Psychology Exam Flashcards
Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
attachment theory; infant obedience and maternal behavior
Solomon Asch
conformity experiments; gestalt psychology; social influence; card line experiment
Albert Bandura
social cognitive theory; Social learning theory; Bobo Doll Experiment; Observational learning: self-efficacy;
Paul Ekman
microfacial expressions; universal human emotions; humans can relate emotions
Erik Erikson
8 stages of Psychosocial Development; Developmental Psychology;
Sigmund Freud
Father of Psychoanalysis; Psychosexual development, ID, Superego, and Ego; Dream analysis unconscious mind
John Garcia
Taste Aversion; rats exposed to radiation
Carl jung
Collective Unconscious; Archetypes; extrovert and introvert; Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Near death studies; Five Stages of Grief; death and dying
Abraham Maslow
5 tier hierarchy human needs; motivational theory; self-actualization; humanistic
Stanley Migram
Shock Experiment; social psychologist; conformity and social pressure; conformism; human obedience; small world problem
Ivan Pavlov
Developed thry of classical conditioning; dogs conditioned reflex; digestive glands
Irene Pepperberg
Grey parrots; birds learning linguistic abilities and cognitive
Carl Rogers
humanistic psychology; client centered therapy; counseling and psychotherapy
Hermann Rorschach
Inkblot test; abstract art and psychology; reveal personality, unconscious conflicts, personality traits,
Martin Seligman
positive psychology; 3 kinds of happy; Creative theory of learned helplessness
B.F. Skinner
radical behaviorist psychologist; Operant Conditioning; skinner boxes; pigeons
John B. Watson
Founded of school of behaviorism; conditional behaviorism; Little Albert Experiment; all animals learn behaviors from environment
Phillip Zimbardo
Stanford Prison Experiment; conformity; social psychologist; putting good ppl in an evil spot; cognitive dissonance;
Alzheimer’s Disease
dementia; destroys Memory and mental functions; damages persons brain; older adults
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
mental health and brain-related conditions; diagnosing the condition
Diffusion of Responsibility
people fail to take action as number of bystanders increase
Unfolding sequence of perceptions, thoughts, emotions experienced as a series of actual events during sleep.
Eating Disorders
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating
Learning Styles
4 types: visual learning, auditory learning, reading and writing, kinesthetic; VARK
Intelligence Tests
mental capacity tests; classification of children special needs
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
psychological test; evaluate psychiatric disorders; diagnose mental health; psychopathology; true or false, cannot say
The Thematic Apperception Test
interpretations of ambiguous pictures; studies motives; motivational traits
The Strong-Campbell Inventory
career interest test; career exploration; career preferences
a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation; psychological perception of pressure
Bystander Effect
presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation