Neuro/ Pediatric Tests Flashcards
Berg Balance Scale
For falls risk
/ 56, LOW IS BAD
0-20 high risk
21-40 moderate risk
41-56 mild risk
Rhomberg Test
For Proprioception involvement in balance
balance eyes open and eyes closed for 20-30 secs
positive if cant do eyes closed
Functional Reach
For quick balance check
cant reach 6 inches then predictive of falls
Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)
For static/ dynamic balance assessment
> 19 high risk
19-24 moderate risk
Get Up and Go Test
For brief balance/ mobility
3 meter walk.
Graded on:
1- normal
2- very slightly abnormal
3- mildly abnormal
4- moderatley abnormal
5- severly abnormal
Glasgow Coma Scale
8 or less SEVERE
13-15 MILD
Timed Up and Go Test
For balance, mobility, falls risk
3 meter walk.
<10 sec- normal
>= 12 sec- fall risk
11-20 sec- within normal range for elderly
>30 sec- impaired functional mobility
The Ranchos Los Amigos
1- no response
2- generalized response
3- localized response
4- confused agitated
5- confused inappropriate
6- confused appropriate
7- automatic appropriate
8- purposeful appropriate
Galveston orientation and amnesia test (GOAT)
Questions about the name, city, recall where patient is etc…
A quick check of a newborns health, physical condition, and the need for immediate medical care. 5 mins and 10 mins after birth
0-3 severly depressed
4-6 moderately depressed
7-10 excellent condition
Gross motor function classification system (GMFCS)
GMFM-88 and GMFM-66
Commonly CP
Level 1- Walks without restriction; limitations in more advanced gross motor skills
Level 2- walks without devices; limitations outdoor walking
Level 3- walks with mobility devices; limitations in walking outdoors and in the community
Level 4- self-mobility with limitations; transport or powerchair for community
Level 5- self mobility is severely limited even with the use of supporting technology
Expanded Disability Status Scale - Incorrect
The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) is a method of quantifying disability in multiple sclerosis and monitoring changes in the level of disability over time.
Hoehn and Yahr
Used to classify stages and progression of Parkinson’s disease.
The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) is a stroke-specific, performance-based impairment index. It is designed to assess motor functioning, balance, sensation and joint functioning in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia.
Modified Ashworth
Used to assess tone
fine motor skills for 4-21yrs old
Glasgow Coma Scale
LOW IS BAD (3-15)
> 8 severe
9-12 moderate
13-15 mild
Timed up and Go (TUG)
assessment of dynamic balance and falls risk,
The distance ambulated with the TUG 3-meter distance to and from the chair = total of 6 meters.
30 second sit to stand test
While this is a great measure of lower extremity strength, functional mobility and balance
6-minute walk test - CORRECT
measuring ambulation endurance.
Patients are allowed to use their gait aid and rest as needed over the 6-minute time and total distance ambulated is noted which gives a good idea of general ambulation endurance
10-meter walk test
assessment of dynamic balance and falls risk
LHermitte Sign
Flexion of the Cx and results in electrical shock pain. Positive for MS
Alberta infant Motor Scale (AIMs)
Motor skills
0-18 months
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID)
mental, motor, and behavioral scales
1-42 months
Peabody Development Motor Scales (PDMS-2)
fine and gross motor skills
0-60 months (5 years)
Bruininks-Oseretsky tests for Motor Performance (BOT-2)
fine and gross motor skills (can test and document longitudinal impact of condition on motor function)
4-21 years