phrases 7 + room/furniture Flashcards
By the window there is a table (under the window)
Akna all on laud
Are you already at the dormitory?
Kas sa oled juba ühiselamus?
i am at the doctor
ma olen arsti juures
yes i am
Olen jah
I’m in my room already
Ma olen juba oma toas
Siin on isegi Internet
Siin on isegi Internet
What kind of furniture is there in the room?
Mis mööbel seal toas (siis) on?
There are two beds, two cupboards, two chairs and a table
Siin on kaks voodit, kaks kappi, kaks tooli ja laud
Wait, I’ll show you
Oota, ma näitan sulle
here by the wall is my bed
siin seina ääres on minu voodi
Next to the bed there’s a small cupboard
Voodi kõrval on väike kapp
above the bed there are shelves
voodi kohal on riiulid
Over there by the wall is my roommate’s bed
Seal seina ääres on mu toanaabri voodi
He’s not here yet
Teda pole veel
she is at her friend’s place
ta on sõbra juures
i’m at the hairdresser
ma olen juuksuri juures
the child is by the sea
laps on mere ääres
There’s a mirror on the wall
Seina peal on peegel
There’s a stool in the middle of the room
Toa keskel on taburet
what’s happened? (what now?)
mis nüüd?
the call cut off
Kõne katkes
It’s OK
Pole hullu
Do you want to see more?
Kas tahad veel näha?
Yes, sure
Jaa, ikka
don’t you have (in front of the window) any curtains? (-gi)
kas teil akna ees kardinaid polegi?
But it doesn’t matter/there’s not difference
Aga vahet pole
by the way there’s no TV either
televiisorit muide ka ei ole
in the beginning you don’t even need the television
Alguses pole sul televiisorit vaja ka
you can study more
saad rohkem õppida
I’ll show you more of what there is here
Aga ma näitan sulle veel, mis siin on
By the door there’s a big cupboard/closet
Ukse juures on suur kapp
here are some coathangers inside the cupboard/closet
Kapi sees on paar riidepuud.
that’s it/all
Ongi kõik
there’s a rack on the door too
ukse peal on nagi ka
I won’t worry then anymore
Ma siis rohkem ei muretse
Take care (lit. be good)
Ole tubli
mom wants to see the room
Ema tahab tuba vaadata
in front of the window there are no curtains
Akna ees ei ole kardinaid
in the room theres a TV
Toas on televiisor
mom thinks that the TV is not needed
Ema arvab, et televiisorit pole vaja
in the closet there are clothes
Kapi sees on riided
we are probably roommates then
Me vist oleme siis toanaabrid
i just wanted to look at the kitchen
Tahtsin just kööki vaadata
Let’s go and have a look, ok?
Lähme vaatame, eks?
dont you know, what kind of kitchen equipment they (also) have here?
Ei tea, mis kodumasinad (ka) siin köögis on?
Look, there’s a fridge in the corner
Näe, nurgas on külmkapp
Maybe there’s beer in there?
Äkki on seal õlut?
there’s even a carpet on the floor
isegi vaip on põrandal
There’s a fridge, a stove and a microwave too
Külmkapp on, pliit ja mikrolaineahi ka on
No dishwasher
Nõudepesumasinat ei ole
The washing machine is probably in the basement
Pesumasin on vist keldris
What’s here in this cupboard?
Mis siin kapis on?
not bad
Pole paha
Yet a toaster and a coffee machine could also be (here)
Ehkki röster ja kohvimasin võiks ka olla
there’s a mixer in the drawer
siin sahtlis on mikser
what thing is this?
Mis asi see on?
a hairdryer maybe/probably
Föön vist
Next to us live (some) girls
Meie kõrval elavad tüdrukud
They’ll surely have an iron and a vacuum cleaner as well
Neil on kindlasti triikraud ja tolmuimeja ka
We can borrow
Saame laenata
my house is by the road
minu maja on maantee ääres
the bed is by the wall
voodi on seina ääres
he is sitting by the table
ta istub laua ääres
on the sofa
diivani peal
he is between the couch and the wardrobe
ta on diivani ja kapi vahel
above the couch
diivani kohal
in front of the couch
diivani ees
in the couch
diivani sees
under the couch / bed
diivani / voodi all
come look what’s here
Tule vaata, mis siin on
A summerhouse for sale in Toila
Müüa suvila Toila vallas
How many rooms are there?
Mitu tuba seal on?
