basics, phrases 9 Flashcards
today the weather is cloudy
Täna on pilves ilm
It’s raining (rain and slush) everywhere in Estonia
Kõikjal Eestis sajab vihma ja lörtsi
The wind is blowing from the north seven to twelve meters per second
Puhub põhjatuul seitse kuni kaksteist meetrit s’‘ekundis
безветренная погода, weather without wind
tuuleta ilm
In the evening the wind will be weakening a little
Õhtul tuul nõrgeneb veidi
the temperature varies (lit. is) from + one to + three degrees (above zero)
Õhutemperatuur on pluss üks kuni pluss kolm kraadi
meters per second
meetrit sekundis
everywhere in Estonia
kõikjal Eestis
it’s raining
sajab vihma
it’s raining slush, šlapdriba
sajab lörtsi
It’s snowing with occasional blizzards, sninga, vietomis pusto
Sajab lund, kohati tuiskab
The wind is (blowing) from the west ten to fifteen, on the islands up to twenty three meters per second
Puhub läänetuul kümme kuni viisteist, saartel kuni kakskümmend kolm meetrit sekundis
The temperature is between zero and minus four.
Õhutemperatuur on null kuni miinus neli kraadi
осторожно, careful
the roads are slippery
maanteed on libedad
The weather today is sunny with clear skies
Täna on päikesepaisteline selge ilm
The wind is blowing from south and southeast
Puhub lõuna- ja kagutuul
The temperature is two to eight degrees above zero, šilumos 2-8 laipsniai (градусов тепла)
Sooja on kaks kuni kaheksa kraadi
At night the temperature will fall to zero
Öösel langeb temperatuur null kraadini
There remains a possibility of frost during the night (lit. remains the risk of night frost)
Püsib öökülma oht
clear skies/weather
selge ilm
the temperature will fall to zero
temperatuur langeb null kraadini
the temperature is two degrees above zero, šilumos 2C
sooja on kaks kraadi
Today is partly cloudy weather
Täna on vahelduva pilvisusega ilm
There will be short rain showers
Sajab hoovihma
in some places the precipitation/rainfall is heavy
kohati on sadu tugev
During the day the warmth (temperature) in northern Estonia will be up to twenty one degrees
Põhja-Eestis on päeval sooja kuni kakskümmend üks kraadi
in southern Estonia the temperature can rise up to twenty eight degrees (above zero) (2nd form)
Lõuna-Eestis võib õhutemperatuur tõusta kuni kahekümne kaheksa kraadini
thunderstorms / storms / fog can be observed/encountered
Võib esineda äikest | tormi | udu
In the forests there’s a risk of fire
Metsades püsib tuleoht
in northern Estonia
in southern Estonia
northern wind is blowing (the wind is blowing from the north)
puhub põhjatuul
southwestern wind is blowing (the wind is blowing from southwest)
puhub edelatuul
it’s cloudy in northern Estonia
Põhja-Eestis on pilves ilm
it’s raining in southern Estonia
Lõuna-Eestis sajab vihma
the weather is windy in western Estonia
Lääne-Eestis on tuuline ilm
the weather is sunny in eastern Estonia
Ida-Eestis on päiksepaisteline ilm
what’s the weather like?
milline on ilm?
what’s the weather like today?
missugune ilm täna on?
the weather is nice / sunny today
täna on ilus / päiksepaisteline ilm
today the weather is bad / rainy
täna on halb / vihmane ilm
the weather is …
ilm on …
today is … (about weather too)
täna on …
it’s raining (2)
sajab v’ihma
it’s snowing
sajab l’und
it’s raining slush, идёт мокрый снег, šlapdriba
sajab l’örtsi
there is fog / a storm / a thunderstorm
on udu / torm / äike
(the temperature) today is 12 degrees (of warmth)
täna on kaksteist kraadi sooja
(the temperature) today is -12 degrees (of cold)
täna on kaksteist kraadi külma
(the temperature) today is between 11 to 13 degrees (of warmth)
täna on üksteist kuni kolmteist kraadi sooja
(the temperature) today is between -11 to -13 degrees (of cold)
täna on üksteist kuni kolmteist kraadi külma
cool / hot / bad weather (vėsus oras)
jahe / palav / halb ilm
cold / nice / warm weather
külm / ilus / soe ilm
it’s 14 degrees (of warmth) in Narva
Narvas on sooja neliteist kraadi
the wind is blowing
tuul puhub
snow is on the ground
Lumi on maas
the weather is stormy / cloudy / slushy
Ilm on tormine / pilvine / lörtsine
the weather is frosty/freezing
Ilm on pakaseline
How are you doing? (sing.)
