MSK- Manual Therapy Flashcards
The three planes
Component motions
Motions that accompany an active motion (but not under voluntary control)
Joint play
Distensibility (amount of give) in a joint
Movement of two bones and how that relates to the cardinal planes
End feel
End feels
Normal end feels:
- bone to bone
- soft tissue approximation
- tissue stretch
Abnormal end feels
- muscle spasm
- empty (too painful to reach endfeel)
- springy block (meniscus tear)
- Abnormal bone to bone (osteophytes)
- Abnormal capsular (firm feeling with a little give at an earlier range than expected- frozen shoulder)
Accessory mvmts that occur b/w the bone surfaces of each joint
Direction of mvmt
Periphery- mvmts named after the direction of motion of the distal bone on the proximal bon
Spinal- named by the motion of the superior segment to the inferior segment
Concave on Convex rule
If the surface of the distal segment (moving bone) is concave, sliding is in the same direction of the angular mvmt of the bone
Convex on concave rule
If the surface of the distal segment (moving bone) is convex, sliding is in the opposite direction of the angular mvmt of the bone.
Indications for mobilization’s
Pain , muscle guarding and spasm
Reversible joint hypo mobility
Positional faults[ subluxation
Progressive limitation
Functional immobility
Hyper mobility
Joint effusion
Bone disease
Unsealed fracture
Excesssive pain
Hyper mobility in accosiaet joints
Total joint replacements
Weakened connective tissue
Systemi connective tissue diseases (ie. RA)
Elderly individual w/ weakened connective tissues
Types of mobs
Freddy Kaltenborn (sustained glides 1,2,3)
Maitland (oscillatory glides 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)- probs what is on the PCE
Mulligan (mobs with movement - sustained glides with movement)
1: pain
2: pain and maintain joint plane
3: increase joint plane
1: pain and spasm- small amplitude before resistance
2: pain and spasm- large amplitude before resistance
3: increase joint play- large amplitude through resistance
4: increase joint play- small amplitude through resitance
Comparable sign for Mulligans
A positive sign that can be repeated after treatment to determine the effectiveness of the treatment
Accessory glide
- pain free
- failure to improve comparable sign shows its the therapists fault