Cardio Signs/ Conditions Flashcards
Homan’s Sign
ankle dorsiflexion causing pain indicating a DVT
Buergers test
pain and paleness with leg elevation (assesses arterial sufficiency)
Patient repeats “E” and it sounds like “A” when auscultating- indicates consolidation
Whispered pectoriloquy
whispered words change to sound clearer over areas with consolidation (usually muffled over normal lung tissue)
increased intensity and clarity over consolidation
Blue bloater
chronic bronchitis (obstructive)
Increased PaCOs and decreased PaO2
Decreased PaCO2 and PaO2
pink puffer, barrel chest
emphysema (obstructive)
asthma, bronchitis (obstructive)
foul-smelling mucus
bronchiectasis (obstructive)
Late fine inspiratory crackles with increased RR (bilateral)
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (restrictive)
decreased or absent breathing sounds with fine crackles (unilateral)
actelectasis (restrictive)
severe dyspnea, diffuse wheezes, inspiratory crackles
acute respiratory distress syndrome (restrictive)
Hyper-resonant, decreased breathing sounds
pneumothorax (restrictive)