Kuidas sul läheb?
It’s alright (p…)
Pole viga
(Kuidas sul läheb? Pole viga.)
we just ate
Me just sõime
Now I’m sleepy
Nüüd ma olen unine
What did you eat? (pl./sing.)
Mida te sõite / Mida sa sõid?
Potatoes and sauce (part.)
Kartulit ja kastet
What did you do in the camp? (pl.)
Mida te laagris tegite?
How do you like it in the camp?
Kuidas sulle laagris meeldib?
It’s quite cool
Täitsa lahe on
What did you do yesterday? (pl./sing.)
Mis te eile tegite / Mida sa eile tegid?
Yesterday we had a bonfire
Eile tegime lõket
I washed myself in a sauna for the first time in my life
ma pesin ennast esimest korda elus saunas
for the first time in (my) life
esimest korda elus
how great (2)
kui tore
Kui vahva
And you know, we saw an elk
Ja tead, me nägime põtra
Where was this elk?
Kus see põder veel oli?
We just came back from the lake (lit. from by the lake)
Tulime just järve äärest
it was on the road
ta oli tee peal
How’s the weather?, kaip oras?
Kuidas ilm on?
very warm
Väga soe
you know, yesterday i drank 4 bottles of lemonade
Tead, ma jõin eile neli pudelit limonaadi
I washed myself in sauna
Pesin ennast saunas
I built (lit. made) a bonfire
Tegin lõket
I saw an elk
Nägin põtra
I just ate
Ma just sõin
You are finally back home
Oled lõpuks jälle kodus
that was quite a trip
oli see vast alles reis
So how did it go?
No kuidas siis läks?
it went very well
Väga hästi läks
See, I brought this for you.
Näe, selle ma tõin sulle
So beautiful
Nii ilus
Where exactly were you then these two weeks?
Kus sa siis täpsemalt olid see kaks nädalat?
We were on a tropical island
Me olime (ühel) troopilisel saarel
We went there by boat
Läksime sinna laevaga
That island was very beautiful
See saar oli hästi ilus
I took pictures too
Ma tegin pilte ka
I’ll show you after
pärast näitan sulle
how was the weather?
Kuidas ilm oli?
in general it wasn’t too bad (lit. had no faults)
Üldiselt polnud viga
But in the evenings it was cold and windy on the island
Aga õhtuti oli saarel külm ja tuuline
I probably caught a cold, (my) throat is sore
Sain vist külma, kurk on valus
One of (my) colleagues fell really ill
Üks kolleeg jäi päris haigeks
I just made tea
Tegin just teed
want some (lit. to drink)? (sing.)
Tahad juua?
(It’s) so great
Nii tore
(It’s) so great that you came back (to have you back)
Nii tore, et sa tagasi tulid
I made tea
Tegin teed
I’ll show you
Näitan sulle
I caught a cold
Sain külma
I fell ill
Jäin haigeks
I took pictures (part. pl.)
Ma tegin p’ilte
where were you? (sing.)
Kus sa olid?
would you want to drink some tea? (sing.)
Kas tahad teed juua?
you / we / you (pl.) / they got a car (past tense)
sa said auto
me saime auto
te saite auto
nad said auto
i /he/she / you (pl.) drank champagne
ma jõin šampust
ta jõi šampust
te jõite šampust
I washed myself
Ma pesin ennast
I built a bonfire
Ma tegin lõket
I took pictures (lit. made)
Ma tegin p’ilte
I saw an elk
Ma nägin põtra
I brought a present (gen.)
Ma tõin kingituse
I caught a cold
Ma sain külma
I came back
Ma tulin tagasi
I fell ill
Ma jäin haigeks
I was on an island
Ma olin saarel
I hit a ball
Ma lõin palli
I put things in the bag
Ma panin asjad kotti
yesterday i was in Narva
Eile ma olin Narvas
2 years ago i drank only tea
Kaks aastat tagasi ma jõin ainult teed
right now i eat fish
Praegu ma söön kala
last year i ate only meat and chicken
Eelmisel aastal ma sõin ainult liha ja kana
now i take less pictures
Praegu ma teen vähe pilte
last summer i took many pictures
Eelmisel suvel ma tegin palju pilte
right now we take showers (lit. wash)
Praegu me peseme duši all
last summer we washed ourselves in the sauna
Eelmisel suvel me pesime saunas
right now im coming from Moscow
Praegu ma tulen Moskvast
last sunday i came from St.Petersburg
Eelmisel pühapäeval tulin ma Peterburist
you / they ate fish yesterday
sa / nad sõid eile kala
he/she made pizza / shashlyk / sushi / borshch yesterday
ta tegi eile pitsat / šašlõkki / sushit / borši
you (pl.) made goulash yesterday
Teie tegite eile guljašši
what did they do yesterday?