Two rooms
Kaks tuba
overall area of seventy square meters
üldpind seitsekümmend ruutmeetrit
Show (me) the pictures
Näita pilte
what a beautiful garden
kui ilus aed
There’s even a garage here
Siin on isegi garaaž
I wonder (dont know) when it was built?
Ei tea, millal see on ehitatud?
The year of building is 1987
Ehitusaasta on 1987
Renovated in 2002
Renoveeritud 2002
(It’s) in quite good condition
Päris heas korras
A little too expensive
let’s look (search) more
Otsime veel
And meanwhile we can visit the Toila spa
Ja käime niikaua Toila spaas
the woman thinks that the summerhouse is too expensive
Naine arvab, et suvila on liiga kallis
how much does the house cost?
Kui palju maja maksab?
in the year 2002
Aastal 2002
when was it renovated?
Millal see on renoveeritud?
look at this
Vaata seda
On which floor is the apartment on?
Mitmendal korrusel see korter on?
on the fifth floor
Viiendal korrusel
And how many floors are there in the building?
Mitu korrust majas on?
There’s an elevator too
Lift on ka
toilet and the bathroom are together
WC ja vannituba koos
in the house there are 9 floors
Majas on üheksa korrust
the apartment is furnished / not furnished
Korter on möbleeritud | möbleerimata.
he wants to paint the walls blue / green
ta tahab värvida seinad siniseks | roheliseks
Just a moment, I’ll open the door
Üks hetk, kohe teen ukse lahti
The hallway is always locked
Trepikoda on alati lukustatud
Let’s go in
Lähme sisse
How many rooms are here?
Mitu tuba siin on?
Altogether three rooms
Kokku on kolm tuba
Pluss köök muidugi
Plus the kitchen of course
And how much are the utilities?
Ja kui suured on kommunaalkulud?
About hundred and twenty euros per month
Umbes sada kakskümmend eurot kuus
Please show us the bathroom as well (pl.)
Näidake meile palun vannituba ka
the toilet is right here next to it
WC on kohe siin kõrval
This is a very quiet neighbourhood
See on väga vaikne linnaosa
The grocery shop and the bus stop are right behind the house
Toidupood ja bussipeatus on kohe maja taga
There’s also a clinic and a playground close by
Lähedal on veel polikliinik ja mänguväljak
One can get to town by taking bus number twenty
Linna saab bussiga number kakskümmend
Is this (made of) crystal?
Kas see on kristallist?
Or is it made of glass? Oh, the opposite, it’s made of plastic
Või on klaasist? Oi, hoopis plastmassist on
how big are…?
kui suured on…?
from what material is the lamp?
Mis materjalist on lamp?
(give) out for rent…
Üürile anda… (nom.)
i will rent…
üürin… (gen.)
an apartment with everything included
kõigi mugavustega korter
Will rent a two-room apartment
Üürin kahetoalise korteri
this house was built in 2004 / 1550 (numbers don’t change case forms)
see maja on ehitatud aastal 2004 (kaks tuhat neli) / 1550 (tuhat viissada viiskümmend)
this theatre was built in 1910
see teater on ehitatud aastal 1910 (tuhat üheksasada kümme)
this room is too small
see tuba on liiga väike
this room is smallish / a little too small
see tuba on väiksevõitu
this apartment is too cold
see korter on liiga külm
this apartment is coldish / a little too cold
see korter on külmavõitu
my hair is longish / a little too long
mu juuksed on pikavõitu
my hair is too long
mu juuksed on liiga pikad
biggish / a little too big
a little too foolish
glass table (out of glass)
klaasist laud
of what material?
mis materjalist?
wooden shelf
a shelf is made of wood
puust riiul
riiul on puust
metal chair
a chair is made of metal
metallist tool
tool on metallist
glass table (2)
a table is made of glass
klaasist laud / klaaslaud
laud on klaasist
crystal lamp (2)
a lamp is made of crystal
kristallist lamp / kristall-lamp
lamp on kristallist
leather couch (2)
a couch made of leather
nahast diivan / nahkdiivan
diivan on nahast
riidest kardinad
curtains made of fabric
plastic table
plastmassist laud
i dye my hair red / green
ma värvin juuksed punaseks / roheliseks
my hair is red
mu juuksed on punased
we paint the walls green
me värvime seinad roheliseks
to what kind?
the weather turns warm / cold
ilm läheb soojaks / külmaks
i paint my (own) room blue / pink / purple (gen.)
Mina värvin oma toa siniseks / roosaks / lillaks
you (pl.) paint your room in light brown
Teie värvite oma toa helepruuniks
He painted his house green
Ta värvis oma maja roheliseks
May I paint the kitchen pink?
