Radio Ch 15,22,25 Flashcards
Analog image
Radiographic image produced by conventional film
Charge-coupled device (CCD)
Solid-state silicone chip detector that converts light or x-ray photons into an electrical charge or signal: in digital imaging, CCD is found in the sensor
Digital imaging
Filmless imaging system: a method of capturing an image using a sensor, breaking it into electronic pieces, and presenting and storing the image using a computer and related imaging software
Direct Digital imaging
Method of obtaining a digital image, in which an intraoral sensor is exposed to x-radiation to capture a dental image that can be viewed on a computer monitor
Indirect digital imaging
Method of obtaining a digital image, in which a sensor is scanned following exposure to x-radiation and then converted into a digital form that can be viewed on a computer monitor
Storage phosphor imaging
Method of obtaining a digital image in which the image is recorded on a phosphor coated plate and then placed into an electronic processor, where a laser scans the plate and produces an image on a computer monitor
Exposure times for digital imaging are how much less than conventional imaging
50 to 90% depending on speed of film
Digital subtraction
Reversing radiopaycity
A discrete unit of info; a picture element
In digital imaging, the term used to describe the picture that is produced is radiograph
Digital imaging requires more x-radiation than conventional radiography
The x-radiation source used in most digital imaging systems is a conventional dental x-ray unit
Compared with film emulsion, the pixels used in digital imaging are structured in an orderly arrangement
All intraoral sensors can be heat sterilize after use
The preferred exposure method for intraoral digital imaging is the paralleling technique
One advantage of a digital imaging system is the superior grayscale resolution that results
Digital subtraction is an advantage in digital imaging because distracting background information is eliminated from the image
The manipulation of the original digital images can be considered a legal issue
When was digital imaging introduced to dentistry
What can digital imaging be used for
Detecting conditions of teeth and surrounding structures, evaluating the growth and development of jobs, confirmation of suspected disease
Digital imaging require less radiation then does conventional radiography because
The sensor is more sensitive to x-ray
The image receptor found in the intraoral sensor is termed what
Digital imaging systems can be used for which images
Bitewing, panoramic, cephalometric
All of the following are advantages of digital imaging except
Size of the intraoral sensor
Which describes a use of panoramic image
Evaluation of impacted molars
The zone in which structures are clearly demonstrated on a panoramic image is termed
Focal trough
Rare earth intensifying screens are recommended in film based panoramic imaging because
Rare earth screens require less X-ray exposure for the patient
A thyroid collar is not recommended in panoramic imaging because
It blocks the x-ray beam and obscures info
Which imaginary plane passes from the bottom of the eye socket through the top of the ear canal
Procedure for pano
Receptor/tubehead rotate around patient, examine extent of large lesion, arches aligned to focal trough, collimator is a lead plate w/ narrow vertical slit, head positioned, screen film used, cassette holder w/ 2 intensifying screens, film loaded in cassette in darkroom under safelight
Procedure for intraoral imaging
Collimator lead plate w/ small round or rectangular opening, vertical angulation of tubehead variable,lead apron w/ thyroid collar
Panoramic and intraoral imaging procedures
Tubehead contains filament used to produce electrons and a target used to protect X-rays, midsagittal plane perpendicular to floor
Exposure to infectious materials that result from piercing or puncturing the skin
Parenteral exposure
EPA registered chemical germicides labeled as both hospital disinfectant and tuberculocidal agents are classified as
Intermediate level disinfectants
EPA registered chemical germicides labeled only as hospital disinfectants are classified as
Low-level disinfectants
What happens when chin is tip down during pano
Exaggerated smile line
What happens when teeth are positioned too far forward on bite block with pano
Anterior teeth appear narrowed and blurred
What happens when chin is tipped up
Reverse smile line
What happens if the patient doesn’t keep the tongue against the pallet
A radio Lucent shadow will be superimposed over the apices of maxillary teeth
Area one
Area 2
Ramus and cervical spine
Area three
Nasal cavity and maxillary sinus
Area 4
Body of mandible
Area five
Area six
What happens when the patient’s teeth are too far back on the bite block
Anterior teeth appear widened and blurred