new pending papers Flashcards
a description of the spatial continuity of the data. The experimental variogram is a discrete function calculated using a measure of variability between pairs of points at various distances. The exact measure used depends on the variogram type selected o display the variability between data points as a function of distance. An example of an idealized variogram is shown below. You might say that along this orientation, closely-spaced data points show a low degree of variability while distant points show a higher degree of variability.
sed in structural geology because they present no statistical bias when large numbers of data are plotted. On the equal-area net area is preserved so, for example, each 2 degrees polygon on the net has the same area.
Equal-area stereonets
represents a fault plane by a dot which is the intersection of a line normal to the fault plane and a lower hemisphere projection.
soils that show little or no evidence of pedogenic horizon development.
soils of semiarid to humid environments that generally exhibit only moderate degrees of soil weathering and development.
soils that have permafrost near the soil surface and/or have evidence of cryoturbation (frost churning) and/or ice segregation.
formed from weathering processes that strip organic matter combined with aluminum (with or without iron) from the surface layer and deposit them in the subsoil.
moderately leached soils that have relatively high native fertility. rich in Fe
strongly leached, acid forest soils with relatively low native fertility. They are found primarily in humid temperate and tropical areas of the world, typically on older, stable landscapes.
CaCO3-containing soils of arid regions that exhibit subsurface horizon development. They are characterized by being dry most of the year and limited leaching. contain subsurface horizons in which clays, calcium carbonate, silica, salts and/or gypsum have accumulated. desert soils
soils that have a dark colored surface horizon relatively high in content of organic matter. The soils are base rich throughout and therefore quite fertile. most fertile
highly weathered soils of tropical and subtropical regions. They are dominated by low activity minerals, such as quartz, kaolinite, and iron oxides. most horizon development rainforest soils
lack soil”) are soils that have formed in volcanic ash or other volcanic ejecta. They differ from those of other orders in that they typically are dominated by glass and short-range-order colloidal weathering products such as allophane, imogolite and ferrihydrite
bogs, moors, peats, or mucks. wetlands
clay-rich soils that shrink and swell with changes in moisture content. During dry periods, the soil volume shrinks and deep wide cracks form.
arsenic sulfides and orpiment are common deposits of what type of ore
carlin depostis
lithium bearing minerals
fairy stone
iceland spar
red resin
garnet mineral that is chromium bearing
sorosilicate with a compact green variety named californite
asbestos skeme of ribeckite
zinc and iron sulfide mineral with the chemical formula (Zn,Fe)S, a less frequently encountered structural polymorph form of sphalerite. The iron content is variable up to eight percent. It is trimorphous with matraite and sphalerite.
copper sulfide mineral with formula: Cu₉S₅. Digenite is a black to dark blue opaque mineral that crystallizes with a trigonal - hexagonal scalenohedral structure. In habit it is usually massive, but does often show pseudo-cubic forms. It has poor to indistinct cleavage and a brittle fracture.
an arsenate mineral consisting of a hydrous nickelarsenate, Ni₃(AsO₄)₂·8H₂O, crystallizing in the monoclinic system and isomorphous with vivianite and erythrite. Crystals are minute and capillary and rarely met with, the mineral occurring usually as soft earthy masses and encrustations.
sed as an ore of tin, consisting of approximately 28% tin, 13% iron, 30% copper, 30% sulfur by mass. It is found in tin-bearing
high temp polymorph of fe zn s
Rotation of Jupiter is equivalent to how many Earth days?
10 hours
Sino nag name ng Dibuakag Volcanic Complex
Fossil found in Luzon? Palawan?
Homo Luzonensis
Assymetrical Fold that is bent beyond vertical?
Assymetrical Fold that is bent beyond horizontal?
This fault separates Luzon from Visayas
Sibuyan Sea Fault
Dora Maira (White schist) massif in Italy, is an Ultra High Pressure schist buried of about how
many km in depth? L
> 100km
cks on continental margins are younger, stratigraphically higher and more distant from the oceanic trench than the high-K calc-alkaline or calc-alkaline suites, but there is a complete gradation between the suites. A similar zonation occurs in some island arcs. a potassium-rich variety of basaltic trachyandesite, composed of olivine,
western Pacific island arcs, and in those arcs they are apparently more abundant in the early stages of magmatism
where is boninite found
What velocity of water is required to transport a sediment having a diameter of 10mm?
100 cm/sec
Ano ang assemblage ng Phyllic Alteration
Sericite (Phengite), Quartz, Pyrite
Anong alteration yung nearest sa unaltered country rocks?
Which of the following is a diamond bearing rock
Which of the following is not a coal maceral
. In EO 79, this term pertains that industries should furnish to the government their payments…
Publish What you Pay
. A term for companies spending more money for advertisement persuading the public that their
operation is environmentally friendly compared to their actual rehabilitation expenditure.
Which of the following is used to measure seawater temperature
A commission tasked to classify and rectify newly discovered minerals and as well as update
information of the already established mineral specimen.