Kas köögi tohib roosaks värvida?
I want to paint the table white
ma tahan selle laua valgeks värvida
paint (pl.) these walls grey
Värvige need seinad halliks
the kitchen walls are orange
Köögi seinad on oranžid
he painted his car black
Ta värvis oma auto mustaks
How many floors are there in the building?
Mitu korrust majas on?
On which floor is the apartment?
Mitmendal korrusel see korter on?
How many rooms are here?
Mitu tuba siin on?
Is this made of glass?
Kas see on klaasist?
Please talk a little about your life.
Räägi palun natuke oma elust
Which year were you born?
Mis aastal sa oled sündinud?
i was born in …
Ma sündisin aastal …
At first we lived in Russia
Alguses elasime Venemaal
My parents worked at a circus
Mu vanemad töötasid tsirkuses
When I was five we moved to Estonia, to Sillamäe
Kui ma olin viieaastane, siis kolisime Eestisse, Sillamäele
Which school did you attend?
Mis koolis sa käisid?
at the same time I studied at the music school and sang in a children’s choir
samal ajal õppisin muusikakoolis ja laulsin lastekooris
When did you come to Tallinn?
Millal sa Tallinnasse tulid?
i finished school
Lõpetasin kooli
I came to work in Tallinn in …
tulin Tallinnasse tööle aastal …
where did you work?
Kus sa töötasid?
вот как, так!, i see
Või nii
But how did you become a pop star?
Aga kuidas sa said popstaariks?
i liked singing
Mulle meeldis laulda
then i wrote one song
siis ma kirjutasin ühe laulu.
This song became famous
See laul sai kuulsaks
you know this (one)
tead küll see
where was he born?
Kus ta on sündinud?
what year was he born?
Mis aastal ta on sündinud?
where did his parents work?
Kus ta vanemad töötasid?
whereto did he move in Estonia?
Kuhu ta Eestis kolis?
what school did he go to?
Mis koolis ta käis?
where did he work?
Kus ta töötas?
As whom did he work?
Kellena ta töötas?
as a bus driver
what did you like doing as a child?
Mida sulle lapsena teha meeldis?
this became famous
see sai kuulsaks
where do you live now?
Kus sa praegu elad?
before i lived in the city centre
Varem elasin kesklinnas
half a year ago I moved into my own house
pool aastat tagasi kolisin oma majja
half a year ago
pool aastat tagasi
I sold my city-centre apartment already a long time ago
Ma müüsin oma kesklinna korteri juba ammu ära
Two years ago I started building a house
Kaks aastat tagasi hakkasin maja ehitama
two years ago
kaks aastat tagasi
did you build it all by yourself? (совсем)
kas päris ise ehitasid?
friends and parents helped too of course.
Sõbrad ja vanemad ka ikka aitasid
I took a course and learned house painting (to be a painter)
mina käisin kursustel ja õppisin maalriks
can’t be possible
Ei ole võimalik
I’ve wanted to become a house painter since I was a kid
Ma tahtsin juba lapsena maalriks saada
he lives in his own house right now
ta elab praegu oma majas
he sold his own apartment
ta müüs oma korteri ära
he build / bought a house
ehitas / ostis maja
he wanted as a child to become a builder / painter
ta tahtis lapsena saada ehitajaks | maalriks
what noise is this?
mis hääl see on?
I drove to your place
Ma sõitsin sinu juurde
Opened the door
Avasin ukse
(first) gave the cat food
andsin (kõigepealt) kassile süüa
ценит в людях прежде всего честность
hindab inimestes kõigepealt ausust (part.)
прежде всего туристы поехали в гостиницу
turistid sõitsid kõigepealt hotelli
then this started
siis see hakkas
the apartment was renovated a year ago
Korter on aasta tagasi renoveeritud
This room has certainly not been renovated/repaired
See tuba on küll remontimata
So what
Mis siis!
Let’s paint the walls green and it’ll be really cool
Värvime seinad roheliseks ja ongi jube lahe
Let’s paint (them) red instead
Värvime ikka punaseks
Then it’ll be even cooler
Siis on veel lahedam
press (sing.) …
Vajuta …
i pressed
it finished (baigėsi)
Lõppes ära
дождь кончился ~ прекратился
vihm lõppes
let’s talk later/after, ok?
Pärast räägime, eks
I went shopping/to the store
Ma käisin poes
bought you some cakes
ostsin sulle kooki
i left them on the table
jätsin need laua peale
who called him?
