MSK Tests Flashcards
Functional opening “knuckle” test
Jaw test for functional opening
Positive- inability to fit 2 knuckles in
UMN reflex
quick forceful dorsiflexion of ankle and HOLD. If rythmic contractions continue for 5 beats or more than positive
UMN reflex
J stroke at the bottom of foot. Toes splay if positive
Tests for Cx Radiopathy
Cervical Distraction
Cervical distraction test
for radicular symptoms. Lift the head and if symptoms decrease than positive
Axial loading to close foramina. Positive if symptoms are aggravated
Median nerve, anterior interosseous nerve C5-7
Median nerve, musculotcutaneous nerve, axillary nerve
Radial nerve
Ulnar nerve. C8 and T1 nerve roots
Test for VBI)
Vertebral artery (cervical quadrant) test
Vertebral Artery (cervical quadrant) test
passive neck extension and side flexion with a hold Hold for 10-30 secs. Ipsilateral neck rotation then added. Hold for 10-30 secs. Positive if dizziness or nystagmus
Anterior shear or sagittal stress test
Tests anterior lig and capsular tissue
stabilize vertebra and anterior shift.
+ if excessive motion
Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test
Test for: integrity of contralatral alar lig
Procedure: head in neutral, stabilize C2, side flex C1 and head
+ if: excessive side flexion
Lateral Shear test
Test for: integrity of lateral ligs and capsualr tissue
Procedure: stabilize vertebral above and below and shear
+ if: excessive motion or symptoms of instability
Sharp- Purser Test
Test for: determine subluxation of C1 and C2
Procedure: head support forehead and back of C2. Perform slow flexion
+ if: if head slides backwards or there is a clunk
Cervical-Flexion Rotation test
Test for: C1-C2 dysfunction. cervicogenic headaches
Procedure: fully flex C spine and rotate side to side
+ if: increased or decreased ROM with 45 degree flexion
What are the 4 special tests for cervical instability
Cervical-Flexion Rotation test
Sharp- Purser Test
Lateral Shear test
Lateral flexion alar ligament stress test
Anterior shear or sagittal stress test
Craniocervical flexion test (pressure biofeedback test)
Test for: deep neck flexor muscle function
Procedure: place pressure cuff @ 20 mmHg under neck and activate deep neck flexor. Push to 22, then up by 2s to 30
+ if: unable to do it.
What are the tests for Lx Radiculopathy (6)
Sign of Buttock
Test for:
+ if:
Crossover sign
if perform SLR on the unaffected side, pain is ilicit on the bad side then indicates a large disc bulge
Sign of the buttock
Test for: pathology behind hip
Procedure: SLR with knee flexion at maxed hip flexion
+ if: pain illicit
Complete list – remember RONFISS
R: Rheumatic bursitis
O: Osteomyelitis of the upper femur
N: Neoplasm of the upper femur and ilium
F: Fractured sacrum
I: Ischiorectal abscess
S: Septic sacroilitis
S: Septic gluteal bursitis
Bow-String sign
Test for: Tension on the Sciatic nerve
Procedure: SLR, pressure at the popliteal fossa
+ if: radicular symptoms are illicit
Kemps (quadrant) test
Test for: Lx facet involvement
Procedure: quadrant extension
+ if: pain illict
Lumbar Instability tests
H and I stability test
Prone Segmental Instability test
H and I stability test
Test for: muscle spasm or possible spinal instabilty
Procedure: watch video, easier to see
+ if: Hypomobility or instabilty
Tests for TOS
Adson Manueovr
Costoclavicular syndrome (military brace)
Halstead Maneouver
Wright test
Allen Test
Roos Test (Elevated arm stress test)
Shoulder girdle passive elevation (Cyriax Release test)
Test for shoulder instabilty
cross body adduction test
Anterior shoulder instability (3)
crank (apprehension) and relocation
Apprehension release (surprise) test
Load and shift test
Posterior shoulder instability (3)
Jerk test
load and shift test
posterior apprehension test
