day 3 Flashcards
common unit of measurement for the volume of crude oil produced by a well of field
barrel 9bbl)
how many barrels for crude oil?
42 US gallons
159 litres
common unit of measurement for the volume of natural gas produced by a well or a field
standard cubic feet (scf)
million standard cubic feet per day of gas
the first oil drilled in the ph
toledo 1 in onshore cebu
who drilled the toledo 1 and when
smith bell & co. 1896
the first ph commercial oil discovery
when and where was nido-1 drilled
offshore northwest Palawan
how many wells were drilled in ph
600 wells since 1896
Type I
kerogen form: alginite
orgin: algae
hydrocarbon potential: oil prone
Type II
kerogen form: exinite
orgin: pollen spores
hydrocarbon potential: oil and gas prone
Type II
kerogen form: exinite
orgin: pollen spores
hydrocarbon potential: oil and gas prone
Type III
kerogen form: vitrinite
orgin: woody and cellulosic material from land plants (coal)
hydrocarbon potential: gas prone
Type IV
kerogen form: inertinite
orgin: charcoal highly oxidized or reworked of any origin
what is known remedy for geologic noise wherein the variable thickness of overburden presence of non economical minerals in the overburden or overlying layers and topographic noises ground surface varies in elevation
mathematical corrections
types of survey
reconnaissance over 10>100km
focused mapping 1-10 km
high resolution mapping <1km ex: microgravity surveys at 60-60m intervals
directly measures small differences in the strength of gravity accuracy: 0.1mgal common used lacoste&romberg gravimeter scintrex
gravity meter or gravimeter
who formulated the international gravity formula to account for the variation of gravity with latitude
clairaut 1743
must be supplied by equipmemtn manufacturer to convert instrument reading to observed gravity, gobs
instrument calibration factor
effect of temperature changes and creep on the spring of the gravimeter
instrument drift correction
due to elevation variations; 0.3086 mGal per meter elevation difference; if station is above sea level; if below
free air correction
due to mass difference between station and sea level 0.4185
The adjustment to a measurement of gravitational acceleration to account for elevation and the density of rock between the measurement station and a reference level.
bouguer correction
when to use gravity method?
- large and medium geological structures and ancient suture zones
- to locate sed basins and possible hydrocarbon traps
- hydrogeological investigations to determine the geometry of potential aquifers
- engineering and geotechncal applicantions for the location of cavities and voids
differences in base readings are distributed among the readings during the day
diurnal variation
equivalent to latitude correction
geomagnetic correction
applications of magnetic method
determining the extent of the sedimentary basin for petroleum exploration
geotechnical investigations to delineate faulting in bedrock
tool for geological mapping to define structure features
highly time dependent
law of refraction
snell’s law=(sin I/ sin r= V1/V2)
most commonly used electrodes ate uniformly spaced
wenner spread
current electrodes are spaced much farther apart than the potential electrodes
schlumberger spread
since ground is not uniform, quantity calculated is called
apparent resistivity
higher frequency vs lower frequency of antennas
900 and 500 MHz
antennas can penetrate 5.15 ft of soil resolution is 0.5 -2 inches
300 and 80 MHz antennas can attain depths of 30 to 80 feet resolution is 0.5-3 ft
detects ionization produced by a radioactive particle
geiger counter
cylindrical metal tube which houses the instrumentation needed for borehole logging
one potential and current elevtrode mounted in the sonde, other pair is on the surface
normal log
also known as continuous velocity or avoustic logs sonde contains 2 receivers ~300mm apart and the acoustic source is ~900-1500mm from the nearest receiver from the enarest receiver
sonic logging
reaches up to 30-40 km
ocean bottom seismometer
geologic and topographic structures of the ocean floor reflect plate tectonic processes
satellite altimentry
temperature at wich coalification begins and depth too
100C and 3000 ft
how much ppb of coal in appalachiqn bqsin coql field averages and rocky mountain coal
13.3 ppb
1.8 ppb
how many NMT does ph has of estimated coal resource potential
2370 million metric tons with about 200NMT in the mineable reserve category
how many percent of the mineable reserves have been estimated for the semirara island
these comprises 15% of the total minerable reserves
south mindoro, sibuguey peninsula lalat and malangas areas and the samar leyte area
rise in coal quality id attributed to
igneous and other geological activities
structural deformation in most known coal areas have dips ranging from
15-90 degrees
coal beds in such areas are relatively thin but beds as much as 29 m thick are present
6 mahor coal blocks
luzon block
eastern seaboard
western seaboard
visayas basin
eastern mindanao
western mindanao
coal reserves by region
sultan kudarat
south cot
cagayan valley
batan polillo catanduanes
these are expansive soils
bentonite, shale, siltstone
offshore platform can habdle 500 million cu of gas 26,000 barrels condensate per day concrete gravity structure has a storage capacity of 300,000 barrels stored condensate is offloded by shuttle tabkers for shipment to markets export kuxon has a capacity of 650 million cu. ft gas per day
malampaya offshore facilities
a barrel of crude oil provides since one barrel is 42 gallons
gasoline 19.5 gallons
fuel oil 9.2 gallons
jet fuel 4.1 gallons
asphalt 2.3 gallons
kerosene 0.2 gallons
lubricantd 0.5 gallons
petrochemicals other products 6.2 gallons
in ph
46% kf our energy comes from oil
350000 BOPD
also called hydraulic head or potentiometric head or the level that water will rise on a piezometer or well
potential energy
determine the direction of groundwater flow
difference in hydraulic heads
is proportional to cross secrional area,A difference in water levels hydraulic conductivity K and inversely proportional to the lenth of the tube of porous media
total flow Q
also called specific discharge or DARCY Flux units L/T and the average pore water velocity is termed the seepage velocity or linear velocity
darcy velocity
ate at wc groundwater can pass through a unit area of aquifer perpendicular to flow under a unit gradient
hydraulic conductivity
also called effective porosity
unconfined storativity
phrearic storage coefficient
drainable pore spaces
ratio of the volume of water released from storage by gracity forces per unit surface area of aquifer per unit change in head
specific yield
aquifer confined by a low permeability layer that permits water to slowly flow through it. during pumping of the aquifer, recharge to the aquifer can occur across thw confining layer. also known as a leaky artesian or leaky confined aquifer
aquifer, semiconfined
water tabel aquifer is the synonym
aquifer unconfined
lateral movement of water in the unsaturated zone below the root zone and above the capillary fringe
a type of overland flow that occurs when throughflow reaches the land surface and drains across the land surface before reaching a stream
return flow
the lateral movement of water ina a unsaturated zone during and immediately after preciipitation event. The water from thorughflow seeps out at the base of slopes and then flows across the geound surface as return flow ultimately reaching a stream or lake
water that contians a high amount of dissolved solids and is created by liquid seeping from a landfill
density and kinematic viscosity of the water must be considered in determining
hydraulic conductivity
relative ease with wc a contaminant located at or newr the land surface can migrate to the aquifer or deep well
ground water vulnerability map
difference measured in deet or meters between water table or potentiometric surface and pumping water level
an expression of productivity of a well obtained by dividing the rate of discharge kf water from the well by the drawdown of the water level in the well. described on the basis of the numbe rof hours of pumpkng prior to the time teh drawdown measurement is made decrease with time as the drawdonw increases
