe3+
and Mn3+.
y occurs as
slender prismatic crystals or as fine fibrous crystals
forms radiating,
swirled, or matied aggregates.
to very high temperature porcellainite homfels in
· the contact zone adjacent to mafic intrusions or in
pelitic inclusions (buchites) in those rocks.
common mineral in
medium- and high-grade mica schist, gneiss, hornfels, and related rocks
: Sillimanite
FOR CHLORITOID Mg2 + and Mn2 + may replace up to about 68 percent and 50 percent of the Fe2+ respectively,
although most is relatively iron rich. The manganese-rich variety is called
green biotite
biaxial positive and is usually pleochroic in shades of red
and yellow. F
found in granitic pegmatites, aplites, quartz veins, and in quartz- and
feldspar-bearing rocks that have been hydrothermally altered. It also may be found in medium- and
high-grade gneiss, quartzite, granitic gneiss, and
pelitic schist associated with other aluminous minerais such as kyanite, sillimanite, cordierite, and andalusite.
melilite The common alteration is to a brown
fibrous material called
variety that
has up to 2 percent of the octahedral sites occupied
by Mn 3 + and is analogous to piemontite in the
monoclinic series of the epidote group.
zoisite variety that
has up to 2 percent of the octahedral sites occupied
by Mn 3 + and is analogous to piemontite in the
monoclinic series of the epidote group.
containing significant amounts of AI and Fe3+ are
f assaite,
Ti bearing samples are called
n, there appears to be complete solid solution between hedenbergite-rich
compositions and
hornblende here includes members of the following
Caz(Mg,Fe2+hFe3+ 2Si6Alz022(0H)z
NaCa2(Mg,Fe2+)4AlSi6Al20 22(0H)z
[Na(Na,Ca)(Mg,Fe2+ ,Fe3+ Al)5Si7Al0zz(OH)z] is a
sodic-calcic amphibole with similar color and
pleochroism that is found in relatively mafic alkalic
intrusives associated with acmite, aegirine-augite,
riebeckite, or arfvedsonite.
converted to fine-grained, light-colored
is a closely related mineral with higher birefringence
and smaller 2V. Bustamite is optically negative with
2 Vx less than 60
complex day mineral constructed of amphibolelike
double chains of tetrahedra aligned parallel to the e
axis. typically
fibrous, rather than scaly like the other day minerais, and may form flexible matted sheets that are
sometimes called mountain leather. It is monodinic
with; B = 96º, or orthorhombic, and the indicatrix is
oriented so that Z = e; thus, fibers are length slow mistaken for serpentine.
similar mineral constructed of
tripie chains’ of tetrahedra.
monodinic ( L
B = 90º) and have optical properties that fali in the
range no. = 1.48-1.61, n13 = 1.49-1.63, ny =
1.50–1.64; ô= 0.01-0.04; 2Vx =
formed in veins and cavities in altered
or weathered carbonate rocks and mafic igneous
rocks. They may also be found in deposits from
saline lakes
found as a vesicle
filling in basalts and related volcanic rocks
tetrahedral sheets are continuous, but
periodically there is a reversai in the direction that
the apical oxygens face and the side on which the
octahedral sheet is mated. more or less micaceous
and may form foliated or scaly masses.
the pattern of tetrahedra in the T sheet is distorted
to allow a match to be achieved with the O sheet
very fine-grained and may form an
irregular net-like pattern with uneven or undulatory
[Fe3Si20 5(0H)4] is a related
mineral with a somewhat more complex structure,
which occurs in weakly metamorphosed iron formations
[Fe3Si40 10(0H)z] is a
related mineral with a somewhat more complex
structure found in metamorphic iron formations.
a name given to varieties with significant Mg and
Fe2+. ln most cases, some of the OH is replaced by
F, or, to a lesser extent, Cl.
a name given to
very fine, ragged grains and aggregates of white
mica-usually muscovite or phengite-produced by
the alteration of feldspars or other minerais.
e contains
up to 10 or 15 percent AI3+ which is balanced by replacing additional Si4+ by Al3+ in the tetrahedral sites
or by replacing (OH,F)- with 0 2 -. Fe3+ also isCQmmon and is usually balanced by replacing (OH,F)-
with 0 2 -. S
The primary compositional
variation in biotite is in the occupancy of the octa-
.hedral sites, and most biotite falls between
phlogopite* [K2Mg3AISi30 10(0H,Fh] and annite
oxygén in the hydroxyl ·sites are called
variety found in
metamorphosed iron formations th~t has substantial
Fe3+ in tetrahedral sites.
+ 1_0 .5Li1-i.sAl)(Si3-3.sA11-o.s)
0 10(0H,F)z] is a closely related mineral that is colorless to light brown in thin section and resembles
phlogopite but is found in Li-bearing pegmatites
which almost never contain phlogopite
used for certain varieties of trioctahedral brittle micas but the distinction between
clintonite and xanthophyllite is poorly defined. The
term clintonite is preferred for ali species.
used for the Mg end of this series chlorite
Fe end
applied to á large group of minerais whose· structure
consists of alternating T-0-T layers equivalent to
tale layers [Mg3Si4 0 10(0Hh] and octahedral interlayers equivalent to brucite sheets [Mg3 (0H)6].
clinochlore, pennine, prochlorite, and
chamosite. Others include sheridanite, ripidolite,
brunsvigite, diabantite, thuringite, corundophilite,
daphnite, diabantite, strigovite, klementite, delessite,
pseudothuringite, aphrosiderite, bavalite, and helminthe.
an alteration
product after plagioclase, or occasionally amphiboles and pyroxenes, may contain prehnite as well.as
albite and an epidote group mineral.
fine vermicular intergrowth of quartz and plagioclase usually found at contacts b~tween K-feldspar and plagioclase is called
intergrowths of quartz and feldspar in interstices in
volcanic and intrusive rocks is called
fibrous variety of cristobalite
yellowish brown, brown, or greenish material produced by hydrating basaltic glass.
light-colored equivalent produc~d by
hydrating rhyolitic glass.
barium feldspar
Piutonic rocks typically contain low
piagioclase and/or K-feidspar, whiie vokanic rocks
usually contain high piagioclase and/or alkaii-feldspar. HypabyssaI intrusives
e feidspars with
iI~termediate degrees of order.
intergrowths are found for bulk compositions between about An2 and An16,
and usually consist of alternating lamellae of An0
and An25 compositions.
found in the bulk composition range of about An47
to An58 , and apparently consists of lamellae of
- An45 and - An60
B0ggild intergrowths
for bulk compositions of about An67 to An9ci, and
apparently consist of lamellae of - An67 and - An95 .