Kes helistas temale?
where did mom go?
Kus ema käis?
what did the mom buy for the son?
Mida ema pojale ostis?
So sweet
Nii armas
You sure know
Tead küll
5 min ago
viis minutit tagasi
last week
eelmisel nädalal
last summer
eelmisel suvel
a little time ago
natuke aega tagasi
past month
möödunud kuul
i listened to music
ma kuulasin muusikat
he listened to music
ta kuulas muusikat
he danced / they danced
ta tantsis / nad tantsisid
he wanted / drove / found
ta tahtis / sõitis / leidis
he gave / stood / sang / laughed
ta andis / seisis / laulis / naeris
he took / left
ta võttis / jättis
в этот миг ~ момент, в эту минуту
sel hetkel
в тот же момент
samal hetkel
i attended chess club
Ma käisin maleringis
i collected stamps
Ma kogusin marke
I attended courses
Ma käisin kursustel
i moved to Tartu
ma kolisin Tartusse
I started building a house.
Ma hakkasin maja ehitama
Friends helped me build a house
Sõbrad aitasid mul maja ehitada
as a child i lived in Russia
Lapsena elasin Venemaal
last month i attended an art club
Möödunud kuul ma käisin kunstiringis
right now im building a summerhouse
Praegu ma ehitan suvilat
as a child i collected car models
Lapsena ma kogusin automudeleid
i lived in Russia for 3 years
ma elasin kolm aastat Venemaal
where did you live as a child?
Kus sina lapsena elasid?
he lived in Finland last year
ta elas eelmisel aastal Soomes.
we lived for 5 years in America
Me elasime viis aastat Ameerikas
where did you live last year?
Kus te elasite eelmisel aastal?
they lived 2 years in Latvia
Nad elasid kaks aastat Lätis.
i went to the gym yesterday
Mina käisin eile trennis
he went to the cinema yesterday
Tema käis eile kinos.
he was born in year 1980
ta sündis aastal 1980
i bought a house
Mina ostsin maja
what did you buy?
Mida sina ostsid?
he bought an apartment
ta ostis korteri
we bought a car
Me ostsime auto
he sings in a choir
ta laulab kooris
he buys a house
ta ostab maja
he wanted to become a singer
Ta tahtis lauljaks saada.
mom gave the cat to eat
ema andis kassile süüa
mother leaves / left cakes on the table
Ema jätab / jättis koogid laua peale
mother wanted to turn off the alarm
Ema tahtis signalisatsiooni välja lülitada
he went on a trip last week
ta läks eelmisel nädalal reisile.
did you go to sleep late yesterday?
kas sa läksid eile hilja magama?
they already went last weekend to the countryside
Nad läksid juba eelmisel nädalavahetusel maale
i want to become a sportsman / a chef / a soldier
tahan saada sportlaseks / kokaks / sõjaväelaseks
who do you want to become?
kelleks sa tahad saada?
i want to become an artist
tahan saada kunstnikuks
i want to become a photographer
Tahan saada fotograafiks
as a child i wanted to become a bus driver
Lapsena tahtsin saada bussijuhiks
i studied to become a массажист
Õppisin massööriks / mass’eerijaks
i have been working for two years as a массажист
Töötan juba kaks aastat massöörina
i want to become a music artist
Tahan saada muusikuks
what did you collect?
mida te kogusite / sa kogusid?
We would like to rent this apartment
Me sooviksime seda korterit üürida
I saw your advertisement (about the apartment)
Vaatasin teie korterikuulutust
How many of you are going to rent (it)?
Mitmekesi te üürida soovite?
(There’s) two of us
Is the apartment available?
Kas korter on vaba?
By all means you could move in even tomorrow
Võite kas või homme sisse kolida
How much is the rent?
Kui suur on üür?
It said 200 euros in the advertisement
Kuulutuses oli kirjas kakssada eurot
(you) can bargain the price
hinda saab tingida
i have to discuss with my friend
Ma pean sõbraga arutama
Is smoking allowed in the apartment?
Kas siin korteris suitsetada tohib / võib?
должно быть, could be, should be
tohiks olla
in the apartment smoking is forbidden
Korteris on suitsetamine keelatud
in the house there’s a smoking area
majas on suitsunurk
you can also smoke on the balcony
rõdul võite ka suitsetada
Can we renovate (the place)?
Kas remonti tohib teha?
Can we paint the walls red for instance?