specific capacity
volume of water the aquifer releases from or takes into storage percunit surface area of the aquifer percunit vhange in head. it is equal to the product of speicifc storage and aquifer thickness. in unconfined aquifer it is equal to the specific yield also called storage coefficient
borehole log made by measuring the nagural electrical poetntial that develops between the formation and the borehole fluids
spontaneous potential log
graphical means of presenting the chemical analysis of the mahor cations and aniond of a water sample
stiff pattern
evaluation of all sources of supply and yhe corresponding discharges with respect to an aquifer or a drainage basin
water budget
average content of an element in the earths crust
clarke concentration
ore formed as the same time as fhe host rock
syngenetic ore
ore formed after the host rock
epigenetic ore
ore formed within the earth
hypogene ored
ore formed from wither magmas or fluids
primary fluids
hydrothermal deposti temperature
orogenic gold
father of science of the study of or deposits economic geology calssification of ore deposits ore channle are secondary features & ores have been deposited from solutions circulating in these channels he argued against the use of divining rods
georgius agricola de re metallica 1556
ores are a product of condesation from vapors ascending through fissures
nicolas steno
imporatnce of hydrothermal solutions or vapors of deep seated origin recognized metasimatic replacement
distinguished discordant veins from concordant bedded depostist
von oppel 1749
metals and minerals in the veins were the result of alteration reactions between country rocks and water that had passed through them
veins are open fissures filled with minerals leached from the adjacent country rock
gerhard 1781
ores are direct magmatic products or are formed as products of differentiation
james hutton or plutonists
neptunists sandstong limestone & ore deposits came from primeval ocean
abraham werner
ni ores wi norites and peridotes cu in monzonitic rocks
sn in granite
who created the society of economic geology 1905
RAF penrose
published mineral deposits introduced pyrometamatic deposits classification of hydrothermal depostis to epithermal mesothermal & hypothermal
w. lindgren
telethermal deposits at shallow depths from nearlyu spent solutions
introduced xenothermal high T at very shallow depths
buddington 1935
years for development mining and mine closure
1-4 years
3->10 years
5-10 years
adopted by denr/ mgb
dao 2010-09
report contains all relevant information for the readers to make reason & balanced judgment of the public report
recognized overseas professional organization
exploration results and mineral resources estimation
CP geologists
ore reserves estimation
cp mining engineer
basic tool providing a statistical measure of a max distance that can be used in inverse distance weighting at any given direction
elegant class of inverse distance weighting using weighing factors determined from the mathematical expression of the variogram model equations provides a value for the estimation variance which conventional estimation cannot do standard error
enriched in Cr ni pge
entiched in cu mp zn pb ag au
i type granites
enriched in sn w be u li
s type granites
what are the chalcophile elements
cu pb zn ag au as s
LILE or large ion lithophile elements
li be b rb cs
alkalis, alkali earths & volatiles
na, k, ca, cl, co2 h2o (1-15% of magma), f, p
contains gases and liquids during time of ore formation
trapped inlcusions
rich in Na & Cl contain Ca-mg HcO3 AND MANY CONTAINS SR BA N IMPORTANT IN MISSISSIPPI valey type pb zn ores
connate water
connate and meteroric waters enclosed in rocks buried below the surface of the earth & subjected to heat and pressure accom magmatic intrusion or low ot high grade regional metamorphism
metamorphic fluids
sinking of globules of a heavy liquid formed by immiscibility within and from a aparent liquid after some differentiation
late liquid gravitative accumulation
silicification dolomization recrystallization decalcification
carlin style au
due to phreatomagmatic phreatic and hydrothermal processes
breccia pipe hoseted au base metal
major mechanism of mass transport in deep enviroments of restricted mechanical fluid flow spontaneous movement of molecular or ionic particles down concentration gradiaents that causes one substance to become uniformly intermingled with another
settling & accumulation of crystallizing mienrals in high T magmas bushveld cr pt magnetite-ilmeniite
magmatic sedimentation
exsolution pairs
exosolution pairs:
inversion pairs:
shows depletion at the junction of intersetcing lamellae while replacement shows greater concentration at the intersections
exsolution shows depletion
process of simultaneous capillary solution and deposition by wc a new mineral of partly or wholly differing chemical compostion may griw in the body of an old mineral or mineral aggregates - diffusion process
replacement or metasomatism
hydraulic breccia and jigsaw breccia
crackle breccia and mosaic breccia
distribution in time or the sequence of minerals or elements
regular pattern in the distribution of minerals or elements in space it may be shown or elements in space it may be shown in a singel orebody in a mineral district or in a large region
looks like secondary but may not be if the host crystal was fractured as the crystal was growing
composition of the ore bearing fluid
optical physical properties SEM XRF
The estimation of pressure and temperature conditions at which a geologic material formed
layered mafic intrusions
diamond pipes
bushveld south africa, anorthosite
kimberley south africa
palabora south africa
podiform chromite
coto acoje
intermediate sulphidation au base
baguio district victoria
porphyry cu
porphyry mo
quartz hill usa
low sulphidation epithermal au
hishikari japan
carlin type au
mesel, indonesia
kuroko type VMS
beshhi type VMS
rapu rapu
palcer deposits
paracale masbate
quartz peblle conglomerate
witwaterand sout africa
ni laterite
supergene cu enrichment
largest cr resource 2.06 billion Ma age largest pt pd os ir rh ru pge resource merensky reef
bushveld south africa
largest Ni resource complete melting of the continental crust due to large meteorite impact
sudbury canada
375km E W x 300 N S
quadrilobate ultramafic intrusion like a lopolith into lower transvaal metaseds & upper rooiberg felsites & then intruded by bushveld red granites w/c hosts fe-ti-vn-sn largest orebodies are found at the e lobe within the critical zone rock unit
bushveld igneous complex
90% intermediated calcic plagiocalse source of almost all hard rock sources of Ti 2 types
layered mafic intrusions bushveld formed by gravitaional stratification in ultramafic matrix Anorthite 70-100 andesine to labradorite 35_65
anorthosite titanium
more shallowly derived by partial melting or contaminated by lower continetal crust materails lac tio quebec 120 MT worlds largest deposit
ilmenite rich andesine type
differentiates of an anorthosite gabbro magma
magnetite ilmennite rich labradorite
volatile rich potassic ultramafic related phreatomagmatic breccia pipe or igneous dike dominated by olivine with subordinate mienrals of mantle derivation most productive pipes are 80-100, 250&1000-1100 Ma
calcium olivine
mg biotie
10m carats/yr (
2 tonne/yr)
80% from kimberlites & 20% from placers
48% gem quality 52% industrial grade
south africa
12m carats/yr (2.4T/yr)
almost all fro placers
industrial grade quality
12M carats/yr (2.4T/yr)
from both placers & kimberlites
represent a rapid vilent upward rush of deep mantle material from the asthenosphere 200kms below surface in teh form of diatreme with explosive in the form of diatreme fallback circular and pluglike forming maar lakes up to >1km in width 2-5 km long carrot shaped bodes formed at 50-70 kbar 1kbar=3.3km depth at kimberly area only 20 out of 100 occurrences are diamond bearing
geological drillholes
gneous rocks formed in the crust by fractional crystallization of carbonate-rich parental melts that are mostly mantle derived. They dominantly consist of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite, and ankerite, as well as minor phosphates, oxides, and silicates.
