Exam 2_Domains, Human Microbiome, Bacteria and Viruses, Flashcards
What does Eukarya include?
Plants, Animal, Fungi, Protista
What does protists include?
slime molds, protozoans, green algae.
What do slime molds resemble?
fungi like
What do protozoans resemble?
animal like
What do green algae resemble?
plant like
Viruses 2 things about:
Non living; made of protein coat, DNA (or RNA)
4 things origin of life:
form of amino acids, nucleotides; form polymers; self-replication; pre-cells
What are poymers
proteins and nucleic acids
What is the origin of Eukaryotic cell aka Endosymbiotic theory of the cell?
Aerobic bacteria/photosynthetic bacteria, swallowed by cell turning into Animal or Plant cell
Name 3 evidences of Endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria.
Mitochondria have 2 membrane, have own DNA, DNA sequence of mitochondria and certain bacteria are similar
what are chlamydomonas?
single-celled green alga
What is the Volvox
a multicellular green alga
Why are chlamydomonas and Volvox important?
origin of multicellularity
Microbiome what is it?
bacterial ecosystem
bacteria that are helpful
Name a good bacteria
S. Epidermidis
bacteria that cause illness
Name a bad bacteria
S. Aureus
what bacteria helps keep us lean?
helicobacter pylori
What are the 4 findings of germ free mice?
poorly developed immune system, shorter gut, disease susceptible, food/vitamin deficiencies
Fecal transplants from healthy donors in human did 2 things:
90% cured diarrhea and improved insulin response
How to keep your ecosystem healthy:
More fiber, more fermented foods, less meat, less processed food
Avoid - antibiotics, cleanliness
What are bacteria?
simple, single cell, prokaryote
What are the 10 parts of a bacteria?
plasmid, chromosome, ribosomes, cytoplasm, pilli, cell membrane, cell wall, capsule, endospore, flagellum
What are the 3 types of bacteria shape?
cocci, bacilli, others
Name 3 examples of bacteria
Escherichia coli, Helicobactor pylori, staphylococcus aureus
What are viruses?
non-living, protein coat + DNA/RNA
Name 4 examples of viruses
Ebola, HIV, measles, Corona
Name the 4 parts of a Influenza virus:
Glycoproteins, RNA, Capsid, Membranous envelope
What are the 3 lines of defense of a immune system?
- Barriers, skin, mucus, stomach acid, cilia
- Innate response
- Adaptive Response
What is the Innate response?
immunity that is present; pre-set receptor on white blood cells against pathogens
What is the adaptive response?
develops after exposure to agents; specific response to pathogens
What are interferon proteins?
provide innate defense interfering with viruses and helping activate macrophages
How many proteins make up the complement system?
What does the complement system do?
causes lysis of invading cells and helps trigger inflammation
What is the inflammatory response?
pain and swelling; brought about by molecules released upon infection
Mast Cells
a type of connective tissue that release histamine
triggers blood vessels to dilate and become more permeable
Can you describe the 3 parts to an inflammatory response?
- Histamines & cytokines released. Capillaries dilate
- Antimicrobial peptides enter tissue. Neutrophils are recruited.
- Neutrophils
digest pathogens/cell debris.
Tissue heals.
What are the 3 things that antibodies do?
Mark pathogens; bind to viral surface proteins; bind to toxins
what is autoimmune disease?
the immune system loses tolerance for self and turns against certain molecules of the body