Radio Exam 2 Flashcards
Calibration of dental X-ray equipment can be performed by a dentist, hygienist or assistant
Annual tests for dental X-ray machines can be performed by a dentist, hygienist, or assistant
For quality control purposes, each new box of unopened film should be tested for film freshness and fogging before use
After processing, fresh film that has been properly stored and protected will appear
Clear with slight blue tint
After performing the screen film contact test, a wire mesh image of uniform density appears. These results indicate
Adequate film-screen contact
When functioning properly, a viewbox should emit a uniform and intense light
One of the most critical areas of quality control that requires daily monitoring is
Processing of film
The coin test is used to check
Proper safelighting
The following must be closely monitored with manual processing techniques
Temp of water bath, levels of processing solution, accuracy of timer/thermometer
On the average, processing solutions should be changed
Every 3 to 4 weeks
On the average, processing solutions should be replenished
Once daily
Fresh films and fresh chemicals must be used when preparing reference radiographs
A reference radiograph is used to check
Strength of the developer solution
The densities seen on the daily image appear lighter than the densities seen on the reference radiograph; this result indicates that
The developer solution is too weak/too cold
The clearing test is used to monitor
Fixer strength
Regardless of who actually exposes the patient to radiation, the dentist is ultimately responsible for the diagnostic quality of all dental images
What happens to image when the object-receptor distance is increased
Image magnification and loss of definition
What piece of equipment is required to hold the receptor parallel to the long axis of the tooth
Film holder
What do the letters X,C,P refer to
X=extension C=cone (PID) P=paralleling
What size receptor is typically used with the anterior RINN XCP instrument
Size 1 (in book)OCC/offices size 2
What size receptor is used for posterior RINN XCP instrument
Size 2
Which beam alignment devices are recommended for use with paralleling tech to reduce radiation exposure
Precision film holders RINN XCP instruments with snap on rings
How is patients head positioned before exposing receptors
Maxillary arch parallel to floor and midline perpendicular to the floor
Why is increased target receptor distance required in the paralleling tech
To avoid image magnification
Which describes the relationship of the central ray to the receptor in the paralleling tech
90 degrees to the receptor and long axis of the tooth
Right angle
Formed by two perpendicular lines
Which describes the relationship between the receptor and that long axis of the tooth with paralleling tech
Receptor and tooth are parallel to each other
What describes the distance between the receptor and the tooth in parallel tech
Receptor placed away from tooth and toward middle of oral cavity
What are advantages of paralleling tech
Increased accuracy, simplicity of use, ease of duplication
Advantages of paralleling outweigh disadvantages
If the lack of parallelism is less than ______ the image is generally acceptable
What happens to dental image when a short PID is used
Which size receptor used with bisecting tech
1 or 2
Which beam alignment device recommended for bisecting tech because it aids in alignment of PID and reduces exposure
RINN BAI instruments
Proper direction of central ray in bisecting tech
90 degrees to imaginary bisector
Distance between receptor and tooth in bisecting tech
Receptor placed as close as possible to tooth
Advantage of bisecting tech
Shorter exposure time
Disadvantages of bisecting outweigh advantages
Anatomic order refers to how teeth are arranged in dental arches
A clear film mount is preferred for better interpretation of radiographs
Only the dentist is qualified to mount dental radiographs
Films may be mounted at any time after processing
Film viewing refers to the placing of films in a supporting structure
If viewbox screen is not completely covered by the mounted radiographs, the harsh light around the mounted films must be masked to reduce glare and for better interpretation
Optimal viewing conditions are typically present in the dental setting
Rule of isometry
Central ray hits receptor to make 90 degree angle with bisector
Too little/flat angulation
Too much/steep angulation
To conduct the film-screen contact test,the PID should have a _____-inch target-film distance
Areas of poor film-screen contact appear darker than good contact areas
To conduct the coin test, the film and coin are exposed for
3-4 minutes
How to test automatic film processor
Unwrap two unexposed films, expose one to light, and then process both film in the automatic processor
A reference radiograph is compared with a radiograph taken each day for matched
When the stepwedge tech is used to evaluate developer strength, if density on the daily radiograph differs from that on the standard radiograph by more than ____ steps, the developer solution is depleted
The clearing test is used to monitor
Fixer strength
Incisive foramen maxilla anterior
Anterior border of maxillary
Nasal septum maxilla anterior
Soft tissue of nose maxilla anterior
Maxillary sinus maxilla posterior
Maxillary tuberosity maxilla posterior
Lingual foramen anterior mandible
Mental foramen posterior mandible
Denton and decay are
Enamel is
Posterior indicator arm
2 curves in metal
Anterior ring
Extension located off to the side rather than straight
Steps for fresh film test
Prepare the film by unwrapping unexposed film, process film. If clear then good if foggy may be expired
Safelight coin test
Prep the darkroom turn off all lights in darkroom, prep film unwrap and place 4 feet from safelight place coin on top, turn on safelight and expose for 3-4 minutes, process film
Clearing test steps
Unwrap and place immediately in fixer, measure time takes film to clear if fast fixer is right strength
Rules for paralleling tech
Receptor placement, receptor position, vertical angulation, horizontal angulation, receptor exposure
Can’t see through
Can see through