acoje and masinloc also known as alpine tpye ophiolite related wc formed in mid oceanic ridges ir back arc basin spreading centers & tectonically obducted onto continental or island arc margins 1.2 age proterozoic to phanerozoic
podiform chromite
deep sea siliceous or orcherous sediments w/ radiolarian cherts
layered pillow basalts cut by shetted diabase dikes
layered gabbros/norites
dunite/peridotite upper mantle or astenosphere contains podifom smeared out bodies of chromite in dunite harzburgite sequences
layer 1
layer 2
layer 3
layer 4
mostly in granites and less to trivial amount sin syenites kimberlites and carbonatites found in i type granites & alkali granites s type granites pegmatites and related veins fractionated late melts
allanite titanite zircon monazite uranothorianite
granitic uranium
largest single granitic U deposit
rossing, namibia
example of i type granitic U
ross adams alaska
cu w or w.o au economic metals abundant magnetite and specularite late archean to present
iron oxide copper gold
80% of world’s presents type granites two mica muscovite biotite more felsic than i type granite contains w ta mo be nb bi and u phanerozoic
granitic tin
hosted by uppeddevonian granitic batholith intruding silurian odovician sediments batholith is a conposite tabular body 45 by 75 kms x 12km thick older i type granodiorite to monzonite greiseinization affected by the 2 mica granites prouducing muscovite topza fluorite alteration carrying cassiterite +minor shceelite wolframite & galena
granitic tin blue tier tasmania
porphyry cu mines
carmen copper corps atlas toledo cebu
phulex sto,tomas II benguet
advanced projects
dinkidi-quirino/nueva viscaya
boyungan-bayugo, surigao del norte
tampakan- south cotabato
far southeast-benguet
potassic to popylitic / disseminations veinlet veins
phyllic and advanced argillic veinlet
calc akaline porphyritic intrusion <1 to 2 kbar pressure 2-4km depth rocks are foremed at 750-850 C and mineralizationa t
> 250-<500C
porphyry cu by lowell gilbert
first model
by gustafson and hunt
intordutcion of advanced argillic alteration cap
plate tectonic model for the origin of porphyry cu 1972 conceptuzalid porphyry cu model for the ph 1984
commonly in island arc few ocntinental
porphyry cu au model
high Mo grade porphyries in atectonic to tensional rift environemnts w/ A type high silica porphyritic
climax type mo model
life span
single deposit 100,000 to several million years
mieral districts up to 10 m y or longer
1994 measured +indicated resource 870 million tonnes @0.41 % cu
biga deposit atlas mine cebu
2010 measured resources 149 millions tonnes mineralized porphyry complex syn mineral dark diorite - 0.6% cu &0.9 ppm au
clear diorite 0.3% cu & 0.6 ppm Au late mineral diorite 0.1 % cu 0.3 ppm au
sto.tomas II philex benguet
2013 measured and indicated resources 70MT
2013 ore reserves
50.7 MT
late oligocene upper monzodiorite gabbro
surong monzonite
tunja monzonite
balut dike
quan monzonite
bufu syenite
bugoy syenite
didipio alkalic pophyry cu au mine nueva viscaya quirino
2014 inferred resources 891.7MT
far southeast porphyry cu au goldfields lepanto benguet
2012 total resources BT ar 0.51%
tampakan porphyry cy ay glencore indophil sagittarius south cot
occurs only at continental magmatic arcs not at island arcs
i type
molybdenit pyrite traces sheelite chalco ag rich tetrahedrite
fluorite is absent mesozoic to tertiary
porphyry molybdenum
occurs in atectonic to tneisonal rift environments located inland from continental margins
climax type mo
1st and 2nd intrusives are rholote porphyries 3rd is an aplite and 4th is porphyritic granite 95% molybdenite 4 successive granitic rocls
climax colorado
also called subvolcanic tin disseminate veinlet and breccia controlled fine grained cassiterite miocene
porphyry tin
example of skarn deposits in ph
thanksgiving cu au zn benguet parcale fe camarines norte
hydrothermal deposits formed at low temp 100-320C usualy at shallow depths <2kms
epithermal gold
low sulfi alkalic
acupan benguetantamok victoria co o agusan maco diwalwal0-comval
pongkor indonesis
cripple usa
largest epithermal au ag deposit
origin of advanced argillic alteration
hypogene steam heated supergene
considered as low sulfi epithermal fluids in reactive carbonate rocks
carlin type gold
massive sulphides associated with submarine volcanism and realted sedimentation
Volcanogenic massive sulphides
ophiolitic complex
cretaceous paleogene
subamrine basalts chert and shale
massive sulphide overlying stockwork zone overlain by chert
back arc
cretaceous neogene
felsic submarine volcanics
massive to banded sulphide clastic ore apron overlying stockwork zone
oceanic extensional envi
pre crtaceous
metamorphics clasts and marine mafic volcanis concordant sheet of massive sulphides
sedex and also called black shale hosted stratiform basinal accumulation galena spahelerite w. major pyrite and pyrrohitte sgeetlike not bulbous
sedimentary exhalative lead zinc
simple mieralogy low ag galena low fe sphalerite barite fluorite accompanied by dolomite calcite jasperoud depostion from connate basinal water
mississippi valley type zinc lead
also known as mesothermal au slate belt type au archaean au related to solution remobilization assoc w regional fluid flow along major deep crustal fault zones
orogenic gold
assoc wi granitoids become a deposit only 30 years agoformed shallow to moderate crustal settling that lack co eval volcanism late orgenic cycle
reduced intrusion related gold
mainly pitchbende w/ minor coddiniteribbon like orebodies
uniformity type uranium athabasca
lateral secretions low t p oxidizes u+4 to u+6 soluble in groundwater represents 40% worlds resources stratabound
sandstone type uranium
redbed formations consisting of continental ss sts cgl impure lst trash plants lignite bone material
salt wash type u-v
braided stream deposits in borad alluvial plain consisting fluvial lacustrine humates ore is mainly as orano uraniferous mineraloids
humate type u
deposit created by erosion and sedimentation containing particles of some valuable minerals cenozoic age
placer deposits
rio tuba
taganito suriago del norte
hinatuan surigao del sur
new caledonia south pacici dominated worlds ni production prior discovery sjudbury oligocene to mesozoic noumeite nepouite pimelite
nickel laterite
al rich laterite high in al203 low sio2 and fe203 tropical subtropical consists of boehmite gibbsite diaspore hoste in white limestone fm middle eocene lower miocene age came from ~5m of miocene that bauzite came from volcanicc ash within the white limestone
the weathering of cu ebaring mineralization wherein a small percentage of cu can be leached from a large volume of rock and can be redeposited as a higher grade deposit in a smaller volume of rock provided that conditions are favorable protoore porous and permaale meteoric waters
supergene copper enrichment
father of modern chemistry and cyrstal chemistry who proposed the classification of minerals ac to their preferred hosts
victor m. goldschmidt
theory that explains the complexation of material from the simple structure of H and its isotope, Deuterium, or simply the creation of new atoms from Hydrogen
rule proposed where there is a regular pattern in elements where elements with even atomic numbers are more abundant on either side than those with odd atomic numbers
oddo-harkins rule
what are the 10 elemetns which have atomic numbers of less than 27 show appreciable abundance and what are the greatest abundance
H he c n o ne mg si s fe
h and he having the greatest abundance
these are between helium and carbon which have very low relative abundance
li, be, and b
type of meteorite that ni-fe alloys with minor amounts of other minerals classified acc to their %Ni
isotopes w/ mass numbers that are multiples of 4 have enhanced abundances
pronounced peak for relative abundance of Fe
composition of the iron type meteorite
troilite, hexahedrite, octahedrite, ataxite
chiefly comprised of mostly ferromagnesian silicates that contain up to 1/4 ni-fe types
stoney meteorites containing chondrules with high volatile content including water and non biogenic carbon
what are under STONEY
important type of chondites
carbonaceous chondrite
composition chondrite
olivine pyroxene plag glass have the same composition with the sun’s atmosphere
stoney meteorites that lack chondrules with most being brecciated
composition ofachondtrite
same composition as terrestrial mafic and ultramafic rocks
equal amounts of silicates and ni-fe alloys with most being brecciated and invaded by metallic and sulfide melts
composition of stony-iron
pallasite, mesosiderite
branch of chemistry concerned on the free enrgy changes assoc with chemical equilibrium between phases an dprovides the tools for woking out which mineral assemblages will be stable under w/c they occur
impermeable rock preventing heated fluids from escaping
cap rock
geothermal systems assoc with regions of young volcanism charac by the presence of a porous and prev reservoir at shallow to moderate depths (100 m to 4.5 km) with most of the heat being transferred by convection
convective geothermal systems
geothermal systems charac by high porosity systems at hydorstatic pressure, commonly assoc with sedimentary basins with geopressured and hot dry rock systems
conductive geothermal system
high porosity under hydrostatic pressure