Huttenlocher intergrowths
term given to sodic
plagioclase with exsolution blebs or lamellae of Kfeldspar.
albite contains alternating twin
lamellae somewhat like the pattern of squares on a
chessboard, except the units tend to be elongate and
lath shaped rather than square. It is interpreted to
be produced by replacing K-feldspar or more calcic
plagioclase with albite.
Exsolution blebs ·and lamellae of albite in microcline or orthoclase.
Exsolution blebs or lamellae of K~feldspar
in sodic plagioclase.
Submicroscopic exsolution lamellae of
one alkali feldspar in another
rims of sodic plag around a phenoccryst of k felds
rims of k felds on crystals of plagioclase
intergrowth of qtz and feldspar that occurs in interstices between grains in shallow intrusive rocks usually of granitic compostion the qtz forms small vermicular grains or blbs may from a cuniform pattern
Intergrowth of quartz in Kfeldspar crystals. The quartz forms stnall, more or less
angular (i.e., cuniform) grains that are usually optically continuous over the entire K-feldspar crystal.
Common in pegmatites and granitic rocks.
Graphic and Micrographic
intergrowth of plag and qtz often found at k felds plag contacts
Sol-occupies half
of the anion sites, with the remainder vacant, and
more Ca may be present than in sodalite.
differs from nosean in that it contains substantial Ca,
which is balanced by filling more of the anion sites
with Sol-
variety of sodalite containing significant amounts of s2 - substituting for
considered a variety of
haüyne containing substantial amounts of. c1- and
s2 - instead of sol-
dehydrated variety that éontains 3!H20, rather than
4H20. Dehydration may occur on exposure to air.
fine-grained greenish or yellowish aggregate of chlorite, muscovite, and other silicates.
most of the crystals are anhedral
crystals are subhedral
curved partially concentric cracks due to shrinkage of the cooling glass
perlitic structure
refers to a amass of sanidine laths in subparallel alignments like a school of minnows
trachytic structure
phenocrysts are gathered in clusters
describes a situation where there is a continuous range in grain size of one or more mineral species from that of phenocrysts to groundmass size, and in which crystals of progressively smaller sizes are increasingly numerous.
seriate texture
submarine volcanism produced lavas mafic ang sodarich basaltic types in wc lava exhibits the appearance of a pile of small ellipsoidal or pillow masses
constructed by fissure eruptions
DECCAN plateau of western india
11k ft above sea level base 30 mi in dimater
mount etna of sicily
vent in colorado
cripple creek
other term of subhedral granular
surrounded by a belt marked by intricate swriling of foliation planes structureless core of many plutonic bodies
colville granodiorite batholith of washington state
due to shrinkage during freezing of the magma granites sparsely scattered angular cavities
hazy ill defined dark streaks in grnitic rocks result from incomplete mixing of assimilated fragemtns of foreign origin some may result of segregation and late movement of the magma
relic inclusions in a crystalline rock
skialith metamorphic
occur as ball like segregations consisting of concentric shells of different mineral compostion and texture
examples of parallel dike systems
teanaway dike swarm of central washington
argyll mull inverness of west scotland
examples of radial dike swarms found in
cheviot hills scotland the crazy mountains montana and spanish peak colorado
thick sheet showing gravity stratification
wichita mountains igneous complex
curved lenticular masses injected along and concordant with arches and troughs of folded strata
phacoliths (lens rocks)
saddle shaped laccoliths
consequence of folding
duluth lopolith in minnesota
sudbury intrusion in ontario
bushveld complex south africa
al2o3>na2o+k2o+cao muscovite biotite corundum topaz tourmaline or fe-mn garnet highly siliceous plutonic rocks
peraluminian rocks
na2o+k2o<al2o3<na2o+k2o+cao hornblende epidote or melilite formed at low temp in the presence of water
metaluminian rocks
epheline syenite pegmatites amphibole
based on known principles of miernal crytsallization in magmas
actual mineral composition of a rock expressed in weight or in volume percentage
relating to a fine-grained igneous rock usually formed at a moderate distance below the surface.
fAVORED BY higher pressure or lower temperature
microcline orthoclase perthite muscovite and cancrinite or pairs such as nepheline-orthiclase and augite-hypersthene
less than 30% mafics
30-60% mafics
more than 90%
hypermelanic rocks
index less than 10
higher than 70
what type of essential mineral is found in trachyte
feldspar are alkalic quartz is 10%
quartz is less than 10%
syenite rather granite
rare volatile elements
lepidolite spodumene tourmaline amblygonite beryl topaz
sugary saccharoidal equigranular fine to medium grained contain mafic minerals
aplitic texture
glassy rhyloites with a pithclike rather than glassy luster
devritified glass with concentric or perlitic cracks and pearl luster
ranular composed of feldspars but without feldspathoids rock is intermediated or mafic
syenite diorite gabbro or anorthosite
presence of these minerals indicates andesite since these are assoc with sodic plag
hornblende biotite
rocks that compose the high Sierra Nevada of California
alkalic felds and plag occur in equal amounts also called qtz monzonite
graphic granites and granophyres are charac texture is
cuneiform intergrowth of quartz and alkalic feldspar microcline perthite, microcline, or orthocalse
in granites, phenocrysts if alkalic felds are encased by mantles of sodic plagiolcase result from simultaneous crystallization of alkalic feldspar and sodic plag influence of volatiles
rapakivi texture
volatile action
these minerals are most common in highly siliceous granites altered by volatile action an in aplites and pegmatites
muscovite and lithian micas
anorthoclase is present in sodic amphiboles such as
hastingsite riebevkite arfvedsonite
contains abundant mircoperthite and sodic orthoclase
conway granite of new hamshire
granites contain biotite accom by hornblende or augite
metaluminian granites
granites contain micas
peraluminian granites
minerals are ortho and clinopyroxenes and small amount 0olivine silicic end member of charnockite series
charac nby amphibole pyroxene rich in soda and iron much anorthoclase and sodic plag
peralkalic granites
wichita mountains and quincy granite are examples
coarse aegirite-riebeckite granite of the atlantic island rockall known as
well known riebeckite microgranite represents the fine grained type texture resembles rhyolites
later formation larger crystals embedded on grains of feldspars and qtz
formed at the expense of feldspar
sunburst of tourmaline
aggregate made up of tourmaline and quartz
schorl rock
process of alteration due to the action of volatiles occur near the margins of granite plutons and they form bands or vein like bodies
KLiFeAlO₁₀(OH, F)₂, potassium lithium iron aluminium silicate hydroxide fluoride is a silicate mineral in the mica group
largest plutonic body in the world
coast range batholith of british columbia
convert carbonates to silicates
diopside wollastonite grossulariote
granite with few or no mafic minerlas
intrusive igneous rock found in few places in the world. It is unique in having low silica, feldspathoid minerals, and large blocky crystals of black augite.