Kas näiteks seinad võib punaseks värvida?
you (pl.) can move in immediately
võite kohe sisse kolida
Is it allowed to have (lit. hold) pets in this apartment?
Kas selles korteris koduloomi võib pidada?
The neighbour for instance has a German shepherd
Naabril on näiteks hundikoer
here there’s a park close by
siin lähedal on park
one can walk the dog
saab koeraga jalutada
we have fish
Meil on kalad
soon we’ll have a baby
varsti sünnib meil laps
one can go to the park also with the baby
Lapsega saab ka pargis käia
Is it allowed to keep the stroller in the hallway?
Kas lapsevankrit tohib trepikojas hoida?
probably cannot
Vist ei tohi
you’ll have to keep it in the apartment
Peate seda ikka korteris hoidma
Where can one park a car here?
Kus siin autot parkida saab?
in front of the house there are parking spots
Maja ees on parkimiskohad
those are free
need on tasuta
Do you still have questions?
Kas teil on veel küsimusi?
at the moment no
Hetkel ei ole
We’ll have to think a little
Me peame natuke mõtlema
Can we call you tomorrow?
Kas me võime teile homme helistada?
Yes, of course
Aga muidugi
one can park the car in front of the house
Autot saab parkida maja ees
there’s 3 / 4 / 5 of us
me oleme kolmekesi / neljakesi / viiekesi
i am alone
ma olen üksi
there’s 7 of us
Me oleme seitsmekesi
we’ll come 3
kolmekesi tuleme
how many of you live in this apartment?
mitmekesi te selles korteris elate?
it is not allowed to keep the bike in the hallway (2)
jalgratast ei tohi / või koridoris hoida
in front of the house it is not allowed to park (2)
maja ees ei tohi / või parkida
am i allowed to / may i renovate the apartment? (2)
kas ma korteris remonti tohin / võin teha?
i can call the estate agent tomorrow ((bc i want to))
ma võin homme maaklerile helistada
you can move in tomorrow ((if you want to))
võite homme sisse kolida
next year the price of rent can rise
järgmisel aastal võib üüri hind tõusta
it’s possible to walk in the park with the child
pargis saab lapsega jalutada
it’s possible to negotiate the price
hinda saab tingida
the corridor has to be locked
trepikoda peab olema lukus
it’s allowed to renovate
Remonti tohib teha
The walls must be coloured red
Seinad peab punaseks värvima
is it allowed to smoke at the gas station?
Kas bensiinijaamas tohib suitsetada?
is it allowed / can one sing at the church?
Kas kirikus võib laulda?
is it obligatory to brush your teeth?
Kas hambaid peab pesema?
is it allowed to dance at the restaurant?
Kas restoranis tohib tantsida?
is it allowed to speak on the bus?
Kas bussis tohib rääkida?
it is not allowed / one cannot keep a dog in the apartment
korteris ei või koera pidada
not allowed to take pictures
Pildistada ei tohi
one cannot (is not allowed) to keep the stroller here
Lapsevankrit ei või siin hoida
it is allowed to play football
Jalgpalli võib mängida
it is not allowed to swim
Ujuda ei tohi
it is allowed to park the car
Autot tohib parkida
where is it allowed to smoke?
Kus tohib suitsetada?
where is it possible to walk with a child?
Kus lapsega jalutada saab?
can i call you tomorrow evening?
Kas ma võin sulle homme õhtul helistada?
Shall we move the table in the middle of the room?
Kas tõstame laua toa keskele?
this room is somewhat strange
see tuba on kuidagi imelik
Let’s make some changes
Teeks mõned muutused
let’s do (it)
What about placing my bed next to the wall as well?
Paneks minu voodi ka seina äärde
Where shall we put our bags?
Kuhu me oma kotid paneme?
(to) under the bed
voodi alla
we could place the small cupboard next to the table
väikse kapi võiks laua kõrvale tõsta
good idea
Hea mõte
I’ll put the guitar on top of the cupboard
Kitarri ma panen kapi peale
Something кажется fell behind the cupboard
Midagi kukkus vist kapi taha
There’s no point in doing that really
Sellel pole küll mõtet
Let it be as it is
Las olla nii, nagu on
my mom thought we should hang up some curtains in front of the window
minu ema arvas, et akna ette võiks kardinad panna
then it’ll be cozier
Siis oleks kodusem
nevermind (lit. there’s no difference)
Vahet pole
We don’t have to hang up curtains (in front of the window)
Ega me ei pea kardinaid akna ette panema
what fell behind the cupbaord?
