Postural Control An Balance Flashcards
define: postural orientation, balance, COM, base of support, limits of stability
postural orientation- the ability to maintain appropriate control of body segments in relation to each other and gravity
balance- ability to maintiain COM in BOS
COM- average position of all parts of the system according to their masses
base of support- area of body or extension of body in contact with a support surface
limits of stability- the maximum distance that one can lean to without losing balance or having to change BOS
Three parts of postural control?
sensory (afferent) input (visual, vestibular, somatosensory)
CNS integration
Motor (efferent) output
Clinical test for sensory interaction in balance (CTSIB) test (also called the sensory organization test- SOT)
30 secs recorded with 6 conditions (eyes open, closed, on a dome- on a firm or foam surface)
2 attempts allowed, test stops if arm or feet position changes
What are the postural control stratgies?
Reactive and proactive
What are the motor strategies
Ankle strategy: forward and backward sways
forward: gastroc, hmstrings, paraspinals
backward: tib ant, quads, abdominals
Hip strategy, backward and forward sway
forward: abs, quads
backwards: parapsinals, hamstrings
Stepping strategy- explained
re-estabilishing BOS with the mvmt of a body part to contact supporting surface
Functional balance grades
functional balance grades
romberg test
functional reach tests
berg balance scale
performance-oriented mobility assessment
Get up and go test (GUG)
The Romberg test
standing with feet together arms by my side EO and EC
positive test- patient able to stand with EO but is unstable or falls with EC
Functional reach test
how far they can reach in a standing fixed BOS position
<6 inches is indicative of fall predicition
Berg balance test
14 items, scaled 0-4 with a max of 56 points
41-56= low fall risk
21-40= medium fall risk (walking with assistance)
0-20= high fall risk (wheelchair bound)
Performance-oriented mobility assessment (POMA) and Tinnetis
brief and reliable measure of static and dynamic balance
balance - 9 test max 16 score
gait- 7 test max 12
- <19 high risk of falls
19-24 moderate risk for falls
Get up and go test (GUG)
stand up from chair and walk 3 meteres at their normal speed and turn, walk back and return sitting.
1- normal
2- very slightly abnormal
3- mildly abnormal (>3= increased risk of falls)
4- moderatley abnormal
5- severly abnrmal
Timed up and go test (TUG)
stand up from chair and walk 3 meteres at their normal speed and turn, walk back and return sitting.
<10 sec- normal for most adults
>12 sec- fall risk
11-20 sec- within normal limits for frail elderly or individuals with disability
>30 sec- impaired functional mobility
Balance training- General principles
clear obstacles in room
proper footwear
giard appropriately
monitor face
guage patients abilities
start with most to least stable positions
challenge with progression
regress positions or mvmts where necessary
How can you challenge balance?
alter BOS
internal pertubations
reactive balance stratgies (external pertubations)
- expected vs unexpected
altered vision
altered speed
moving COM higher
include cognitive demanding tasks