dislodgment of comparatively small pieces of the roof rock either singly or in one or more showers called
piecemeal stoping
differs from piecemeal stoping only in the size of the blocks
cauldron subsidence
may produce either a ring dike or a stock depending upon the amount of sinking of the central block and upon the depth of erosion
underground cauldron subsidence
forceful injection of magmas
hans cloos
other term for metasomatic replacement a group of processes whereby solid rocks are changed into rocks of granitic composition and texture w/o passing through a magmatic stage
convert pure quartz to granite
potash, laumina, soda, lesser amounts of lime iron and magnesia
convert slate into grantie
remove alumina magnesia iron and water and add silica potash and soda
hornblende-feldspar meta rock
inyo batholith of california nevada mesozoic age roof of facies of a major batholith developed in place by recrystallization and replacement of both sed and igneous rocks
pellisier granite facies
vague remnant of country rock in granite, obscured by the process of granitization.
metasomatic replacement that may take place during a period of deformationd is calle?
syntectonic granitization also called synorogenic or synkinematic granitization
replacement that occurs w/o any cintemporaneous deformation
static granitization
taken as extending from the surface to a depth of 4 mi. epth commonly of 4 mi with occasional extnsion to 6 mi seems a reasonable estimate for the base of the and the tmep is 250
temp of mesozone
250-350 top og 500 base 600-700 apil na guro nis katazone
late cretaceous southern california batholith plutons of tertiary age
late jurassic and early cretaceous
earlier members of the largest batholiths
phenocrysts of plagiolcase are in excess of quartz are in excess of quartz the rock is
phenocrysts are of quartz and orthoclase the rocks is refers to the frequent occurrence of flow banded or floe structure of these rocks
a rock with phenocrysts of qtz riebeckite and sanidine in a dine grained groundmass taht is often micropgematitic
term for sodic rhyolite often in assoc with silitic lavas
quart keratophyre
distinguished bu the presence of anothoclase with aegerite-augite and alkalic amphibole cossyrite
which mountain does dacite got its name from?
carpathian mountains
what is th egrooundmass of dacite?
glassy and felsitic
synonyms with quartz latite produced by the reaction of magma with crystals of pyroxene and plagioclase
consists of sodic plag
composde of alkalic felds
rich in soda for their most charac feldspathoid minerals are nepheline analcite and sodalite
alkalic syenites
equal amounts of alkalic felds and plags
reflected by the presence of such iminerals as albite sodic orthoclase perthite anorthoclase sodic amphiboles and sodic pyroxenes
richness in soda
cahrac pyroxene of most diorites
diopsidic pyroxene
most dominat accessosires are biotite and hornblende
monzonite and syenite
what is augite syenite
found as marginal facies of larger granite plutons or as small stocks dikes sills
middle members of an eruptive series wc begins with mafic lava continues with monzonite
alkalic syenite syenite in wc feldspathoids and alkalic feldspars are present
what does albite rich syenites represents?
formed dikelets and streaks occur as discrete intrusive bodies
analcite syenites
alkalic syenites the qtz bearing type or simple qtz syenite is
slight deficienxcy of silica a little nepheline and sodalite may present
increasing content of plag pluaskite grades into
larvikite has blue anorthoclase
transitonal facies between syenire and pyroxeneite and it probaably originates by local enrichments of alkalic felds with pyroxene crystals alkalic syenites and alkalic porphyritis syenite emplaced at shallow depths contain sanidine isntead of orthoclase
considered as normal migmatites resulting from injection and replacemtn by nepheline pegmatitic fluids
nepheline gneisses
where is uralitic hornblende derived from?
andesites are derived to this alteration and is produced by hot hydrous deuteric solutions rich in co2
paicific side of the andesite line
volcanic rocks are basaltic
pacific basin or the intra pacific area
other term for latites
related to rocks are fine grained volcanic and hypbyssal equivalents of syenite all are porphyritic with sanidine alkali felds and mafic as the phenocrysts
charac by nepheline or leucite corres to nepheline syenite or leucite syenite
increase in the amount of palgiooclase lucite phonolite grades into
leucite tephrite if no olivine but with its baasanites
disappearance of all feldspars they pass into contain leucite and sodic pyroxene
gabbros in wc hypersthene predominates over cpx are
olivine and calcic plagioclase are the chief constituent minerals
reduction of all mafic minerals gabro passess as
parallelism of tabular minerlas chiefly plag
igneous lamination
reversals of the sequence are common and have been seen in adjacent bands
rhytmic banding
progressive upward change in mineral composition has been
cryptic banding
german name fro troctolite
if less than 10% yung quartz
quartz bearing
are feldspathoildal gabbros of extremely variable composition and texture same amoun of alkalic felds but the other one has more plag than the other
essexites and theralites
essexitesabundance of sodic felds such as nepheline sodalite hauynute and noselite characterizes
type of theralites in wc analcite takes place of nepheline is calledteschenite
type of nepheline rich alkalic gabbro consists of nepheline and sodic pyroxene
with increasing amount of nepheline the rock turns into
feldspathoidal gabbro containing abundant leucite coarse grained equivalent of olivine leucite basalt
extremely variable rocks aegirite augite makes up about half the volume nepheline and orthoclase are 20%
prdduced by hot residula magmatic solutions acting upon their own precipitates
hydrothermal solutions contain carbonate
permeation by liquids and vapors of the intrusions of the nearbly granitic melt through grabbroic rocks
one of the largest intrusive bodies of olivine gabbro is and has a great mass of rock varies from normal gabbro and anorthosite to olivine gabbro troctolite and periodote
duluth minnesota
upturned stratiform lopolith with an outcrop 30 mi long and and exposed thickness of 18,000 ft
stillwater complex pof montana
what rocks does table mountain contain?