- International Mineral Association
Where is the secretariate of IUGS located?
Beijing, China
Which of the following minerals have a molecular sieving characteristics
Molecular sieving property is a diagnostic property of zeolite minerals. Clinoptilolite
belongs to Zeolite group.
mineral mined in an area of armed conflict and traded illicitly to finance the fighting. raw materials or minerals that come from a particular part of the world where conflict is occurring and affects the mining and trading of those materials.
what are conflict minerals
In US, natural gas is sold in what unit?
Million BTU
A ring-shaped cloud of gas and suspended solid debris that moves radially outward at high velocity from the base of a vertical eruption column.
Base Surge
product of chemical concentration
layered chromite
silica sinters
a deposit of opaline or amorphous silica that occurs as an incrustation around hot springs and geysers and sometimes forms conical mounds (geyser cones) or terraces.
silica sinter
Largest PGE deposit?
South Africa
pge or platinum group of elements
consist of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), osmium (Os) and iridium (Ir), and always occur together in various types of mineral deposits, typically with variable grades of Ni, Cu, Co and Au. Some mine producers are PGE-dominant whilst others are Ni-dominant. excellent catalysts for many manufacturing processes. For instance, in the commercial production of nitric acid for nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium gas is oxidized by high pressure air over a platinum-rhodium catalyst
concerned with the structures formed by, and the tectonic processes associated with, the stretching of a planetary body’s crust or lithosphere. he change in the cross-sectional area along the flow path that introduces the extensional type of deformation. Fluid elements are elongated or stretched upon entering the contraction. region of the earth’s crust or lithosphere that is spreading apart due to tectonic forces acting on the surrounding areas. Back-arc basins are regions of extension behind subduction zones and are often locations where volcanoes form. fault caused by stretching of the Earth’s crust. Stretching reduces the thickness and horizontally extends portions of the crust and/or lithosphere. In most cases such a fault is also a normal fault, but may create a shallower dip usually associated with a thrust fault.
what is extensional geology
One arc of the prime meridian is equal to what?
One nautical Mile.
. This is a low temperature deposit around 100-150°C
Which of the following minerals would you most likely NOT to expect in a supergene deposit?
Most petroleum projects are balanced by debt and revenue. This ratio is also known as?
Why is ventilation required in an underground coal mining?
Due to elevated Methane released as Coal is being mined
. In geologic reports, stratigraphy of the study area should be in what form?
Stratigraphic Column
A type of coal analysis in which it examines the total Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur
Ultimate Analysis
happened last feb 6, 2023 magnitude 7.8 50,000 died
turkey syria earthquale
≥185 km/h
≥100 knots
Super typhoon (STY)
118–184 km/h
64–99 knots
Typhoon (TY)
89–117 km/h
48–63 knots
Severe tropical storm (STS)
62–88 km/h
34–47 knots
Tropical storm (TS)
≤61 km/h
≤33 knots
Tropical depression (TD)
believed to be the deadliest typhoon to have affected the country in history, killing an estimated 20,000 people in its path.
1881 Haiphong typhoon
internationally known as Haiyan, which became the strongest typhoon to landfall in the entire meteorological history at that time, killing no less than 6,000 people as it crossed the Visayas in November 2013.
Typhoon Yolanda,
Tropical cyclone winds of 39 km/h (24 mph) to 61 km/h (38 mph) are expected within the next 36 hours. If a tropical cyclone forms very close to the area, then a shorter lead time is seen on the warning bulletin.
Signal #1
Tropical cyclone winds of 62 km/h (39 mph) to 88 km/h (55 mph) are expected within the next 24 hours.
Signal #2
Tropical cyclone winds of 89 km/h (55 mph) to 117 km/h (73 mph) are expected within the next 18 hours.
Signal #3
Tropical cyclone winds of 118 km/h (73 mph) to 184 km/h (114 mph) are expected within 12 hours.
Signal #4
Tropical cyclone winds of 185 km/h (115 mph) or greater are expected within 12 hours.
Signal #5
deadliest cyclones
haiphong 1881
yolanda haiyan 2013
uring thelam 1991
pablo bopha 2012
angela 1867
winnie 2004
october 1897 1897
nitang (ike) 1984
reming (durian) 2006
frank (fengshen) 2008
typhoons that caused a lot of damage
Typhoon Yolanda (International Name: Haiyan) ₱95.5 billion
Typhoon Odette (International Name: Rai) ₱51.8 billion
Typhoon Pablo (International Name: Bopha)
Typhoon Glenda (International Name: Rammasun)
Typhoon Ompong (International Name: Mangkhut)
Typhoon Pepeng (International Name: Parma)
Typhoon Ulysses (International Name: Vamco)
Typhoon Ulysses (International Name: Vamco)
Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (International Name: Nalgae)
Typhoon Pedring (International Name: Nes
who is the father of anthropology and firstvto discover tektites?
Henry Otley Beyer