Inferior and multidirectional instability
sulcus sign
Feagin test
Labral tests (3)
Clunk test
Actice Compression test of O’Brien
Biceps Load Test (Kim Test II)
Tests for Subacromial impingement
Hawkin’s Kennedy Impingment Test
Neer’s Impingement test
Scapular assist test
Bicep tendon tests
Drop arm
Empty can
belly press
lift off
lateral rotation lag sign
Teres minor
hornblowers sign
Scapular dyskinesia test
wall or floor push up test
scapular load test
punch out (serratus anterior weakness)
Lateral Epicondylosis (Tennis elbow)
Cozen test (active resisted)
Mills test (passive)
Maudsleys test (resisted D3)
Medial Epicondylitis (golfers elbow)
Medial epicondylitis test
resisted wrist flexion
resisted pronation
Finkelstein test
Test for: De Quervains tensosynovitis
Cubital tunnel syndrom
cubital tunnel compression test
tinnels test at elbow
elbow flexion test
TFCC tear
TFCC load test (Sharpeys test)
Press test
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Reverse Phalen
Carpal Compression
Resisted APB
ULTT median nerve bias
Nerve conduction velocity
Unlnar tunnel syndrome
Forments sign
Guyon canal compression
TInels test of Guyon Canal
ULTT ulnar nerve bias
Nerve conduction velocity test
Gameskeeper thumb
UCL laxity
instability test
Thumb CMC OA
Grind test
Hip OA test
Patrick (FABER) test
Flexion-adduction (hip quadrant) test
Developmental dysplasia of baby hips
Barlow manoeuvre
Ortolani manoeuvre
Meniscus tests
Bounce Home
ACL test
Anterior drawer
pivot shift
PCL tests
Posterior drawer test
Posterior sag sign
Godfrey (gravity) test
Patellar femoral syndrome
Clarkes sign (patellar grind)
McConnel test
Step-up test
Eccentric step test
Swelling tests
brush test
patellar tap test
Fat pad test
Plica syndrome
hughstons plica
mediopatellar plica
patellar bowstring
Patellar dyslocation
Fairbanks apprehension
ITB syndrome
noble compression
obers test
Ankle tests
anterior drawer test
talar tilt
ankle lunge test (knee-to- wall)
proprioception test
strength test
External rotation stress test (Kleiger test)
Achilles rupture
Plantar flascia
windlass test
Hoffman test
For UMN reflex
flick DIP
relfex flexion of thumb and index or middle
Functional balance
romberg test
functional reach
berg balance
Performance-oriented mobility assessment
get up and go test
timed up and go test
Jendrassik’s Maeuver
Positions required for upper limb and lower limb DTR (Deep tendon reflexes) testing
Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction in Balance (CTSIB)
Also called Sensory Organization Test (SOT)
The patient stands with hands by their side and hold for 30 secs. 6 different conditions (firm or foam, eyes open or closed, dome)
Glasgow Coma Scale
Bunnel-Littler test
Intrinsic hand muscle tightness. Passive PIP flexion with MCP in flexion and extension. Positive if PIP limited flexion when MCP is in extension but not in flexion.
Knee ballottement test
Pressing on patella and feeling for bogginess
Bulge/ Brush test
stroke up medially and then down laterally and looking for wave of effusion
Beighton Score
Oswestry disability index
Intended population: acute or chronic low back pain.
Most effective for persistent severe disability while the Roland-Morris is better for mild to moderate disability.
Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire
Intended population: patients with mild to moderate disability due to acute, sub-acute or chronic low back pain.
Modified New York Criteria
For AxSpa
The ACR 1990
For fibromylasia
tragus to wall
cervical rotation
finger to floor
intermalleoulr distance
SI Jt- looks like a FABER Test almost
gillet test
SI mvmt- hands on PSIS and if there is upward mvmt then positive
modified Schober’s test
measure 5 cm below PSIS dimples and 10 cm above. Have them flex and see if it increases or decreases (+ for AS)