olivine gabbro anorthositic gabbro and bytownite peridotite bronzite dunite and bronzite peridotite
the worlds most spectacular igneous assemblage with gabbro anorthosite norite oyroxenites and chromite rich
bushveld precambrian complex of the transvaal sout africa
olivine free
basalts of glass found in chilled borders and are easily melted and nearly anhydous
contain water absorbed while cooled rapidly by discharge into water or under ice
widespread and voluminous among rocks formed in eugeosynmnclines
spilitic diabase
sodar rich basalts in wc albite or oligoclase is rthe fleds
charac by more than 10% of k felds such as sanidine orthoclase and anorthoclase accom by augite and sub calcic plag
basalts very rich in olivine
oceanites or picrite basalts
mica peridppotite dunite and the olivine is altered to serpentine
what are the ultramafic rocks monomineralic
hornblendite pyroxenite dipsidedite diallagite bronzitiite
felspathoidla ultramafic rock a melilite pyroxenite is an intersting variety of variable texture
felspathoidal ultramafic rock wc is composed chiefly of aegirite-augite and nepheline member of inolite
what is the ijolite series
melteigite and jacupirangite
less thna 30
indices between 30 and 70 are
produced by desilication of basic magma in contact with calcareous esdiments
feldspathoidal ultramfic
residual solutions provided by the peridotite magma alon and the alteration is stewed in its own juice
light colored dike rocks with fine even grain and anhedral sugary or saccahroidal
composition of pegmatites
quartz, feldpspars, and micas
type of lamprophyres resultd from crystallization and reaction of early crysta;slized minerals
concentrated aloong streaky bands by the moving streams of lava and so constituture a primary flow sturcutre and are crowded with embryonic crystal;s
high water content 6-10 percent
what i she core similar in compostion?
pallasite meteroite
last residual liquids in a crystal mush are pressed out to form a separate body of differentiated fraction in the magma chamber ot to migrate into cracks cutting wall rock
enrichment of the resdidual liquid in volatiles and hence to alter formation of hydroxyl bearing minerals
small portion of volatiles
hyperfusible or fugitive
stages of mamga consolidation
orthomagmatic stage
pegmetitic stage
hydrothermal stage
boundary curve of dipside and anorthite and albite
reaction curve or a cotectoiv line
if only 3 % left of diopside the rock is albite-diopside and the rock is called
but if the melt was separated at an earlier stage yield a
amount of silica added to femic and feldspathoiidal minerals is called
silica deficiency
Na2O and K2O equal that of CaO when the DiO perecntage exceeds 61
if the sio2 percentage lies between 56-61
between 51-56
less than 51
basalt trachyte phonolite
alkalic series
baslt andesite dacite and rhyolite
calk alkalic
examples of atlantic rocks
alkalic granites, syenite, nepheine syenites, essexites, therealites and picrites and are classified alkalic
what are pacific types?
granites tonalites gabbros norites and peridotites and are classified calc alkalic affinitiescharac by potash rich suitesmediterranean type
differentiation and modification in geosyncline
consists of 2layer structure one of the sio4 and one of the aluminum hydroxyl
3 layer structure has two basic sheets of sio4o10 arranged as layers wiith the unshared oxygens directed toward one another sheets are held together by the aluminum hydroxyl units fitted into position so that each aluminum is surrounded by 4 oxygens an d 2 hydroxyl
also known as hydromica like montromillite but exception that k ions occupy the position of water between lattice layers is a clay size muscoite
an aggreagte of sharply angular grains
aggregate of well rounded grains
a quartzose sandstone consisting of angular grains cemented with authigenic siliceous materials
consists of interlocking crystals so molded to each other that there is no visible intergranular porsoity may bae likened to a mosaic and is referred as
crystalline granular
partial recrystallization of the original precipitate is induced by increased temperature adn pressure resulting from deep burial resulting rtexture of these rocks may display
crystalloblastic texture
preserved from a previous condition of a rock as in a recrystallized rock wc still retains in wc the original fragmental charac is in [art preserved
relic fabric
result of solution on some buried surface along ec soluble material is removed
particles are clay size or colloid siez non crystalline massive chert lime mud amorphous limestone
size of oolitic
fine equigranular
indiv layer of rock 1cm or greater in thickness separated from strar above and below by a distinct change in lithology or physical break
less than 1cm in thickness
found in widespread and thinner sandstones and is indicative of shallow water conditions of deposition
current bedding
angle of repose of sand is greater in?
air than inw ater
lower bounding surfaces of sets are noerosional surfaces
simple cross stratification
lower bouding surfaces of sets are planar surfaces of erosion
planar cross stratifivatcationthe lower bounding surfaces of sets are curved surfaces of erosion trough cross stratification
take place at angles of less than 5 degrees
present in or at the surface or some nodules and chert beds but are abundant in limestones and dolomites
refers to rounded bodies of inorganic origin consisting of silica calcite sulfide variety of other minerlas
concretion more resitant o weathering thean their closing rocks
are concretions of shaly compostion charac by the presence of irregular internal tension crcks as a result o dehydration of material in a colloidal state
type of shear structure produce d by the development of irregular cone shaped columns
cone in conehollow spherical bodies typically lined with inwardly projecting qtz and other crystals found in limestone and other sediments and appear to have grown by expansiongeodes
have a ratio of width to thickness greater than 1000
ratio 50:1 and 1000:1
ratio width to 5:1 and 50:1
prismsratio of width thickness5:1 and as small as 1:1
wind blown
glacial tills and tectonic breccias
residual deposits
what are the 3 sedimentary facies?
facies of the stable continentlas shelves and platforms charac by mature sandstones and limestones
facies of the geosynclinal belts represented by graywackes
post orogenic facis accumulated arkoses
corresponsing to geosynclinal graywacke facies
corresponding to the postorogenic arkosic faices
mollaseswhere does basal conglomerate and fanconglomerate belongs to?
