Chairside Final Flashcards
What does the commission on dental accreditation do
Evaluation and accreditation of dental educational programs in the US set standards for educational programs in DA, DH, dental lab tech
Why is the CDA important to students and the public
Provides insurance that the program continues to meet the high standards set forth by the dental profession
Who was the first dentist to use a dental assistant
C. Edmond Kells
Who founded dental hygiene education in America
Dr. Alfred C. Fones
Who was the first woman in the US to graduate from the dental school
Dr. faith sai so Leong
Who was the first African-American female dentist in the US
Ida gray rollins
Where is the Dr. Samuel de Harris national Museum of dentistry located
On the grounds of the Baltimore College of dental surgery in Baltimore Maryland
Who was the first African-American to graduate from the dental school of Harvard University
Robert Tanner Freeman
And attitude that is a parent and everything you do and say, in and out of the dental office. It is important because when you demonstrate it, you receive respect and acknowledgment from your colleagues and patients as a valued member of the dental healthcare team
How can a dental assistant demonstrate professionalism
By their appearance, knowledge, attitude, teamwork, and skills
Name the three essential aspects of a professional appearance
Good health, grooming, and appropriate dress
How can you demonstrate that you are a responsible person
Arriving on time, staying for the full shift, being a cooperative team member, not asking to leave early
American dental assistance association: represent the profession of dental assisting on a national level
Certified dental assistant: nationally recognized credential of the DA who passed the D ANB certified exam/keeps current through continued education
Dental assistance national board: national agency responsible for administrating the certification exam and issuing the credential of certifying DA
What are the three primary methods of chemical exposure
Inhalation, skin contact, Ingestion
What is the difference between acute and chronic chemical toxicity
Acute results from high-level of exposure over shorter period Chronic equals many repeated exposures over a longer time
What is the best way to protect your hands from chemicals
Utility gloves
What types of personal protection should be worn when handling toxic chemicals
Hand protection, I protection, gown and apron, mask
How is the chemical considered hazardous
If it can egnite, react or explode when mixed with other substances, corrosive, toxic
Eyewash units
Required at every workplace where chemicals are used inspected monthly, weekly three minute flashing, irrigates eyes with soft wide flow of water, wall/sink mounted
Describe the necessary precautions when working with mercury
Well ventilated space, avoid skin contact/inhalation, store away from heat in tight sealed container, use pre-Lord loaded capsules, close cover before starting amalgamator, reassemble capsule after dispensing, contaminated disposables into poly ethylene bags in seal
What are the OSHA requirements regarding an eyewash unit
Installed in every workplace where chemicals are used
Describe guidelines for minimizing exposure to chemical hazards in the dental office
Keep minimum amount of hazardous chemicals in the office, read labels/use as directed, store according to manufactures directions, keep containers tightly covered, avoid mixing, wear PPE, wash hands after removing gloves, avoid skin contact, maintain good ventilation, no eating/drinking/smoking where chemicals used, keep away from flames, have fire extinguisher, no cleanup procedures, keep neutralizing agents around, dispose correctly
What could be the effects of exposure to radiographic processing solutions kept in a poorly ventilated area
Respiratory problems
In general how should chemicals be stored
In a cool dry dark place
In general how are chemicals determined to be hazardous
Ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, listed by the EPA
How could an empty container be considered to be hazardous
Holds residues that can burn or explode
What does a written program consist of
Identify by name, all employees in office exposed to hazardous chemicals/identify individual responsible for the program and staff training, how chemicals handled/info on labeling and safety measures, how to respond to chemical emergencies
What is the purpose of OSHA
Requires employers to inform employees about identity and hazards of all chemicals they are exposed to
Why was the OSHA hazard communication standard revised
Adopted the globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals ends confusion and elminates need for different labels improves quality/consistency of info available to employees using chemicals
What is the revised term for the material safety data sheet
Safety data sheet
What is a pictogram
Graphic elements used on a hazard label, used to identify the specific hazards class and category
Name five commonly use dental materials that may be regulated as waste
Mercury and dental amalgam, amalgam capsules, amalgam traps, lead foil and shields, disinfectant solutions, x-ray fixer solutions/developer solutions
Name four types of items that would be regulated dental waste
Disposable needles, disposable dental burs, endodontic files and retainers, contaminated broken glass
Name for materials that would be contaminated waste
Saliva soaked gauze, used patient bibs, surface barriers, gloves
What type of waste are extracted teeth
Regulated waste
Describe the requirements for sharps containers
Closable, leak proof, puncture resistant container labeled with biohazard symbol and color-coded
Why is radiographic fixer considered to be hazardous waste
High in silver content
Where could you find information about the flashpoint of a disinfectant
How should the operator maintain the forms when working on a patient
Parallel to the floor
In terms of the clock concept, where is the static zone located for right-handed operator
12 to 2
Besides the assistant, what may be located in the assistants zone
Mobile dental unit, assistant stool
What classification of instruments is used to remove decay manually
Hand cutting
What are the four uses of the mouth mirror
Indirect vision, retraction, light reflection, tissue protection
Describe the main feature of the working end of an explorer
Sharp, distinguishes areas of calculus or decay from discrepancies on teeth
What three instruments make up the basic set up
Mouth mirror, explore, cotton pliers
Give the name of the instrument that is used to measure the sulcus of a tooth
Perio probe
What instrument would you transfer to the dentist to carve anatomy back into the inner proximal portion of an amalgam restoration
Round bur
1/4, 1/2, 1-8, 10
Inverted cone
33 1/2, 34–39, 36L, 37L
Straight fissure plane cut
55–60, 57L, 58L
Straight Fissure cross cut
556-560, 567L, 568L
Tapered Fissure plane cut
167-172, 169L, 170L, 171L
Tapered Fissure crosscut
699-703, 699L, 700L, 701L
330–333, 331 L
End cutting
957, 958
What cavity classifications use a posterior matrix system
Class 2
What is used to hold a posterior matrix been in position intraorally
Universal retainer/Tofel Meyer
What instrument is commonly used to contour the matrix band
What can result from improper wedge placement
Overhang and cupping
Why can’t a stainless steel matrix band be used with composite
Metal can scratch some composite resin’s
What is another term for a clear plastic matrix
Celluloid, mylar strip
What matrix system is an alternative to the universal retainer
Auto matrix
What is another term for a thin polish matrix band used for posterior composites
Palodent type
What is the main difference between a recommendation and a regulation
Regulations are laws recommendations are an advisement but cannot be enforced
What is OSAP
Provides recommendations for infection control and safety for things like instrument processing, surface asepsis, water line management
What is the primary role of the CDC in dentistry
Protects health and safety of people at home and abroad recommendations
What is the primary role of the FDA in dentistry
Regulated manufacturing and labeling of medical devices for example PPE sterilizers Office equipment
What is the primary role of the EPA in dentistry
Ensure safety and effectiveness of disinfectants, regulating waste materials
What is the primary role of OSHA in dentistry
Ensure safety and health of workers. Blood-borne pathogen’s standard and hazardous communication standard
American dental Association
American dental assistants association
American dental hygienist association
Organization for safety, asepsis and prevention
Centers for disease control and prevention
Food and drug administration
Environmental protection agency
Occupational safety and health administration