Anatomy TMJ/muscles Flashcards
What are the basic types of movement by the TMJ
Hinge and glide
What type of sign or symptom may a patient who is experiencing TMJ disorder exhibit
Pain, joint sounds, limitations in movement
Which cranial nerve innervates all muscles of mastication
What is the name of the horse-shaped bone where the muscles of the tongue and the floor of the mouth attach
The strongest and most obvious muscle of mastication
Masseter muscle
One of the cervical muscles that divide the neck region into anterior and posterior cervical triangles
A joint on each side of the head that allows for movement of the mandible for speech and chewing
One of the cervical muscles that lift the clavicle and scapula to shrug the shoulder
What bony parts is the TMJ made of
Glenoid fossa, articular eminence, condyloid process
Capsular ligament
Fibrous joint capsule encloses TMJ. Superiorly wraps around margin of temp bone articulator eminence/fossa and inferiorly mand condyle
Hinge action
First phase, lower compartment of joint used
Gliding movement
Forward/backward, involves lower/upper compartment of joint, condyle and articular disc glide forwar/downward along articular eminence, sideways movement when internal/external pterygoid muscles same side of face contact
Causes of TMD
Stress, clenching, trauma to jaw head neck, diseases of joint (arthritis), malocclusion
Major muscles of facial expression
Orbicularis oris, buccinator, mentalis, zygomatic major
Muscles of mastication
Temporalis, masseter, internal pterygoid, external pterygoid
Muscles of tongue
Intrinsic shape tongue speaking, chewing, swallowing, extrinsic: genioglossus, hyoglossus, styoglossus, palatoglossus. Work with TMJ
Muscles of soft palate
Palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus
Muscles of floor of mouth
Digastric, mylohyoid, stylohyoid, geniohyoid between mandible and hyoid bone
Mylohyoid muscle
Forms floor of mouth
Geniohyoid muscle
Draws tongue and hyoid bone forward
Stylohyoid muscle
Assist with swallowing
Temporal and masseter muscle
Raises mandible and closes jaw
Internal pterygoid
Closes jaw
External pterygoid
Depresses mandible to open jaw
Depresses and protrudes tongue
Retracts and pulls down side of tongue
Retracts tongue
Elevates base of tongue; depresses soft palate toward tongue
Palatopharyngeal muscle
Narrows faucets and helps shut off nasopharynx