MSK Deformities Flashcards
Round Back
Appearance: Looks like entire back is in kyphosis with rounded head and shoulders
Due to: decreased pelvic inclination (~20 deg) with thoracolumbar or thoracic kyphosis
Scheuermann’s Disease
Appearance: increased kypohosis commonly in T10-L2
Due to: weakening of vertebral end plates
Common in adolescents
Hump Back/ Gibbus
Appearance: sharp hump
Due to: structural deformity (like anterior wedging)
Flat Back
Appearance: Decreased curve
Due to: decreased pelvic inclination (~20 deg)
Dowagers Hump
Appearance: Increased kyphosis and shorter
Due to: postmenopausal osteoporosis (due to anterior wedging fractures)
Older woman
Appearance: lateral curavture of spine
Non-structural- Due to: tight muscles and poor posture
Structural- Due to: structural changes in the bone
Schmorl Node
Appearance: Cant see it
Due to: a nuleus pulposus upward or downward into and through end plate of the vertebrae
Ape Hand
Appearance: Inability to abduct or oppose thumb, leaving it level with the rest of the fingers
Due to: Median nerve lesion
Claw Hands
Appearance: Hyperextension of MCP and flexion of IP jts of D4-5
Due to: Ulnar nerve lesion
Hand of Benediction
Appearance: Inability to flex D1-3 so when making a fist they stay straight (thats only when it is seen)
Due to: Median nerve lesion
Wrist Drop
Radial nerve lesion
Dupuytren’s contracture
Similar to claw hand
Trigger finger
Flexor tendon shealth thickening resulting in catching when extending finger
Mallet finger
just dip in flexion due to injury
Bouchard nodes
node at the PIP
Herberden nodes
node at the DIP
Swan neck deformity
PIP ext, DIP flex
Boutonniere deformity
PIP flex, DIP ext
Ulnar drift
Drifting to the ulnar side
Hugland deformity
Achilles bump
Club Foot
Inverted feet
Pes Cavus
High Arch
Pes Planus
Flat foot
Hallux Rigidity
extension limited
hallux valgus
claw toe
DIP and PIP hyperflexion
Hammer toe
inflammation of tendon/bone junctions. (AxSpa)