high porosity with pressures exceeding hydrostatic pressure
oil fields
low porosity conductive environment
hot dry rock system
> 150 C
high enthalpy
90-150 C
moderate enthalpy
90 C
low enthalpy
form of fumarole that emits sulfurous streams
pool bubbling acidic mud that can emit steams and decompose surrounding rocks nto mud
mud pool
nonthermal manifestation of hydrothermal/geothermal systems
kaipohan or cold springs
mineralization that can be used as indicators for geothermal exploration due to the consistent formation
silica replacement that forms from high to low temperature
direct deposition of amorphous hydrated silica or opal at high temperature
silica sinter
appears at conditions with temperatures greater than 200 C
appears at conditions with temperatures at about ~100 C
appears at conditions with temperatures greater than 200 C
appears at low temperatures and alkaline environments
appears at high temperatures and acidic environments
appears at low temperatures and acidic environments and forms when steam mixes with meteoric waters due to throttling
appears at high temperature and acidic enviornments and acidic envi and originates from magmatic fluids
when was DOE established
december 23, 1992
act of DOE
RA NO. 7638 department energy act of 1992
the 3rd country in the world with highest installed capacity in the MWe as of 2013 and 5th country in the world with the largest geothermal reserves as of 2019
when was PNOC created
nov 9,1973 through the PD no. 334
what is PNOC
philippine national oil company
a service contract granted byt the DOE to operators for geothermal poer plant
Geothermal Renewable Energy Service Contract GRESC
an operating contract granted by the DOE to the operators for geothermal power plants
geothermal renewable energy operating contract GREOC
1st largest geothermal field in terms of installed capacity at ~ 290 MW located at albay province greoc no 2009. 19-006
tiwi complex
father of ph geothermal development
arturo alcaraz
1st largest geothermal field in terms of installed capacity at ~ 460 MW located at laguna and quezon provices greoc no. 2009-10-007
makiling banahaw mak ban complex
1st largest geothermal field in terms of installed capacity at ~ 230 MW 1st largest geothermal field in terms of installed capacity at ~720 MW located at leyte province
20 mw GREOC NO. 2010-02-012 located at laguna and batangas provinces
greoc 2012-04-027 150 MWe lcoated at sorsogon and albay provinces
bacon manito complex
gresc no. 2009-10-005 located negros island
northern negros
palinpinon geothermal power plants
gresc no 2009-10-007 190 MW located at soutehrn negros island
southern negros
mindanao geothermal production field
gresc no 2009-10-004
110 MW located at north cotabato and davao provinces
branch of geology that deals with the physical processes and properties of the earth through analytical quantitative methods
mode of methods used to detect and map geophysical anomalies using different physical porperties of the earth
geophysical survey
examples of gravimeter
la coste and romberg scintrez
done by repeatedly recording readings from a fixed base station throughout the day
drift correction
done due to decrease in gravity with height moving farther away from the earth’s center always add for FAC= 3.086H GU
removes the effect that FAC neglects by accounting land as continuos or infinite horizontal slab assumes that the topography is flat
bouguer correction always substract bouger correction when on land
BC=2piG ph=0.4191phgu
always add bouguer correction when on sea surface
accounts topographic relief in the vicinity of the gravitation station
terrain correction
always add terrain correction
combined effects of sun and moon having a max amplitude of 3
tidal correction
applied to gravity measurements taken on a moving vehicle depending on the direction of travel with the vehicular motion generating a centripetal acceleration which either reinforces or opposes gravity
eotvos correction
increasing amount of gas
decreases velocity
later time of arrival of the reflected rays at receivers offset from the source for a horizontal layer only for first layer or topmost layer refraction must be used for the succeeding layers
normal moveout
weighted average across n layers that factors out differences in travel time spent in layer of differing velocity
root mean square
can be used to determine the velocity and or height per layer
n layer example
5-10x if critical velocity gradient can detect multiple layers but cannot easily find thickness of each layers that are thin or has a lower velocity
seismic refraction
has an arrival time that is never recorded at first arrical and is aympototic with the direct ray on a t-x diagram
reflected ray
has an arrival time that plots linear on a t-x diagram only arrives after the critical distance and recorded only after cross over distance and travels long enough in the faster layer
refracted ray
measures current
intermeiate conductors
high frequency inversely proportional with resolution
high mhz = low resolution
depth range of GPR is limited by?
electrical conductivity of the ground the transmitted frequency and the radiated power
500 and 900 mhz penetrates 5-15 ft. of soil and produces resolution of 0.5-2 inches
higher frequency
300 and 80 mhz antennae penetrates 30-80 ft and produces resolution of 0.5 -3 ft.
lower frequency
or probe is a cylindrical metal tube that ecanses the instruments such as cameras used for borehole logging
borehole dimater
resistance of formation, fluids in formation and borehole fluids
single point reason
resistivity of formation with additional data where true resistivity can be calculated
normal resistivity
bulk apparent conductivity of the formation and pore fluids surrounding the borehole
electromagnetic induction
electrical resistivity of borehole from which specific conducatnce is calculated
fluid temperature
direction and magnitude of vertical flow within the borehole
electromagnetic and spinner
amplitude and travel time view of the reflected acoustic signal
acoustic televiewer
azimuthal direction and the inclination of the borehole
fossil fuels
induced polarization
self potential
bulk minerals
eng applications
the process of water moving within the soil or ground
steams whose course is controlled by its initial slope of the land surface
consequent stream
streams whose course is dependent on structures and not on topography
subsequent stream
streams that develop in response to a new base level and flows in the same direction as the main consequent stream
resequent stream
a system where the sedimentary cycle occurs and involves a network of stream channels and the entire drainagae basin
river system
the slope of a stream channel measured by the vertical drop of a stream over a specific distance
measure of length within a cross section of a stream that is in contact with the flow
wetted perimenter
annual volkume of water evaporated from the oceans by the Sun
320,000 km3
annual volume of water precipitated into the ocean
284,000 km3
annual volume of water transpired by plants
60,000 km3
annual volume of water precipitated onto land
96,000 km3
annual volume of water carried as runoff
36,000 km3
enumerate the world’s largest rivers and their location
amazon brazil
congo rep.of congo
yangtze china
brahmaputra bangladesh
ganges india
yenisei russia
mississippi us
orinoco venezuela
lena russia
parana argentina
process by which the bed and banks of a bedrock channel are continuously bombarded by particles carried into the flow
process by which the bed and baks of a bedrock channel are continuosly bombarded by particles carried into the flow
channels that cut into the underlying strata and typically form in the headwaters of a river
bedrock channel
channels that form insediments that was prec deposited in the valley
alluvial channel
refers to the base level for tributaries or smaller water bodies
temporary base level
streams that possess the necessary slope and other channel charac to maintain minimum flow velocity requierd to transport sediments
graded stream
stream features created when resistant beds act as a temporarhy base level upstream while allowing downcutting to continue downstream
produced by major fluctuations in conditions, such as changes in base level or climate
depositional floodplain
meandering channels flowing in steep narrow bedrock valleys
incised meanders
drainage pattern with multiple right angle bends and typically develops where the bedrock is crisscrossed by a series of joints
rectangular drainage pattern
rectangular pattern in wc tributary streams are nearly parallel to one another wc typically forms in areas underlain by alternating bands of resistant and lesser resistant rocks that can be well displayed
trellis drainage pattern
or recurrence interval is an estimate of how often a flood of a given size can be expected to occur
retum period
seasonal floods that may occur due to rapid melting of snow or heavy rains that can often overwhelm rivers
regional floods
specific study of the distribution and movement of grounwater
typical rate of aquifer flow velocity
coefficient that consders the permeability of the aquifer and the viscosity of the liquid expressed in the equation known as the darcy’s law
hydraulic conductivity
localized zone of saturation created when downward intercepted by an aquitard