what are miscellaneous
terra rossa
dripstone or cave onyx
developed on the planes of low angle thrust fauls
mylonite breccias
what are the accessory minerals of quartzose sandstones
tourmaline, garnet, zircon, and rutile
authigenic minerla in many marine sandstone
eseentially a hydrous silicate of iron and potassium mineral and occurs as clastic green pellets sorted with quartz grains
glauconiteglauconite-quartz sandsotne
form 45% of all sandstones
grayeacke and subgraywacke
rewpresent wached graywacke and other charac are coal basin
wahat does the arkose reuires in depostion?
high relief and vigorous erosion of granitic and other feldspathic rocks and rarkoses are consequently continental or neritic depostis formed in an oxidizing environment in proximity
charac by graded characted absence of chemical cement mineralogical and textural immaturity assoc with bedded chert and pillowed lavas and general confinement to geosynclinal troughs
lamianted cross bedded and fairly well sorted derived mainly from sedimentary and low grade metamorphic terrances accumulate along with coal beds on flood plains or indeltas in the coastal plains or in closely assoc marine environmentsparalian sedimentation
old teutonic word used for lamianted clayey rocks and are laminated and thinly bedded fine grained clastic rocks containing silt and clay including many particles less than 1 or 2 microns in diamter
50% silt, 35% clay minerals and 15% chemical and authigenic materials
increasing content of siliceous or calcareous matter decreases the
fissility of a shale
shales in organic matter are
composed of mainly clear rounded detrital quartz grains or amorphous silica sin silt size
siliceous shale
charac by feldspar content greater than 105 in the silt size and subangular to rounded quartz grains in common
arkosic shale
consists of a variety of silty minerals feldpsar is usually abundant in the silt and may exceed quartz
chloritic shale
mixed type of shale
marls and calcareous mudstone
smarl richer in clay may be beter called
calcareous shaledand amrls having less than25% clay are argillaceous limestones
high content of silica since the average has 58% silica only presence of amorphous silica or volcanic glass
siliceous shales
formed in shallow marine water in wc reducing conditions prevail and oragnic matter takes part of the formation
black shales
mg of mafic igneous rocks remains in the waethering zone and hthe clay produced is illite may form
rock is leached mg is rmremoved and reh weathering will be chloritic mica appears to develop here
abundance of mica chlorite and lcay
mixtures of lime carbonate and lcya of marl
marlites or marlstones
lessfissile than shale genrally have a gray to bluish gray color marked by a blocky subconchoidal fracture
argillaceous sediments pass into
silicaous shales or porcelanites and chert
time of widespread cylic depostion on a penplaned surface
peneplanation stage
charac by depostion during subsidence interrupted by buckling and marginal upwardping wc shift earlier sedimetns to new areas in the geosyncline
geosynclinal stage
where are red soils formed?
temperatures 60 and annual rainfall above 40 in
restricted extent
buohermal limestonesextended character
limestonesextended character
reel limestone form an important tpye of oragnice limestone are mound shaped structures formed under condtions of prolific life or restricted extenr porouse massive dolomite grade into better stratified biocalstic
massive core of a bioherm remains as a prominent knob or hill
authoctonous limestones are of extended charac or essentially thin sheets of relatively unbroken organic material mostly stratiform and interbedded with other kinds of shales amrls limestones or sadnstones
well sorted clastic limestone contaiing 50% or more sand sized carbonate detritus
fossil debris predominates rock is termed a
calcarenites consist largely of sand grains or lithic fragments the rock is
lithic arenite
containe secondary calcite veinlets and solution cavities difficulat to decide wherther clastic or biochemical processes
normal marine limestones
aphanitic to finely crystalline remarklaby uniform aphanitic texture
lithographic limestone
usually thin dark siliceous types rare;y thick normal or fossiliferous marine types
geosynclinal limestones
dolomitic limestones
how many percent is the french chalk
90-98% cabonate
how much percent is the kansas chlak carbonatae content?
best known chlak age
cretaceous age L.cretacus fr. creta chalkwhere is that exposed in cliffs onb both sides
calareous sinter precipitaed of calcite as teh result of evaporating of springs streams and ground water dense and thinly and crinkly banded
travertine and tufa
travertine ng last part then tufa is porous to cellular containing platremains and impressions
calcitic crust produced on or near groun surface of some semiarid arregions by evaporation of ground water drawn upward under capillary action
occurs as unifromly bedded deposits with mosaics of interlocking anhedral grains or with large well shaped crystals thath are set in mosaic of fine grained base
anhydriteaggregates occur in uneven masses or in beds with distubed bedding owing to expansion during jhydration
light colored porous aggregate consisting chiefly of fine grained silica residue of partly silicated carbonate rocks from wc the carboante was leached
very tough even grained chert consisting of cryptocrystalline and microgranular quartz
term widely applied to impure opaline chert having the texture and luster of unglazed porcelain
minute unicellular aquatic plants wc have bivalved siliceous shells in the shape of boats cresecents discs needles and otther forms
diatomsland plants that secrete small silica
rank of lignite and anthracite respectively
10% or more 15% fe2o3 correspoond to 21.3% fe2o3 or 19.4%feo
ferruginous sed rocks
iron silicate rocks
glauconite and chamosite
hydrous potassium-aluminum siilcate containing ferric and ferrous iron and a little magnesium formed by authigenesis and is typical sed mineral forms under slow sedimentation in restricted marine nevironments in reducing conditions
a quartzose sediment made up largely of glauconite pleletes
glauconitic sandstone or greensand
iron rich chlorite an sed iron ore
consiist of fine grained aggregate of green cryptocrystalline
chamosite ironstones
ferruginous limestone ec has part of its calcareous structure and fossil fragments replaced by hematite or siderite typical brown or reddish sed rocks
iron carbonate rock
pyrite occurs a s an authigenic mineral in
sapropelic deposits
how much iron does average shale contian?
what is sea aturated from?
