Chair side ch 20, 21 Flashcards
Substance for killing microorganisms on skin
Blood, saliva, and other fluids
Transfer surfaces
Surfaces that are not directly touched but are often touched by contaminated instruments
Splash, splatter, and droplet surfaces
Surfaces that do not contact the members of the dental team or the contaminated instruments or supplies
Removal of bioburden before disinfection
Residual activity
The action that continues long after initial application
Tuberculocidal agent
Capable of inactivating mycobacterium tuberculosis
A disinfectant capable of killing a wide range of microbes
An EPA-registered intermediate-level hospital disinfectant
Synthetic phenol compound
An EPA-registered intermediate-level hospital disinfectant with broad-spectrum disinfection action
A high-level disinfectant or sterilant
Chlorine dioxide
Effective rapid-acting enviro surface disinfectant or chemical sterilant
Intermediate-level disinfectant
Destroys M. Tuberculosis, viruses, fungi, and vegetative bacteria and is used for disinfecting dental operators surfaces
Low-level disinfectant
Destroys certain viruses and fungi and can be used for general housecleaning purposes
Greener infection control
Minimizing enviro impact of infection control products and procedures
Why surfaces disinfected in dental rooms
Prevent patient to patient trans
What is used to prevent surface contamination
Sterilization and disinfectant
What is purpose of surface barrier
Prevent cross contamination
What agency requires use of surface disinfection
Why surfaces precleaned
Remove bioburden
Where antiseptic used
On skin
What agency regulates disinfectants
What chemical solution recommended for heat-resistant items
Name for disinfectant that can leave reddish or yellowish stain
Disadvantage of synthetic phenols
Leaves residual film on surfaces
Common term for sodium hypochlorite
Which disinfectant not effective if blood or saliva present
Common use of chlorine dioxide
Surfaces disinfectant and sterilant
Event-related packaging
It is assumed the contents of package will remain sterile indefinitely unless compromised
Agent capable of killing all microorganisms
Piece of equipment used for sterilizing by moist heat under pressure
Biologic indicators
Vials or strips (spore tests) contain harmless bacterial spores used to determine wether sterilizer working
Chemical vapor sterilizer
Used for sterilizing by hot formaldehyde vapors under pressure
Critical instrument
Used to penetrate soft tissue or bone
Semicritical instrument
Comes in contact with oral tissues but not penetrate soft tissue or bone
Noncritical instrument
Come in contact with intact skin only
Clean area
Area of sterilization are where everything clean and sterilized are stored
Contaminated area
Contaminated items brought for precleaning
Biologic monitor
Verifies sterilization
Single parameter indicator
Tapes, strips, and tabs change color when exposed to certain temps
Resistant dormant structure formed inside some bacteria can withstand adverse conditions
Ultra sonic cleaner
Loosens and removes debris by sound waves
Multi-parameter indicator
Reacts to time, temp, and presence of steam
Basic rule of workflow pattern in an instrument processing area
If instruments not processed immediately what is done
Placed in holding solution
Methods of precleaning instruments
Hand scrubbing, ultra sonic cleaning, thermal washer and disinfector
method of precleaning instruments least desirable
Hand scrubbing
Kitchen dishwashers cannot be used to preclean instruments because they are
not FDA approved
Rusting of instruments prevented by
Instruments are packaged for sterilization to
Maintain sterility
Why aren’t pins paper clips staples used
Cause holes in packaging
3 forms of sterilization monitoring
Physical chemical biological
Where do u place a process indicator
Outside package
Another term for spore testing
Biological monitoring
Do multi parameter indicators ensure items are sterile
Best way to determine if sterilization occurred
Biological monitoring
What causes sterilization failure
Wrong temp, overloading sterilizer, improper contact of sterilizing agent
Common used forms of heat sterilization
Steam, chemical vapor, dry heat
Disadvantage of flash sterilization
Inability to wrap items
Advantage of chemical vapor sterilization
Instruments will not rust
Example of dry heat sterilization is
Static air
How do u rinse instruments that have been processed in a liquid chemical sterilant
Sterile water
How do u prep a high speed hand piece for sterilization
Flush water through it
Which heat sterilization appropriate for high speed hand pieces
Steam and chemical sterilant
Why is it recommended to use single use items
Reduce the chance for patient to patient contamination
What should you do if the barrier becomes torn
Replace it and clean/disinfect the surface under the barrier
Which surfaces must have barriers
Touch and transfers surfaces
What is the ideal disinfectant
Odorless, inexpensive, simple to use, works on surfaces with removing bioburden
How do you test the ultrasonic cleaner
Hold 5 x 5” sheet of lightweight aluminum foil vertically half submerged in fresh solution, run for 20 seconds, hold toward the light should be evenly marked with tiny pebbling affects over entire surface. More than half inch without pebbling is bad
What PPE is necessary when processing instruments
Eyewear, utility gloves, mask, protective clothing
Time/Temp typical steam Temps in sterilizing cycle
250°/30 minutes (Occ), 250°/15 minutes, 273°/10 minutes, 273°/3 minutes
What is a process indicator
Strips of paper that indicate if instruments have been exposed to a certain temperature not duration or pressure
What is a process integrator and where is it placed
Inside package, responding to pressure, temp, and time