perched water table
aquifer bounded by aquitards above and below it
confined aquifer
springs that are 6-9 degrees warmer than the surrounding mean annual temperature
hot springs
dominantly carbonate landscapes that have been shaped by groundwater to a large extent
karst topography
elevation above which snow remains throughour the year that varies with latitude
granular recrystallized snow that are denser and have the consistency of coarse sand
brittle uppermost zone of a glacier
zone of fracture
cracks in the glacier’s zone of fracture that resulted from the tension due to glacial movement over irregular terrain
balance or lack thereof between the accumulation of glacier at the upper end and the loss at the lower end
glacial budget
loss of glacial material
the process of incorporating loose blocks of rocks into the ice as the glacier flows and fractures the bedrock
pulverized rock produced by glacial gristmill
rock flour
or alpine glacier smaller glacier that exist if lofty mountain areas and moves a few centimeters per day
valley glacier
large scale valley glaciers that can flow our in all directions
ice sheet
large relatively flat masses of floating ice that extend seaward from the coast but remain attached to the land
ice shelf
tongues of ice flowing down valleys that extend outward from the margins of these larger ice masses
outlet glacier
glaciers that occupy broad lowlands at the bases of steep mountains and form when one or more valley glacier emerge from the confining walls of mountain valleys
piedmont glacier
umbrella term for sediments of glacial origin regardless of theri depostional area
glacial drift
glacial drift sorted acc to the fragments size and weight
stratified drift
foreign boulders found within the till deposits that are different from the bedrock below
glacial erratic
lakes formed due to increased precipitation which was influenced in some areas by the formation and occurrence of glaciers
pluvial lake
undesired by product in petroleum that generates sulfur oxides when burned
crude oil that contains little amounts of sulfur
sweet crude oil
crude oil that contains high amounts of sulfur
sour crude oil
solid form of petroleum
tar and bitumen
gaseous form of petroleum
natural gas
element contained in most biomolecule substances that is vital for the development of life
main source of petoleum
plant plakntons
phytoplankton with silica test
phytoplankton with calcite test
zooplankton with silica test
zooplankton with calcite test
sudden increase in planktons in the oceans
planktonic bloom
sedimentary rock that contains >5% organic matter
black shale
biomolecule combination of fatty acids of CnH2nO2 with glycerol C3H5oh3 are mostly fats oil and waxes and have the greatest potential to be HC sources
giant biomolecules that make up the solid constituents of animal tissues and plant cells and are rich in carbon but contain substantial amounts of N s AND o
common biomolecules in plant tissues that are based on sugars SnH2On and their polymers cellulose starch and chitin
polymer biomolecule consisting of numerous aromatic rings and is a major component in land plants that can be converted to coal through deoxygenation
thermal stratification may cause high organic productivity within the photic zone in the continental shelf but lack of circulation and oragnic decay may lead to anoxic environment at the bottom
high productivity
measure of the potential of a source rock to generate hydrocarbons and represents the amount of carbon oxygen and hydrogen within the source rock
total organic content TOC
fraction og TOC with high iolecular weight and soluble in organic solvents
insoluble non extractable residue fraction of the TOC that forms in the transformation from OM into a complex mixture with a general compostion of large HC molecules that breakdown with continuous exposure to high temperature
petroleum compostion percent
conversion from OM to kerogen must occur in
anoxic environment
formation of kerogen
kerogen is first formed upon burial then into smaller HC with CO2 and H2O then into methane with c13 to c30 at highest temperatures
what happens to the carbon content of kerogen
increases with increasing temperature along with the formation of fluid produts high in H and elimination O
maturation phase that occurs in low temperatures and pressures near shallow subsurface and reduces the oxygen int he oragnic matter, elaving the HC ratio undhcanged
occurs in deeper subsurface levels as burial continues and temperatures and pressures increase with the HC ratio declining as the petroleum is released from the kerogen- first the oil and then the gas
the stage closest to metamorphism having higher temperatures and pressures completely expelling the remaining hydrocarbons methane with carbon being left as the H:C ratio declines
indices that measure the maximum temperature the source rock had been subjected
a parameter that measures the ability of a reservoir to deliver fluids to the wellbore
production index PI
parameter that characterizes the origin of organic matters
Hydrogen Index HI
has upwelling of nutrient rich waters and oxygen deficient in between 200-1500 m deep
continental margin
landlocked bodies of water that leads to lack of circulation causing anoxic conditions and high preservation of organic material
lagoons and restricted areas
produces a great amount of terrestrial derived organic matter
deltas in warm latitudes
have anoxic deep waters low clastic sediment output and contains organic rich mud
freshwater lakes
ratio of
oragnic compounds that act as chemical tracer of certain ancient organisms
an index integrating the increase of temperature in a period of time as a rock is buried
time temperature index TTI
indicates maturation by measuring the color of finely dispersed OM on a scale of 1- pale yellow to 5- black
thermal alteration index tai
maturation indicator based on coal ranks and adjusted to give linear scale
level organic maturation LOM
primarily algae from freshwater brackish hypersaline lagoonal or lacustrine environments
type I Liptinite
orig from either phytoplanktons and bacterial microorganisms in marin sediments soft parts of terrestrial plants or resins pollens spores and cuticles
type II Exinite
hard or structural parts of terrestrial plants or higher plant debris the dominant type of SE Asia having the charac of being meinly tertiary in age that mainly derived from terrestrial plants rich in resins and waxes and may have deposited in coal swamps and paralic settings
type III vitrinite
oxidized residue reworked material or fossil charcoal
type IV inertinite
algae from sulfate rich anoxic lakes
kerogen rich in sulfur that deposited in anoxic marin environments with normal to elevated salinity
saturated hydrocarbons with a general chemical formula of CH2n+2 includes methane ethane propane and butang
n<5 gaseous at normal temperatures and pressures
n=5-15- ;iquid at surface temperatures and pressures
n>15 solid waxes and viscous liquids
hydrocarbons that remains liquid at normal temperatures and pressures expressed with a general formula of CH which includes cyclopentane and cyclohexane
unsaturated hydrocarbons comm found in petroleum that is liquid at normal temperatures and pressures generally expressed with a formula of cnhn and includes benzene toulene and xylene
heavy compounds of crude oil and the major components in many natural tars and asphalts
lighter gaseous fraction of hydrocarbons that is found free or dissolved in crude oil in natural underground reservoirs
natural gas
or gas cap is the free gas residing on top of crude oil in the reservoir
assoc gas
undesirable free gas in the subsurface that can damage well equipment and reduces the value of hydrocardon deposits
hydrogen sulfide
trapped free gas found w/i any significant amounts of crude oil
non assoc gas
liquefied gases that include wer gases natural gasoline and condesate
natural gas liquids
natural gas that contains less than 0.1 gal/1000ft3 of condensate that is largely methane
dry gas
natural gas that contains less than 0.3 gal/1000ft3 of condensate that is largely methane
wet gas
compose dof paraffin series
hydrocarbon gases
largest component of natural gas that is known as the marsh gas at the surface
rarely formed by bacterial processes thatt can cause blowouts when overpressured
heavier hydrocarbon
inert gases that may be quite concentrated in natural gas with about >1% of the gas present
noble gases
occurs either from the thermal breakdown of organic matter from the atmosphere or due to mantld outgassing
actively produced with the reservoir adjacent to source beds or diffused upward from earth
normal product of thermal maturation of kerogen that cna be derived either from organic or inorganic sources
carbon dioxide
ice crystals with structured atomic lattices that contain molecules of methane and other gases
gas hydrates
heavy semisolid forms of hydrocarbon
asphalt tar pitch
oils specific gravity
0.73 to above 1.0
property of petroleum determined by the saybolt colonmeter
yellow to brown by transmitted light
paraffin oils
brown to mostly black
asphalt base oils
proportional tot he density of petroleum with the lower indices being the lighter oils the RI for petroleum ranges
wavelenght of teh ultraviolet
2.537 and 3.650
lowest temperature at which the crude oil will be able to flow under specific controlling conditions
