Oral Cavity Flashcards
Space between teeth and inner mucosal lining of lips and cheeks
Oral cavity proper
Space on tongue side within upper and lower dental arches
Mucobuccal fold
At the base of vestibule where buccal mucosa meets aveolar mucosa
Mucogingival junction
A distinct line of color change where the membrane meets attached gingivae
Attached gingiva
Light color with stippled surface
Buccal vestibule
Area between cheeks and teeth or alveolar ridge
Parotid papilla
Small elevation of tissue located on inner surface of cheek on buccal mucosa
Fordyces spots
Small yellowish elevations appear on buccal mucosa
Linea alba
On buccal mucosa horizontal raised white ridge where teeth come together
Labial frenum
Maxillary line between two front teeth connecting lip to gum
Narrow band of tissue that connects two structures
Lingual frenum
Passes from floor of mouth to the midline of ventral border on tongue
Gums or masticatory mucosa covers alveolar process
Unattached gingiva
Aka marginal/free gingiva the border of gingiva that surrounds the teeth like a collar. Not bound to tissue 1 mm wide and forms soft wall of gingival sulcus
Interdental gingiva
Interdental papilla gums between teeth
Gingival groove
Marks beginning of attached gingiva
Attached gingiva
Base of sulcus to mucogingival junction stipple and dense firmly bound
Incisive papilla
Pear shaped pad behind two front teeth on roof of mouth
Hard palate
Right behind the ridges on roof of mouth
Palatal rugae
Ridges on roof of mouth
Midline palatine raphe
Line in middle of roof of mouth
Soft palate
Right behind hard palate
The two arches
Anterior faucial pillar
First arch
Posterior faucial pillar
Second arch
Isthmus of Fauces
Contains tonsils. Opening between two arches
Projections from tongue that contain sensory organs and nerves for taste and touch
Root of tongue
Posterior that turns down toward pharynx
Body of tongue
Anterior 2/3 of tongue
Upper posterior rough part
Sublingual surface
Covered with thin smooth transparent mucosa can see vessels.
Grey threadlike associated with touch cover whole tongue
Red globular associated with taste anterior area of tongue
Vallate papillae
Posterior area of tongue taste buds