Mis kukkus kapi taha?
shall we put the tablecloth on the table?
Kas paneme lina lauale?
Where can I put my (own) books?
Kuhu ma oma raamatud võin panna?
Onto (lit. into) the shelf, of course
Riiulisse muidugi.
I will put my books here onto (lit. into) this shelf
Mina panen oma raamatud siia riiulisse
you can then put yours onto (lit. into) that shelf there
sina pane siis sinna riiulisse
Shall we put (our) jackets in the cupboard or to the rack (hooks)?
Kas paneme joped kappi või nagisse?
You know, I don’t really care
Tead, mul on ükskõik
I’ll hang (them) on the rack then (lit. into)
Ma panen siis nagisse
I’ll put my mobile and camera here into this drawer
ma panen oma mopsi / telefoni ja fotoka siia sahtliss
onto a writing desk?
Have you gone mad?
Lolliks läksid või?
I was joking
Ma tegin nalja
I would like to hang this poster on the wall
selle plakati ma paneks seinale
do you agree?
Kas oled nõus?
onto that shelf
sinna riiulisse
onto this self
siia riiulisse
let’s put the poster on the wall
Paneme plakati seina peale
the ufo is flying (to next) to / under / to the side of / onto the globe
tulnukas lendab gloobuse juurde / alla / kõrvale / peale
the ufo is by / under / next to / on the globe
tulnukas on gloobuse juures / all / kõrval / peal
the ufo is flying away from / from under / from the side of / from the top of the globe
tulnukas lendab gloobuse juurest / alt / kõrvalt / pealt ära
the ufo is flying to the in front of / away from the front of the globe
the ufo is in front of the globe
tulnukas lendab gloobuse ette / eest ära
tulnukas on gloobuse ees
away from the behind of the globe
gloobuse tagant ära
into the globe / inside the globe
gloobuse sisse / gloobuse sees
away from inside the globe
gloobuse seest ära
to the above the globe
above the globe
gloobuse kohale
gloobuse kohal
away from above the globe
gloobuse kohalt ära
the ufo is flying away
tulnukas lendab ära
the curtains are in front of the window
Kardinad on akna ees.
the picture is between (the pages) of the book
Pilt on raamatu vahel
put the curtains in front of the window
Pane kardinad akna ette
put the guitar behind the sofa
Pane kitarr diivani taha
put the bike near the door
Pane jalgratas ukse juurde
put the bottle in the bag
Pane pudel koti sisse
put the picture between the book
Pane pilt raamatu vahele
take the chair out from under the table
Võta tool laua alt ära
take the lamp off the top of the closet
Võta lamp kapi pealt ära
take the curtains off from the front of the window
võta kardinad akna eest ära
take the guitar out fron behind the sofa
Võta kitarr diivani tagant ära
remove / take the tv from near the door
Võta televiisor ukse juurest ära
take the armchair from next to the sofa
Võta tugitool diivani kõrvalt ära
take the bottle from out of the bag
Võta pudel koti seest ära
take the picture out of between the book
Võta pilt raamatu vahelt ära
he took his guitar from out of the bag
ta võttis oma kitarri koti seest välja
he saw
ta nägi
he took the guitar off the couch
ta võttis kitarri diivani pealt ära
he answered
ta vastas
let’s put the armchair between the closet and the shelf
paneme tugitooli kapi ja riiuli vahele
let’s put the guitar under the shelf
paneme kitarri riiuli alla
we put (past) the bed in another direction/differently
Panime voodi teistpidi
where did i put my (own) keys?
kuhu ma oma võtmed panin?
did i put the keys in the pocket / in the bag?
kas ma panin võtmed taskusse / kotti?
did i put the keys onto the table?
kas ma panin võtmed lauale?
i put my keys on the floor
panen võtmed põrandale
i put the flowers on the balcony
panen lilled rõdule
i put my jacket on the rack / hook (lit. into)
panen jope nagisse
into the oven / elevator / bath / sauna
ahju / lifti / vanni / sauna
into the corner / kitchen / cupboard / bag
nurka / kööki / kappi / kotti
onto the ceiling / into the hallway / into the room
lakke (lagi) / trepikotta (trepikoda) / tuppa
where can i put my phone / glasses?
Kuhu ma oma telefoni / prillid võin panna?
put on the stool
pane taburetile
in the hallway
onto (lit. into) the rack?
kas nagisse?
they are, othwerise, in my pocket
need on hoopis minu taskus
on the floor there’s a carpet
põrandal on vaip
onto the shelf
riiuli peale