tricalcium phosphate
sapropelic deposits wiht considerable quantities of inorganic sediments one has organic matter largely of terrestrial origin and composde of carbohydrate cellulosic and ligneous materials and other has organic matter largely of aquatic origin and composed of pores algae and other fatyy waxy resinous materials deposited in the open sea
black shales
carbonaceous shales that distillation yield parafins and olefins known as kerogen organic matter is plant debris such as spores cutivle fragments pollen grains algal renmins an macerated shreds
oil shales
richest oil shales
kerosene oil shale of new south wales of australia bogheads composed of colnies of the alga reinchia australis
contains 50% by weight and more than 70% ovolume of carbonaceous material formed from compaction or induration or variously altered plant remains similar to those of peat deposits
hard black lead grau in color and consists of cuticles spores and substances foremd inw ater less toxic than for vitrain
thin bands in coal charac by bright color and silky luster composed of transulcent attritus consisting of finely divided resistant plant products
lool like a compressed tocacco
consists of woody mater embedded in decomposed vegetable matter often banded and jointed bec of high moisture content it disintegrates after drying in the air
ignites readily and burns with a smoky yellow flme
buitumunous coal
special kind of lusterless bituminous coal that breaks with a splintery fracture and is made up of windblown pollen and spores
cannel coal
burns with a short bluish flame
thickness of coal
100 ft but range between 2 nd 10 ft and the pittsburgh seam i npennyslvania has an areal extent of 15,000 sq.mi
devevlops under marine submergence and emergence
charac by dominant continental clastic sediments very subordinate marine sediments and thin beds cof coal
piedmont type
ideal cyclothem represents the maximum alternation of submergence and emergence contains equal representation of marin and continental depostis
deltaic type
areas peripherl to the continental platform charac by intense terrestrial alluviation
paralic sedimentaion
include shallow temporary marine embayments in wc chemical or oragnic sediments are predominant over clastics
areas of epicontinteal sedimentaion
how many plant species in the carboniferous coakl beds
kwhat were the plants before?
lycopods ferns and flowering plants with conifers
marked by thick and heterogeneous assemblage of sediments now mainly exposed in the great mountain chains of the world
areas of geosynclinal sedimentation
applies to the broad central part of continents between geosynclinal belts
refer to ovate negative areas within the craton proper and geosynclines
defined as any areally restricted part of a designated stratigraphic unit which exhibits characters significantly differenct from those others opart of the unit
sedimentary facies
charac by low temperature and near absence of oragnic act
glacial environment
what are the deposits laid on desert environments
cobble and pebbles in fanglomerate at the base of steep slopes aeolian sand in dunes and fine grained depostis together with evaporites
confined to topographic depressions that are poorly drained and contain stagnant water inwc vegetable material may accumulate as peat
law moor bogs
present only in cold regions develop in flat or genly rolling terrane vegetation accumulates as a spongy mass saturated with water
high moor bogs
movement of lake waters from bottom to surface a phenomenon known as
overturn assurres a supply of oxygen to the lower lake water and favors development of organic matter
example of deltaic accumulations
cehmung catskil detla devonian of the applacahina region
shore extending from the region of high tide to that of low tide is referred to as
littoral environment
contains a brackish water fauna with plant remains and carbonaceous flakes vertical sequences of lense shaped silt clay organic muds and sands
lagoon shale
reaction between the H and OH ions of water and the elements of a mineral or rock
what are the elements with low ionic potential that remain in solution during the process of transportaion
Cs, K, Na,,Ca, Mg
concentration is greater than that of pure water at the same temperature solution is said to be with ph scale 10
what is the pH of most springs ground water and rain water?
nearly neutral and below a ph of 5
water in acid bogs
run below in 2 pH
water in the ocean is on the
alklaine side at 8 in pH
water in alkaline lakes r soils
ph of water in river and saturated solution of co2 and caco3
neutral 7
occurs whrn one of its costituent atoms loses an electron is commonly used to charac those reactions in wc the element oxygen combines or reacts with some other cehmical substance
what is the ferric state of a silicate
ferrous state as a silicate
boundary defined by the presence of a particular mineral on one side and ist absence on the other
geochemical efnce
limestone fence
early marine diagenesis has been referred to as submarine weathering or
refers to a combination of cementation and interlocking of grains by pressure
suggest that solution has occcurred under pressure
minerals that have great mineral persistence stbale and heavy minerals
zircon, rutile, tourmaline and garnet
least stable high temperature
olivine hypersthene dipside and actinolite
what does silication of limestone produces?
chert nodules
replacement of original minerals by various authigenic minerals w/o volume change is a form of low temp
deposits that accumulated in the marine geosyncline or foredeep preceding the main pulse of alpine orogeny termed
flysch facies
coarser deposits laid down in lowlands in front of the alpine range during and after its elevation are called
molasse facies
consist of largely of alternating layers of argillaceous and calcareous sandstone dark silty shale and impure limestone sequnce is thin bedded and sparsely fossiliferous
includes bboth cintinental and shallow marine deposits consists largely of conglomeratic sandstone and feldspathic to calcareous sandstones sparsely fossiliferous
what is the order of the normal geosynclinal cycle
euxinic dark shales
deep water flysch sands and shales
shallow water molasses sands and shales
preorogenic clastics and carbonates
in one particular direction one of the most powerful factors influencing the fabric of metamorphic rocks
shearing stress or differential pressure
solution takes place at points of greatest pressure in a crystal with concurrent precipitation at the area of least pressure
rieckes principle
operting equally i all directions largely determined by depth change in volume and results in the formation of granular by depth
confining pressure or hydrostatic pressure
introduction or removal of material is through the media of vapors and gas
pneumatolytic metamorphism but when through liquid quartz feldspathic materia is is injection metamorphism and the production of scapolites in limestones i sude to the pneumatolytic action of chlorides
deformational stress during metamorphism
meta rock wc originates byt deformation at low temperature of rock prev metamorphosed at high temperature
cahrac by strong shearing stress and generally low temperature conditions
environment where considerable temperature and probounce directed pressure prevail
lower charac by high temperature and pressure bur deforemation lacking
katazone which was extebnded and included the innermost zone of contact aureoles
increasing metamorphic grade
brown biotite
stress minerals are those whose fields of stability on a pressure temperature diagram are extended by introduction of nonhydroustatic stress