pour point
expulsion of petroleum from the source rocks into the permeable carrier beds
oil is typically generated at 60-120 degrees at 1-4km
primary migration
migration from the carrier beds into the reservoir and traps
secondary migration
migration through leakage and extraction of petroleum unto the Earth’s surface
tertiary migration
migration occurs as its base form ketons acids and esters dissilved in water before formingn into hydrocarbons
expulsion as protopetroleum
concentrations of ketons acids and esters in source rocks are too low to migrate and evolve into crude oil
composition of carbon
natural gas 65-80%
crude oil 82-87%
asphalt 80-85%
composition of hydrogen
natural gas 1-25%
crude oil 12-15%
asphalt 9-11%
composition of sulfur
natural gas 0.2%
crude oil 0.1-6%
asphalt 2.8%
composition of nitrogen
natural gas 1-15%
crude oil 0.1-2%
asphalt 0-2%
composition of oxygen
natural gas 0
crude oil 0.1-5%
asphalt 0%
porosity quality
> 20%
migration is theorized to occur by HCs being attached on the hydrophobic ends of the micelles
in solution within micelles (Micelle Theory)
how many percent of typical crude oil is composed of moderately soluble alkanes
colloidal organic surfactants whose molecules possess hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends
compounds that lower the surface or interfacial tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid
sum of the grain volume and pore volume
vulk volume
cavernous pores whose boundaries cross cut grains
pores that fabric selective with only the grains or only the matrix has been leached out
intercrystalline cracks between grains
completely permeable pore that permits flushing of natural or artificial fluids
catenary pore
pores unaffected by flushing but is permeable enough to yield petroleum
cul de sac pore
impermeable pores that are unable to yield petroleum
closed pore
arranged perpendicular to each other in all directions and can yield about 48% porosity
cubic packing
packing similar to cubic packing but slanted at an angle and can yield only about 26% porosity
rhombohedral packing
rate of flow of fluids which controls the directional mmovement of the reservoir fluids
permeability to a particular fluid when the rock’s pore spaces contain more than one fluid
effective permeability
ratio of the effective permeability to a fluid at a gien saturation to the effective permeability to that fluid at 100% saturation
relative permeability
primary porosity often ranges from 40-70% for carbonate
then 25-40% for silicicalstic
primary porosity
leaching that improves porosity and permeability
may improve porosity by creating larger pores or reduce it by growth of interlocking dolomite crystals and often greatly increases permeability due to the formation of pore spaces from post burial fracturing
the total vertical interval from teh top of the reservoir down to the petwroleum water boundary
gross pay
portion of the reservoir the can produce economically viable amounts of petroleum with a specific production method
net pay
the portion of the reservoir that cannot produce economic amounts of petroleum
non pay
percentage of the potential production of a reservour
net to gross
caused by depostional morphologies or diagenesis
strat traps
or cap rock is a fine grained or crystalline impermeable rock that is relatively ductile laterally continuous and acts as a barrier preventing further migration of petroleum to the surface
measure of the weakest part of the seal that can be greatly weakened by faults and fractures
sealing capacity
gougged fault
type of seals
total area in a prospect where petroleum will migrate to
catachmetn area
seal quality from best ot poor
high toc shale
percentage og global seals
sahle 65%
carbonate 2%
what occurs in the pre concession work
concession round
appraisal and development planning
production and maintenance excution
basin identification
licensing round
end production
predential decreef or the winning bidders
P.D 87
regional assessment and data acquisition are donw through satellite images for remote sensing and geophysical surveys such as gravimetric and airborne magnetic surveys
reconnaissance survey
a geographically and stratigraphically delimited area where common geological factors exist in order that petroleum accumulation can occur
potentially containing an economic amount of petroleum but lacks sufficient data to prove it
area within the basin where the specific geological attributes necessary for the existence of petroleum accumulation exist
play fairway
series of valves used to seal a well head
blow out preventer BOP
a square section steel where a drill pipe is attached to
drilling rigs for offshore operations with water depths of about operates at water depths up to 100m to 500ft
jack up rig
operates in shallow waters
drilling barge
floating rig with 3 or more floodable caisson legs that are stabilized by anchorsoperates at water depths at 10,000ft
semi submersible
floating rig ehre a derrick drilling rig is mounted on a ship that’s being kept on location by anchors or propellers operates water at depths to 12,000 ft
method of determining a borehole’s ability to produce petroleum
formation evaluation
estimated quantities of petroleum that are not currently economically extractable but may potentially be recoverable in the future
contingent resource
potentially recoverable amounts of petroleum from undiscovered accumulations
prospective resource
total amount of oil presetn before production
stock tank oil originally in place STOOIP
date of first exploratory drilling in toledo 1 in cebu
drilled a total of 281 wells for exploration and development with offshore NW Palawan being the most prolific
enactment of the PD 87 the oil exploration and development act of 1972
have produced 76.7 MMbbls of oild 75 MMbbls of condensate and 1.94 Tct of gas from 11 oil/gas fields
december 31, 2017
what are the 5 fields in production currently
malampaya supplying 40% energy requirement in the luzon grid
north matinloc
fossil charcoal with a black fibrous with silky luster and is soft friable
coal with banded layers made up of alternating types
forms from spore and detrital plant material
bright shiny black coal that is mostly composed of wood tissue and can break into cubic pieces
how much is the coal resource and reserve of PH
2370 MMT and 200 MMT
semimara island contains 40% of the PH total coal reserves
hole core diameter
hole core diameter
hole core diameter
hole core diameter
hole core diameter
RQD Description
very poor
random sampling by collecting samples from broken ore from piles
grab sampling
method of sahllow lateral excavation that is usually best done with an overburden of less than 3m
method in min sampling by excavating vertically from the surface into a level in an underground mine or from one level to another
method of excavating or digging vertically to collect samples at a certain interval which is usually done to define a profile
test pitting
map that can either be a topographic map or an aerial photograph of the area which orients the map user to the location of the details within the geologic map
base map
maps with a small scale ratio ranging from a few thousands in scale typically used to represent features withiin the are 1:1000
large scale maps
maps with large scale ratio ranging from tens of thousands to millions in scale 1:10000 which are used to show the general location of a large area
small scale maps
rock mass classification scheme that utilizes different factors in order to determine a rock mass quality
geotechnical logging
example of unsupported mining
room and pillar
examples of open pit
didipio mine oceanagold ph philippines-porphyry cu au deposit
chuquicamata CODELCO chile porphyry cu au
dimenstion stones or aggregates involves slicing large vertical benches of the commodity smaller amounts but can generate high profit
quarry kulasisi quarry teresa marble corporation philippines - marbleizes limestone
also called stip mining nickel laterites and coal
open cast coc 41 zamboanga sibugay coal project PNOC EC PH Coal
example of contour mining
taganito mining corporation philippines nickel
been banned in some countries in 1884 due to enviromental damages
an aqueous surface mining that’s also known as solution mining and extracts minerals in situ by utilizing different solutions which can leachthem and usually linked to uranium deposits and leat amoung of envi distrubance
in situ leaching
unsupported method where the ore is excavated horizontallly and is progressively excavated upwards while being extracted at the bottom through funnels
shrinkage stoping
didipio mine oceangold ph inc porphyry cu au deposit
lepanto consilidated mining company ph gold siver copper
unsuported underground mining method that can be used as an alternative for sublevel caving and is donw by creating patterned drillings through the ore body through slopes in sublevels and then blasted before collecting the broken ore
sublevel stoping
supported where the ore is sliced horizontally in levels and backfilles once the ore has been extracted. the backfilled slice then becomes a platform for the next level of slice
cut & fill stoping
lepanto and apex
