-ma/-da infinitives Flashcards
-ma is used:
after verbs of motion
after certain verbs
after certain adj. and participles
certain verbs thata require -ma (10)
hakkama, hakkan
juhtuma, juhtun
jätma, jätan
jääma, jään
kutsuma, kutsun
pidama, pean
sundima, sunnin
certain adjectives or participles that require -ma
the -da infinitive is used:
after verbs expressing a wish, intention, possibility etc
after verbs expressing a feeling or emotions
after impersonal expressions (on aeg, on raske, tohib)
after ‘et’, when it means ‘in order to’
when the infinitive is used as the subject/modifies a subject (eksida on inimlik)
turn the machine on (lit. ‘set the machine to go)
pane masin käima
she runs to see what is happening there
ta jookseb vaatama, mis seal juhtub
we sit down to sing
me istume laulma
jää seisma
you have to come here
sa pead siia tulema
i am learning to draw
ma õpin joonistama
i am ready to help
ma olen valmis aitama
he is willing (agrees) to come
ta on nõus tulema
i am used to talking quietly
ma olen harjunud tasa rääkima
i cannot bear (manage) to work
ma ei jõua töötada
i know how to draw (am able to)
ma oskan joonistada
what may i offer you?
mida võin teile pakkuda?
do you wish to rest a little?
kas soovid natuke puhata?
i want to know what this means
ma tahan teada, mis see tähendab
can i help you?
kas ma saan sind aidata?
i can manage (справляться)
ma saan hakkama
i beg/ask you to come here
palun sind siia tulla
(but ‘palun teid tantsima’)
i love to go for a walk in the fresh air
ma armastan jalutada värske õhu käes
do you like going to the theater?
kas sulle meeldib teatris käia?
the student is afraid to go to the exam
üliõpilane kardab minna eksamile
he dares to say what he thinks
ta julgeb ütelda, mis ta mõtleb
it’s time get up
on aeg tõusta
that is not necessary to do
seda pole tarvis teha
the truth is painful to hear
tõde on valus kuulda
now one must go home
nüüd peab koju minema
im driving to the country in order to rest
ma sõidan maale, et puhata
to err is human
eksida on inimlik
it’s late (time is late)
aeg on hiline
i still don’t want to sleep
ma ei taha veel magada
i would like to sleep long in the morning
ma tahaksin hommikul kaua magada
i have to (must) get up and go to work
ma pean üles tõusma ja tööle minema
делать нечего, there’s nothing to do (about it), it can’t be helped
pole midagi teha
do you have to go already?
kas sa pead juba minema?
i don’t (really) want to go
ma ei taha küll minna
i’m scared to be late to a professor’s lecture
ma kardan hilineda professori loengule (movement)
i hope to arrive on time (at the right time)
ma loodan õigel ajal kohale jõuda
after i can of course come back
pärast ma võin ju tagasi tulla
i really/simply don’t know what i have to do
ma lihtsalt ei tea, mida ma pean tegema
who wants to die good, has to live well/good
kes hästi tahab surra, peab hästi elama
live yourself and let others live too
ela ise ja lase ‘teisi ka elada
ar mums neišeiti pasivaikščioti?, why don’t we go on a walk?
kas me ei läheks jalutama?
it’s difficult to argue with you
sinuga on raske vaielda
i’ll pick you up immediately with a car
(я помчусь туда за тобой на машине)
ma tulen sulle kohe autoga järele
(kihutan sulle sinna autoga järele)
what if it starts raining?
aga kui vihma hakkab sadama?
why do you always have to be such a pessimist?
miks sa pead alati selline pessimist olema?
time helps heal
aeg aitab arstida
it’s better to ask twice than to err one time
parem kaks korda küsida, kui üks kord eksida
it’s better to be afraid than to regret
parem karta, kui kahetseda
it’s fruitless to argue over taste
maitse üle on asjatu vaielda
to be young is to carry spring inside the chest
noor olla on kevadet rinna sees kanda
it can’t be foreseen
pole ette näha
it can’t be helped, there’s nothing to do (about it)
pole midagi teha
what do you want to do?
mis sa tahad teha?
when do you start to drive? (pl.)
millal te hakkate sõitma?
do you like to travel by airplane?
kas sulle meeldib lennukiga sõita?
come on a walk with us
tule meiega jalutama
why don’t you want to speak to me? (2)
miks / mispärast sa ei taha minuga rääkida?
what is this (must) supposed to mean?
mis see peab tähendama?
if you want to read, then read
kui tahad lugeda, siis loe
there’s no point in/it’s not worth talking any more
ei maksa enam palju rääkida
i don’t want to waste time
ma ei taha aega viita
i have to go now
ma pean nüüd minema
i’m thinking of going home soon
ma mõtlen varsti koju minna
let’s get (start) going
hakkame minema
when do you start studying?
millal sa hakkad õppima?
i will try to do what’s possible to help you
ma katsun teha, mis võimalik, et sind aidata
the child is learning to read
laps õpib lugema
you have to be polite to an older person
sa pead olema viisakas vanema inimese vastu
what do you want to say?
mis sa tahad ütelda?
i dont dare to go there
ma ei julge sinna minna
you may not smoke here
sa ei tohi siin suitsetada
i will try to come tomorrow
ma katsun tulla homme (= katsun homme tulla)
he/she must come soon
ta peab varsti tulema
can you sing? (2)
kas sa oskad laulda?
oskad sa laulda?
i intend to go home soon (2)
ma kavatsen / mõtlen varsti koju minna
i have to speak with you
ma pean sinuga rääkima
may i/we/one come in? ar galima įeiti/užeiti?
kas tohib sisse astuda?
may i ask?
kas ma tohin küsida?
could i have/speak a couple of words with you? (porą žodžių)
kas ma võiksin sinuga paar sõna rääkida?
with whom do i have the honour of speaking? (k…)
kellega on mul au kõnelda?
how (with what) can i be of service (useful) to you? (sing./pl.)
millega võin sulle / teile kasulik olla?
i’d like to know what this means
ma tahaksin teada, mis see tähendab
i can’t (manage to) dance any more
ma ei jõua enam tantsida
try to understand me (sing./pl.)
katsu(ge) minust aru saada
is smoking allowed here?
kas siin tohib suitsetada?
smoking is not permitted/allowed here
siin ei tohi suitsetada
it’ll become apparent/one will see
saad näha
we’ll see
saame näha
hard to say
raske ütelda
what can be done/what (is there) to do?
mis teha?
what are you thinking of doing now?
mis sa nüüd mõtled teha?
you can’t/may not do that/so
nii ei tohi teha
there’s nowhere to go
pole kuhugi minna
there’s nothing to talk about
pole millestki rääkida
there’s nothing you can do (to make it better), ничего не поделаешь, nieko nepadarysi, [делу] не поможет
pole midagi parata
i want to go home
ma tahan koju minna