staurolite and garnet
antistress minerals fields of stability are reduced under similar conditions
andalusite and cordierite feldspathoids
lowest grade of metamorphism only garnet found is
manganese spessartite
formed by thermal metamorphism of magnesian limestone also as a charac mineral of high temperature and deep seated metamorphism
ottrelite and often n fanc shped or sheaf like groups in schists of low grade meta
occrus with kyanite often in parallel growths
corresponds in its water free part to anorthite along with pumpellyite possibly a hydrated clinozoisite
corresponding iron free zoisite common in rocks of lower stages of regional metamorphism
found in thermally metamorphosed calcareous rocks
found in contact zone with garnet found ingthermanlly metamorphosed magnesian limestone
cuspidine and tilleyite
formed very early at low temperature during regional metamorphism presence of this miranl indicates permeation of born by magmatic solutions of gases or points to the inita; adsoption of boron from sea water by parent silica gel precipitated on the sea floor in siliceous rocks or indicates that the boron was trapped in marine muds
tabular in crystal habit cleavable massive to occurs as a contact mienral in crystalline limestones and is often assoc with garnet diopside fribeoyus
occurs as lime and mg rich schistrs of low grade metamorphism
charac of rocks known as charnockite series
blongs to the brittle mica occurs nin chlorite schists common assoc wihth corundum and is in some cases formed from it
stronly magnesian or mafic minerals
forsterite serpentine chlorite talc anthophyllite chondrodite tremolite actinolite brucite periclase
stronly calcic minerals
groussularite vesuvianite scapolite wollastonite larnite rankinite merwinire zoisite epidote group
suffix or prefix in nomenclature of met fabrics to distinguish them from superficially metamorphic fabrics to disstinguish from igneous fabrics
poorly developed in recystallized metamorphic minerals and the fabruc may be
what are rocks composed of augen
feldsopars or mixtures of felds and qtz granulated gneiss
texture denotes a porphyroblast containing inclusions of ther minerals
have been inherited from the porphyritic charac of the parent rock of igneous oigneous origin
relict diabsaic fabric
inherited from the premetamorphic parent rocks
palimpsest or relict textures
generated tbhrust fault cause fusion of mineral particles and a glassy texture appears
flinty rock and pseudotachylite
abundant in hornfels and arranged in waht is knowas aas decusfelses fabric
mica and chlorite flakes develope incipient foliation
granoblastic fabric
developed largely in rocks with granoblastic minerals suchaas qtz feldspar pyroxene garnet calcite dolomite all of wc are equidimensional
what are the porphyroblasts that are not magmatic in origin
garnet staurolite plag and biotite
results from parallelism or subparaleleism of tabular flasky and linear minerals
fabriscs odmiated by prismatic and tabular
nematoblastic and lepidoblastic
due to the injection of granitic material into the folia of such metamorphic rocks as amphibolites and schists
very high temperature low pressure occurence as xenoliths in volcanic rocks indicates pyrometamorphic conditions or as hornfelses in contact with volcanic necks critical minerlas are sanidine tridymite pigoenite usual lime silklicates such as larnite cas2sio4 rankinite and merwinitee
sanidinite faices
high temperaure moderate pressure pyroxene hornefels formed at shallow depth by contact meta
pyrocxene hornfels
most abundant regionally metamorphose hornblende plag combi high temp limit marked by the presence of diopside and hypersthene in place of hornblende low temp limit sis indicated by plag compo the less the anorthite compo of plag the lower the grade
amphibolite facies
moderate temp and pressure rocks formed at regional quartz albite epidote hornblende anorhtite converted to zoisite and epidote albite predominatn plag intermmediate between greenschistt and amphibolite
albite epidote amphibolite facies
muscovite chlorite qtz and albite epidote qtz
greenschist facies
basence of hydorus minerasl indicate dry envi hypersthene almandine qtz orthoclase plag sillimanite kyanite hydorus biotite hornblende wollastonie grossulalite
granulite facies
charac by omphacite intermediate of pyroxene between dipside and jadeite garnets such as pyrope almandine and rutile
firmly indurated and are so similar to shales that field study is necessary
developed largely in trocks composed of equidimensional minerals such as qtz felds calcite
foine graiend shicstose show segragation banding shistosity planrse have a satiny luster from the abundant muscovite and chlorite
even grained granoblastic meta rocks formed not schistose such foliation is present is due to parallel orienttaion of falt lenses composed of qtz felds hyperthene and garnet
prducts of regional meta aor pluto meta at extreme pressure and high temp confined to precambrian chield areas include hyperthen bearing granitic rocks and related ineredmediagte mafic varieties and eclo is dense composed of mainly omphaicte pyrope almandine ruitlile
charnockite and eclogite
charac by glaucophane crossire pumpellyite and laswonite soda bearing pyroxenes garnet and trutile regarded as metasomatic
glaucophane shisct
load pressure of contact and regiuonalal metamotrphism
what are the prefixes used when the metamorphsosed rock is still recognizable from orignal?
refers to the crush breccia or conglomerate of lens shaped megascopic particles with relicts of primary feautures
brecciated micaceous sandstones
schistose grits
fabric is gneissois and primary origin
protclastic gneisses
contraction of phyllite and mylonite are fine grained highly foliated rocks whose fine texture results from the brecciation of coarser grained rocks whose fine texture results from the brecciation of coarser grained rocks and whose foliation in most cases results from closely spaced shear planes
formed by contact metamorphism of argillaceous and similar rocks occur in contact aureoles bordering bodies of plutonic rocks and grade peripherally into less altered rocks known as
consists of mosaic of unoriented mineral grians and their texture is termed
dark massive fine grained rocks consisting of andalusite or cordierite or both
pelitic hornfels
light colored rocks and the texture is charac by a aocmbination of granoblastic and porphyroblastic fabric
calc silicate hornfels
calc silicate are composde of lime bearings silicates such as
calcic plag, calcite, vesuvianite, owollastonite, scapolite, and epidote group
chemically equivalents of hornfels but appear in the outer parts of aureoles developed in slates phyllites and hornfels
spotted slates and spotted hornfels
is a special kind of low grade micaceous quartzite that is flexible in thin slabs
with the more introduction of fedspar quartzite may grade into
granitic gneiss
micaceous quartzite may grade into coarse grained thick bedded
conglomeratic varieties
what is the other term for serpentine marbles
ophicalcite wherein large xenoblastic grains of calcite are set in a matrix of serpentine pseudomorphs after forsterite other ophilcalcite contain conspicuous and numerous thin concentric shells of alternating serpentine and calcite
used to be referred to the coarse grained iron silicates masses occurring as well defined zones at the junction between marbles and plutonic rocks
applied to a rock composed of ore mienral and silicates and formed by thermal meta of carbonate rocks tend to be xenoblatic and coarse grained
where i sslate represented in the greenschist facies of chlorite zone?
