planetary geol Flashcards
rotating donut shaoed collection vaporized rock
went into a lunar orbit and returned
dec 21 1968-dec 27-1968
apollo 8
went into a lunar orbit and returned may 18-1969-may 26 1969
apollo 10
this returned on july 24 1969
apollo 11
landed on the moon in the sea of tranquility and brought 2nd team on the moon
nov 14 1969-nov 24 1969
apollo 12
went on a lunar flyby due to a malfunction and forced cancellation of the moon landing
april 11 1970- april 17 1970
apollo 13
landed on the moon in the fra mauro
feb 5 1971
apollo 14
landed on the moon in the hadley ridlle om feb 5 1971
apollo 15
january 3-2
2003 EH1 parent body
april 21-22
comet c/1861 G1 parent body
may 5-6
comet 1p/halley parent body
eta aquariids
july 29-30
unknown sungrazing comet parent body
southern delta aquariids
august 12-13
comet 109pl swe tuttle parent body
oct 21-22
comet 1p/halley parent body
nov 17-18
comet 55p/tempel-tuttle parent body
dec 13-14
3200 phaethon parent body
dec 22-23
comet 8p/ tuttle parent body
radius and distance of sun from earth
695,508 km
d= 150,000,000
yellow star largest object 99.8% in the solar system
what is the radius of the sun
what is the distance of sun from earth
150,000,000 km=1 AU
temperature of photosphere sunspot corona
5800 k
up to 1,000, 000k
what is the composition of the sun
70% H and 28% He
made of hot, dense plasma (ions and electrons), at a pressure estimated at 265 billion bar (3.84 trillion psi or 26.5 petapascals (PPa)) at the center. Due to fusion, the composition of the solar plasma drops from 68 to 70% hydrogen by mass at the outer core, to 34% hydrogen at the core/Sun center.
core of the sun
The layer of a star that lies just outside the core, to which radiant energy is transferred from the core in the form of photons. In this layer, photons bounce off other particles, following fairly random paths until they enter the convection zone.
radiative zone
the outer-most layer of the interior. It extends from a depth of 200,000 km up to the visible surface of the Sun. Energy is transported by convection in this region. The surface of the convection zone is where light (photons) is created. This top layer is called the photosphere.
convective zone
boundary between the Sun’s interior and the solar atmosphere is called the photosphere. It is what we see as the visible surface of the Sun.
visible zone of the sun
a thin layer of plasma that lies between the Sun’s visible surface (the photosphere) and the corona (the Sun’s upper atmosphere). It extends for at least 2,000 km (1,200 mi.) above the surface.
outermost region of the Sun’s atmosphere, consisting of plasma (hot ionized gas). It has a temperature of approximately two million kelvins and an extremely low density. The corona continually varies in size and shape as it is affected by the Sun’s magnetic field.
fifth largest moon in the solar system
our moon
radius of the moon
1737.5 km
distance from earth
384,400 km
rotation and revolution of the moon
27 days
composition of the moon
highlands- anorthosites
parts of the moon
crust, liquid iron shell, iron core
smallest planet swift planet
distance of mercury from sun
58 million km or 0.4 AU
rotation of mercury
175.97 earth days
axial tilt:
0.1 degrees
how many moons does mercury have?
what is the density of mercury
what is the compostion of mercury
exosphere: KONaHeH
first to orbit the planet mercury
first mission to explore the planet
mariner 10
third smallest planet closest to earth both in proximity and dimension does not experience any seasons hottest planet due to large amounts of greenhouse gases possesses volcanoes wc may indicate active tecttonism
highest 20,000 mountain on venus
maxwell montes
complex dome of shield volcanoes
alta regio
highland plateau created by crustal compression
thetis regio
prominent canyons
radius of venus from earth
venus distance from sun
108 million km or 0.7 AU
rotation venus
243 earth days longest in the solar system
revolution of venus
225 earth days
axial tilt
177 degrees
density of venus
5.2 g/cc
how many moons?
transit of venus
every 100 earth years
last 2012 next 2117
occurs when a planet passes between a star and its observer. our solar system can be observed from Earth when Venus or Mercury travel between us and the Sun.
