Ch 18 Biomed Flashcards
Capable of causing a serious disease
A variety of bacteria that require oxygen to grow
Bacteria that grow in the absence of oxygen and are destroyed by oxygen
Facultative anaerobes
Organisms that can grow in the presence or the absence of oxygen
A single celled microscopic animal without a rigid cell wall
A hidden virus during the latency period
Very tiny infectious agents that do not contain DNA or RNA
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A rare chronic brain disease with onset in middle to late life
Oral candidiasis
A yeast infection of the oral mucosa
A virus necessary for co-infection with HDV
A virus that is spread by the fecal oral route
West Nile virus
Spread by mosquitoes
H1N1 flu virus
A virus caused by A type viruses
A bacterium that is resistant to some antibiotics
Why is microbiology important to the dental assistant
They gain and enhance understanding of infection control
Who is the father of microbiology
Louis Pasteur
Who was the first to record that micro organisms were responsible for hospital acquired infections
Joseph Lister
Who is credited for discovering the rabies vaccination
Louis Pasteur
What is the name of the staining process for separating bacteria
Gram test
How are prions different from other micro organisms
They contain only protein and no nucleic acid
What type of hepatitis is blood-borne
C, D, B
Pontiac fever is a type of which disease
Legionnaires disease
Bacteria cause what diseases
Tetanus, syphilis, TB
What is the first oral indicator of syphilis
A chancre
Herpes simplex type two is also known as what
Genital herpes
Rod shaped (tuberculosis)
Spiral shaped capable of movement (lyme disease)
Round divide in two (pharyngitis)
What are the five major groups of micro organisms
Bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi, viruses, prions, rickettsiae
What dictates a pathogen’s function
What cannot be growing on artificial culture media and cannot be destroyed by anabiotic drugs