caving underground mining of flat lying and relatively thin tabular deposits usually coal where longwall shearing machinery are used to extract the coal as it travels back and froth across its coalface. as the shearers cross the coalface moveable roof supports are installed to support the overlying strata
longwall stoping
caving usually done when orebody is no longer economically extractable through open pit mining. like sublevel stoping orebody is blasted in stopes through sublevels starting from the topmost level and progresses downward one of the safest mining methods
sublevel caving
underground mining method for hard rock that involves mining the ore body from under and allowing it to collapse on its own. considered as an underground analog og open pit mining. utilizes blasting and creating funnels where the orebody is lead to for extracion
block caving padcal mine philex mining corporation ph copper gold
the processing of the ore into the sold products
how much does mining contributes to PH
<1% to ph;s total GDP but larger in regional scale and contributes in LGUs torh the Community development program cdp and social development and management program SDMP projects
the significant increase of a products value as the wants and needs have limited supplt
law of scarcity
who devised the tragedy of the commons
garret hardin
can be disregarded i fproduction is given
mining recovery rate
the price of a metal per grade calculated from the recovered ore
value of ore
an ore deposit with a high grade content that can generate high profit considering it is a reserve
world class deposit
the amount of ore extracted within a period of time and can also be calculated by dividing a ine’s reserve by its mine life the amount of ore produced witihin a period of time
annual production rate
royalty give to the government amounting to 5% of the gross output when part of the permit zone located within a mineral reservation
total income gained w/o accounting the taxes and royalties paid
gross income
the income generated less the taxes and royalties
net income
tas imposed by the government for the incomme generated that amounts to 35% of the net income
income tax
tax imposed by the government for the prodcution sales and consumption generated that amounts to 4% of the gross sales
excise tax
calssification created by the australian group joint ore reserve committee that standardizes reporting of exploration results mineral resources and ore reserves
what are the parent organizations of the PMRCC
geological society of the philippines
society of the metallurgical engineers of the philippines
philippine society of mining engineers
method of determining a resource’s volume tonnage and quality
resource estimation
more commonly asked when estimating which averages grade while accounting a weighing factor
weighted average
a geimetric resource estimation method that utilizes the area of a certain drillhole estimate the grad for a specific depth and point
area of influenced method
geometric resource estimation method best used for uneven drillhole spacing and estimates the area of influence of a drillhole by extending t halfwat through the distance from its neighboring drillholes resulting in varyin gareas
polygon method
a geometric resource estimation method similar to polygon method but areas are limited to traingles and estimations utilizes on sampling points that are used as the corners of each triangle also utilizes the heron’s formula for teingles
triangle method
geometric resource estimation method based on the elevation or contour of the area can be calculated per contour interval using the are formula for a rhombus
contour method
geometric resource estimation method used for elongated irregularly shaped deposits and is applicable when the vertical distance is greater than the horizontal distance of each drill hole
cross section method
statistical resource etimation method based on the empiridical observation that the bearing of each sample is proportional to an iverse power of the distance from the location of the estimated point to the samples
inverse distance method
process of estimating a specific value or worth of a deposit which accounts potential profit revenues and cost based annual profits and grade of ore
mine valuation
an appraisal of the commercial viability of a mining project based on engineering and economic factors
feasibility study
the time needed for the amount invested in an asset to be repaid by the net cash flow generated by the asset
payback period
mode of payback period where time is not considered
undiscounted payback period
mode of payback period where time is considered and is accounted as teh net present value which is the differecne between the present value and teh present value of yearly payments
discounted paybank period
net inflow and outflow of money within a specific duration of time
cash flow
gross revenue-operational expenses
gross profit
gross profit- taxes
net profit
net profit-capital costs
cash flow
method for a project valuation to determine its attractiveness to potential buyers and investors
discount cash flow
computer based geographic system which incorporates non spatial attributes to its location and generates a digital representation through maps
geographic information system GIS
the mandated agency of the Philippines to conduct geodetic surveys and generate local maps
Philippines national mapping and resource information authority NAMRIA
practice of studying designing and generating maps
imaginary horizontal lines parallel to each other that start 0 degrees from the equator up to the at 90 degrees. standard line is 111 km or 15 degrees apart
the latitude horizontal lines parallel to each other that start from 0 degrees tjeat separates the Northern and Southern Hemisphere
imaginary vertical lines that run from the north pole to the south pole and encompasses the whole globe starting from 0 degrees from the prime meridian going to the 180 degrees in both east and west direction
longitude at 0 degrees that separates the eastern and western hemisphere
prime meridian
the accuracy of a digital model that can accurately cover the location and features within an area
mode of translation of the general locations in the world as a sphere 3d figure into a planar map 2d fig each is configured to distort a portion of the globe to adjust it into a plane
element of GIS used to translate the features and locations in teh world as a sphere into a planar map
map projection
best used for locations near the equator equal longitudes but unequal latitudes and increasing shape and scale distortions towards the pole
cylindrical projections
equal longitudes with varying spacing between latitudes from one pole to another best used for locations within the mid latitude regions
conic projection
based on a superimposed plane above a pole best used for polar regions
planar projections
cylindrical map gerardus mercator 1569 to display accurate compass bearings for sea travel meridians or longitudes are parallel to each other at equal spacing between 15 degrees best used for large scale mapping near the equator
spherical projection based on teh mercator created by johann h. lambert in 1772 best used for north south oriented areas
transverse mercator TM
plane coordinate grid system consists of 60 longitudinal zones in teh northern and southern hemisphere equally spaced with 6 in between with the origin located at the point of intersection of the central meridian and the equator instead of using a degree minute second or DMS mode of unit to presence the coordinates of a location
universal transverse mercator UTM
stretches from 114 degrees to 120 degrees EPSG 32650
zone 50 north
stretches from 120 degrees to 126 degrees EPSG 32651
zone 51 north
stretches from 126 degrees to 132 degrees EPSG 32652
zone 52 north
stretches from 116-118 degrees
zone I
stretches 118-120
zone II
stretches from 120-122
zone III
stretches from 122-124
zone IV
stretches from 124 to 126
zone V
SET OF REFERENCE points or lines used for measuring and determininng locations on the surface of the earth
commonly used worldwide datum developed from satellite measurements on the surface of the earth its origin is the center of earth gps and google earth use of WGS84
world geodetic system 1984 WGS84
localized datum common used in ph and references the clarke 1866 ellipsoid with its origin located at hinanggayon marinduque at 13 33’44.ii n 121 52’03.33 s from the greenwich meridian
luzon datum of 1911
updated and adjusted version of the luzon datum of 1911 and derived from the ph transverse mercator most of the generated maps of NAMRIA and other governmenet agencies utilize PRS92 as the primary projection similar to PTM divides the ph into 5 zones
philippine reference system
data model that represents features as a matric of cells in a continuous space with each cell containing a value of a specific data
high resolution raster datasets taken trhough aerial photography that contains spatial information such as the cooridnates of the location in the image
raster data model that represents an area by integrating the usea of aerial photographs and known elevations through round surveys into a specialized grid database
digital elevation model DEM
used to generate the most complete high resolution digital topographic database of earth
shuttle radar topography mission SRTM
type of DEM generated from an aster sensor that acquires land surface temperature emissivity reflectance and elevation data
advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer ASTER
data model featured as points lines or polygons showing specific data that do not necessarily correspond to a numerical value saved shapefile shp data for common GIS programs
1d vector data model that can denote the length or extent of a particular feature such as stress rivers or trails arcs are curved lines with the same type of vector data model
2d vector data model which can show a general extent or boundary of a region used to calculate the permieter of area of a region
no effect of discretization
resolution depends on the source data
suitable for distinct gradational changes
efficient encoding topology
easy to perform network analysis
compatible with remote sensing depends on cell size
errors in permieter and shape
diff to perform network analysis
measure of totality of features
data completeness
degreee of the closeness of the values of each coded data
data precision
difference between the coded data and actual value
data accuracy
absence of any discrepancies or conflicts of data within a database
data consistency
tilted with respect to the equators plane
geosynchronous orbit
less eccentric near the zero eccentricity type of satellite orbit that takes half the amount of time a geostationary orbit takes about 24 hrs to revolve around the earth
semi-synchronous orbit
ALSO called polar orbit as it travels around the poles across the globe traversing the whole surface of the earth in a spiral like course
sub synchronous orbit
device that’s usually attached to satellites which collects reflected or transmitted light before converting it into a signal where an instrument is used to interpret the information
utilizes an active light which can measure ground height and generate a 3d model of the image of the surface that also contains its geographic information
light detection and ranging LiDAR
an application of RADAR where it is used to generate twoD images of the surface of the earth
imaging radar
utilizes radar images to generate 3d images of the surface of the earth
interferometric synthetic aperture radar inSAR iFSAR
most recent landsat satellite launched last sept 27, 2021
landsat 9
equipped with an operational land image oli and a thermal infared sensor TIRS can generate remote sensing images with a 30 meter spatial resolution feb 11 2013
landsat 8
april 15 1999 equipped with the enhanced thematic mapper plus which can generate panchromatic remote sensing images with a 15 m spatial resolution
landsat 7
what sensors are high resolution
worlview 2 and 1
fomosat 2
alos prism
alos avnir
cartosat 1
spot 5
what sensors are medium resolution
aster vnir
aster swir
aster tir
landsat etm +
low resolution sensor
what is the latest version of gEarth and who is the developer
google earth pro 7.3.4 july 10, 2017
google LLC
latest version release of arcgis pro and its developer``
arcgis pro 2.8 may 12, 2021
it runs on linux unix mac osx windows and anroid and supports numerous vector raster and database formats and functionalitites its latest version is 3.20.3
QGIS or quantum GIS
latest version and the developer complete dekstop mapping solution for GIS
mapinfo pro
the software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease of use powerful 3d graphics and workflow automation that can be aligned to company specific addresses allt eh requiremenrts geologists survetors fflexible enough to be wuitable for every commodity and the latest version is 2021 and the developer is paramina/dassault systems
geovia surpac
stand alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images
agisoft metashape
study of engineering behaviors and properties of earth materials
geotechnical engineering
it is an earth material that resists slaking when soaked in water and requires blasting to be excavated
fine grained non clastic sed rocks best sedimentary rocks for aggreagtes
limestones and dolomites but reduced particle sizes of coarse grained limestones are not good aggregates
sed rocks that is alkali silica
chert and graywacke
silica rich metamoprhic rocks
argillite phyllite quartzite and gneiss possess the alkali silica reaction
how many times is s waves slower than pwaves
1.7 times slower
thos os 10 times slower than s waves and is called tertiary waves
surface waves
usually a signal for magmatic movement making it a precurson for volcanic eruptions
harmonic tremor
when was richter skeme
range from 0-150 km from the source
local magnitude MI
> 6 large shallow events
surface ewave magnitude Ms
the amplitude of first among p waves at 1 second interval period
body wave magnitude Mb
magnitude baed on the calculated strain energy along the fault surface making the best suitable mode of measurement for large scale earthquakes
moment mgnitude Mw
who developed the modified mercalli intensity scale
guiseppe mercalli in 1902
the likelihood of an area to be affected by earthqulkes
a specified distance from a fault line that serves as a guide for urban planners where it is safer to build infrastructures
buffer zone 5 m commonly delared from a fault line
vibroflotation techniques
Vibroflotation can be obtained by using three different techniques:
Vibro Compaction method- This method allows granular soils to be compacted. …
Vibro Replacement method- The technique is used to replace poor or inadequate soil material by flushing out the soil with air or water and replacing it with granular soil. …
Vibro Displacement method- This procedure is used with no or small amounts of water used during the technique. …
minor damages to communities coastal marine infrastructures and disruptions to all marine related activitiesflooding is possible in low lyinga reas
<1 masl
storm surge is possiblemoderate to significant damage to communiteies flooding possible in low lying areas
1-2 masl
storm surge is expected
severe damage to coastal communities significant erosion to beaches possible river flooding
2.1-3 masl
strom surge is catastrophic
life threatening and extensive inundation from rising sea water moving inland from the shoreline
extreme damage to coastal communities and marine infrastructures
river flooding is aggravated due to storm surge
> 3masl
application of concrete along vertical or overhead faces through spraying it along the faces to helo the stabilization of fractured rocks
a concrete or wooden reinforment built along the shoreline that dissipates and reduces wave energy
expelled during eruptive phases at huge amounts high temperature and extreme speed which can be toxic to life
volcanic gases
hot mixture of volcanic debris and tephra that issaturated with water that occurs directly related to an on going eruption
syn eruption lahar
small highly chared incompatible elements ree th u ce pb zr hf ti nb ta
high fieldsd strength
low field strength incompatible elemetns that are more mobile expccially in fluid phase
large ion lighophile lil emements
what are the light rare elemenets lree
heavy rare elemtns hree
magma with acompostion of fo# 88-92 of 65 and above low cr
and is derived from the matnle
primitive magma
geochemical signature of magma assimilation process
what will form if melt has high rb and an incompatible element for melts will produce
in rocks, depleted rb woul yield to?
low 87sr/86sr
another geochemical signature of magma assimilattion process and magmas that had undergone magma mixing it would yield high 87sr/86sr and low 147nd/144nd
this is more compatible with the melt during partial melting copared to nd
showing relationship of olivine and coexisitngg basaltic melt by studying the ratio of the mg and fe content associated with the calcl alkaline suite thorugh the AFM diagram which shows the enrichment of alkali coponents as the fe is depleted
mg# and fo#
this displays the depletion of mg and enrichment of fe as the magma evolvesinludes
tholeiitic suite
mantle derived magma as partial melting progress evolving lherzolite into thoeleiitic basalt leavinfg dunite and harzburgite as refractory residuum enriched with this
fertile unaltered mantle originates as
siderophiles that are mostly used to study melting and crystallization in mafic ultramafic systems where PGES are typically hosted by sulfides
indicates pyroxene fractionation as it is concentrated in oyroxenes
a compatible element in low P but incompatible in igh P and may substitute for Ca in plag and K in potassium felds
indicates source charac and liquid evolution with HREEs being more accommodated by garnet and sometimes by orthioyroxene and hornblende compared to LREEs
common incompatible and strongly partitioned into garnet and amphibole
xray emitted bya asmaple when it is agitated bya primary xray source
xray fluoresecence xrf
analytical technique for detemining elements present in a materila by quantifying the number of ions at a certain mass of the element
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ICP MS
petrological studies ore grade determination QAQC in metallurgy
air particualte analysis
sulgur content detemination in petroleum products
biological analysis
trace elemnt anaklysis
quantitative analysis for metals
cconcentration of analytes can determine oonly a limitd umber of elements in solution or solids
studies for natural sources of toxic wastes clay mineralogy forensic studies restricted to a number of recorded compound phases