zone of regional metamorphism
in phyllites are noticeable and they impart a satiny luster to the surface of schistosity
micas and chlorite
formed by low grade regional metamorphism of argillaceous rocks includede in the chlorite zone of regional metamorphism and are formed under the metamorphic environmetns of greenschists facies
3 mineralogical types of phyllies
sericite phyllites
chlorite phyllites
sericite chlorite phyllites
initial stages of metamorphism are expressed by granualtion of mienrals in parent rocks forming
formed by low grade mtp medium grade regional metamorphism of pelitic sediments schistose rockse
muscovite schists
green chromian muscovite
formed by regional metamorphism from pellitic sedimetns such as claystone shales and argillites of varying compostion
biotite schists
derived from impure carbonate rocks by regional meta
calc schists
examples of ferruginous rocks
jaspilites hematitre schists
quartz is not coated and coarse grained the rocks are called
hematite or specularite schists or hematite quartzite
commonly banded but may have a fragmental texture banding is very fine to coarse or even crenulated
refers to hydrouos iron silicate rocks containing fine grained qtz chert greenalite minnesotaite stilpnomelane banded or very finely laminated
special kind of bvanded specularite quartzite
brazil itabirites
schists derived from rfrom mfrom igenous rocks tend to berich in
lawsonite and glaucophane
markedly foliated although rthe regularty of the foliation tends to be interrupted by the presence of large porphyroblasts
pelitic schists
usually medium to coarse grained and crudely foliated show banding with bio coarse grained that they may be aprop termed gneisses
cordierite bearing schists
contain 5-10% of graphite qand is formed by the medium to high grade regional metamorphism of carbonaceous pelitic sedimetns such as black shales and organic shales
graphitic schists
refers to coarse grained garnet rich qtz plag schists or gneisses
igneous material penetrates and separates the foliated rocks into quartzofeldspathic bands alternating with latyers of mafic minerlas
lit par lit injection
rock of mixed origin has been variously called
injection gneiss
permeation gneiss
composite gneiss
great uniformity with the horblendic bands and less unifromity
para amphibolite represent mafic tuffaceous sediments dolomitic graywackes and dolomitic shales
paraamphibolite vs orthoamphibolite
well structura;;y cponfromable sheets and alyers while plug shaped bodies lacking mineral orientation are probably for ortho
quartzofeldspathic or pyrocene bearing
hypersthen granite hypersthene qtz felds rock crystallizedunder deep seated metamorphism of qtzofeldspathic rocks represent a series of tight isoclinal folds or lenses plunging gently to the foliation of the anorthosites
considered cyntectonic lenses
norite and related pyroxenirtic layers
rock c0omposed of a grass green pyroxene called omphacite and pink garnets which ais considered as member of jadeite and diopside
otherm term for injection granites
less recrystallized argillaceous rocks deveopled in the outer parts of contact aureoles are known
spotted shales wherein spotted by micaceous chloritic patches or cordierite and andalusite porphyroblasts
mica family and humnite group
colloidal decompostion products
hydrous aluminum sikicates ironnoxides and sikca
thermal meta of various types of argillaceous produces
hornfelswhat are the
minerals stable in contact metamorphism
new crystalloblasts independent of a primary seee crystal are caled
cyrstal aggregates have grown in solid rock during metamorphism represent true concretions may attain impressive dimensions and constitute actual rock masses
how many percent is the salinity in oceans
how many percent is the salinity in oceans
principal elemenst contriburte the salinity
chlorine 55%
sodium 31%
surface cureents are parts of huge slowly moving loops of water that are centered in the subtropics of ecach ocean basin
how much air pressure in sea level
1kg or 14.6 pounds and the standartd sea level is 1013.2 millibars
subtropical high
25 to 35 degrees
subpolar low situated at 50-60 degrees
tropical cyclone speeds
excess 119 km 74 miles/hr
used mean and konthly and annual values of temperature and precipitation
koppe classification
winterless with all months having mean temperature above 18 C
humid tropical climates
lie near the equator high temperature enough rainfall to support the most lucuriant vegetation
wet tropical climates Af and Aw
found in poleward of the wet tropics and equatorward of the subtropical deserys seasonal character of rainfall
tropical wet and dry climates Aw
occur where the average temp of the coldest month is below 18 but above -3 C
middle latitude climates
situated north of the humid continental climates and south of the plar tundras
subartic climates
how kuch did earth warmed
0.8 pr 1.4 F
in the future what is the lredicted temp of earth
2-4.5 C 3.6-8.1 F
orbit of planet os a result of a planets inertia and suns gravitational attraction bends the pmaneys path into an elliptical orbit
isaac newton
point in the sky where the sun crosses the celestial equator at the onset spring
vernal equinox
angular distance measured eastward from the position of the vernal equinox
right ascension
time interval from one noon the time of the day when the sun is hughest in the sky to the next 24 hrs
mean solar day
time it takes for earth to make one complete rotation with respect to a star othern than the sun a period of 23 hrs 56 minutes and 4 sexonds
sidereal day
cycle of the moon through phases requires 28”9 and 1/2 days
synodic month
true periodo f koon os 271/2
sidereal month
density kf the moon same as earths mabtle
light coloredunar highlands relatively old anorthosite breccia
darker lowlands doninaed vy you ger flood basalts
tem of mercury day and nigh
-173 and 427C
planet fominated by co2 and the temp is?
venus 450C
active volcnaism and an icy shell in jipiter moons
made up particle sof water ice and rocky debric
saturns ring
four times gretar the earts fuve moons and thin ring systmes blue atmosphere is doninated hy methane
spherical shell aroungd the otherwise planar disc of the solar system
oort cloud
group of land masses that apparently originated from sub equatorial regions to its present position with the rotation and sorrading of the PH Sea Pkate during eocene to miocene times
philippine mobile belt
group of land masses that apparently originated from sub equatorial regions to its present position with the rotation and sorrading of the PH Sea Pkate during eocene to miocene times
philippine mobile belt
alloy of horon and iron to make magents
a series of overlapping rock slices separated by steeply inclined subparallel reverse faults and bounded above and below by major low-angle thrust surfaces
imbricate structures
dense, compact, slowly permeable layer in the subsoil.[1] It has a much higher clay content than the overlying material, from which it is separated by a sharply defined boundary. The dense structure restricts root growth and water infiltration. Therefore, a perched water table might form on top of the claypan.[2]