composition of venus
atmosphere: CO2, H2S
region above the arctic circle 66 degrees 34 North
region below the antartic circle 66 degrees 34 South
tallest mountain on earth 10,203m
mauna kea
deepest surface canyon 6,009 m deep
yariung tsangpo, tibet china
composition of earth
78% N, 1% O, 21%
fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest planet one of the most explored bodies in the solar system
largest volcano in the solar system 624km in diameter
olympus mons
largest ibserved impact basin in the solar system 2,2000 km in diameter
helias planitia
large canyon system and stretches more than 4,800 km long
valies marineris
largest volcano in terms of base diameter
alba patera
radius of mars
3390 km
distance from the sun
228 million km
composition of mars
fe ni s
rotation of mars
24.6 hours
revolution of mars
687 earth days
axial tilt
25.0 degrees
desity of mars
3.9 g/cc
what are the moons of mars
phobos and deimos
its stripes and swirls are actually cold windy clouds of ammonia and water floating in an atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium
largest and most powerful hurricane in the solar system and has been around for around 150 years
great red spot
radius of jupiter
69,911 km
distance from sun
778 million km 5.2 AU jupiter
rotation of jupiter
10 hours shortest in the solar system
revolution of jupiter
12 earth years
axial tilt
density jupiter
3.0 degrees
1.3 g/cc
moons of jupiter
79,99 as of 2019
4 largest moons
galilean moons
most volcanically active moon in solar system
largest moon in solar system
small surface activity
possibly containing liquid water beneath icy ocean
composition of jupiter
mostly H and He
largest ocean made of hydrogen
the only planet whose density is lesser than water
radius of saturn
58,232 km
distance from the sun
1.4 billion km or 9.5 AU
rotation saturn
10.7 hours
revolution of saturn
29.4 earth years
axial tilt
26.73 degrees
0.7 g/cc
how many moons saturn have
53! phoebe and titan
composition of saturn
mostly h and he
core fe and ni
rings composed of pieces of moons, comets and asteroids
first planet found with the aid of a telescope in 1781
radius of uranus
25,362 km
distance from the sun
2.9 billion km 19.8 AU
rotation of uranus
17 hours
revolution of uranus
84 earth years
axial tilt and density
97.77 degrees
1.3 g/cc
how many moons
27 named after william shakespeare and alexander pope and captured by asteroid
composition of saturn
ice giant made of water methane and ammonia
sometimes farther from pluto and crosses orbits for 20 years every 248 earth years and the windiest planet in the solar system
large oval shaped storm large enough to contain earth but has since disappeared but new ones have appeared
great dark spot
radius of neptune
24,622 km
distance from the sun
4.5 billion km or 30.1 AU
rotation of neptune
16 hours
revolution of neptune
164.81 earth years
axial tilt and density of neptune
how many moons
triton- largest moon of neptune
composition of neptune
ice giant made of water methane and ammonia
atmosphere H and He with just a little bit methane
dwarf planet ninth from the sun considered a double planet with charon for orbiting each other
radius or pluto
distance from the sun
5.8 billion km in average
rotation and revolution of pluto
153 hours
248 earth years
axial tilt and density of pluto
5.5 g/cc
how many moons
charon- largest moon of pluto
composition of p;uto
nitrogen methane and carbon monoxide
only spacecraft to visit pluto, which passed close by in july 2015
new horizon
dwarf planet and the largest object in the asteroid belt said to be prevented to form into another planet due to mars and jupiters strong gravitites
distance from sun
revolution of ceres
476 km
5.8 billion km in average
9 hours
1628 earth years
dwarf planet located in teh kupier belt and smaller than pluto
distance from sun
revolution of makemake
6.847 billion km in average
22.48 hours
305.34 earth years
moons 1
dwarf planet about the size of plutoo but 3x father from sun
distance from sun
revolution of
moons eris
~17.4 billion km in average
25.9 hours
557 earth years
moon 1 dysnomia
dwarf planet located in the kupier belt that’s about the same size of pluto and is one of the fastest rotating large objects in our solar sytem distorting its appearance into looking like a football
distance from sun
revolution of
moons haumea
6.452 billion km in average
4 hours
285 earth years
namaka-inner moon
hl’laka outer moon
observatory where prof. mike brown first spotted haumea in 2003 during a survey of the outer solar system
palomar observatory
4.56 Ga
oblate spheroid
23.5 average 22.1 min 24.5 max
equatorial diameter
polar diameter
mass of crust
12576.27 km
12,713.504 km
5.9736x10^24 kg
land area
continental area
water area
oceanic area