Mida nemad eile tegid?
they made kompot yesterday
Nemad tegid eile kompotti
you put
they drink
i drank 2 cups of coffee in the morning
Ma jõin hommikul kaks tassi kohvi
he ate 3 eggs in the morning
Ta sõi hommikul kolm muna
he washed himself in the sauna for the first time in his life
Ta pesi ennast esimest korda elus saunas
did you put the things in the bag?
Kas sa panid asjad kotti?
we saw you at the cinema yesterday
Me nägime eile sind kinos
are you (pl.) already healthy/recovered?
Kas te saite juba terveks?
my son got sick yesterday
Minu poeg jäi eile haigeks
they made a bonfire at the summer house
Nad tegid suvilas lõket
my husband took (lit. made) pictures on the trip
Minu mees tegi reisil pilte
they came back yesterday
Nad tulid eile tagasi
my child caught a cold at the camp
Minu laps sai laagris külma
you (pl.) were on a trip for 2 weeks
Te olite kaks nädalat reisil
So and where are you going now?
No ja kuhu sina nüüd lähed?
what are you wearing?
mis sul seljas on?
I have leggings on as well of course (lit. there are leggings on the legs too of course)
Retuusid on ju ka jalas
Why so short?
Miks nii lühike?
It’s fashionable at the moment
See on praegu moes
in my opinion it doesn’t suit you at all
Minu meelest see ei sobi sulle üldse
Then that’s another thing
No siis on iseasi
Make sure/look that you’ll be home by/at ten then
Vaata, et sa siis kell kümme kodus oled
Otherwise me and mom will start worrying (lit. we and mom)
Muidu me hakkame emaga muretsema
the daughter is wearing a dress / a skirt
Tütrel on seljas kleit | seelik
the daughter has jeans / leggings (on her legs)
Tütrel on jalas teksapüksid | retuusid
these skirts are fashionable (in fashion) right now
Sellised seelikud on praegu moes
dad thinks that this skirt does not suit/look good on daughter
Isa arvab, et selline seelik ei sobi tütrele
the dad waits that the daughter will be home at 11 / 10
Isa ootab, et tütar on kodus kell 11 | kell 10
Make sure/look that you’ll …
Vaata, et sa siis …
Otherwise we’ll start worrying
Me hakkame muidu muretsema
Let’s go fishing on Saturday
Lähme laupäeval kalale
Good idea (thought)
Hea mõte
What should I/do i have to put on?
Mis ma selga pean panema?
It’s cold in the boat
Paadis on külm
Put on a windproof jacket and jeans or sweatpants
Pane tuulekindel jope ja jalga teksad või dressipüksid
Shall I put on rubber boots or sneakers?
Kas ma panen jalga kummikud või tossud?
Better put on the rubber boots
Pane ikka kummikud
certainly take a warm hat with you too
võta kindlasti ka soe müts kaasa
if it gets/becomes cold
kui külm hakkab
you will put/you are putting the hat on
paned mütsi pähe
What else shall I take with me?
Mis ma veel kaasa võtan?
Oh, just in case put some gloves on
No igaks juhuks pane veel kindad kätte.
Let’s go pick berries / mushrooms
Lähme m’arjule / seenele
What do I wear for your mom’s anniversary?
Mis ma selga panen su ema juubelile?
Can I wear jeans?
Kas ma teksad võin jalga panna?
Put something nicer / more formal on
Pane midagi ilusamat / pidulikumat
Look, put on the flowery shirt and these black trousers
Näe, pane see lilleline särk selga ja need mustad püksid
The black (ones) are too thick / dark
Mustad on liiga paksud / tumedad
I’ll put on these grey (ones)
Ma panen need hallid
I will not wear a jacket (p…) and tie, right?
Ma pintsakut ja lipsu ei pane, eks?
Probably no need to
Pole vist vaja (jah)
But do I wear a dress or a skirt? (gen.)
Aga kas mina panen kleidi või seeliku?
Wear this dress
Pane see kleit
And I’ll put on (foot) these red shoes
Ja jalga panen need punased kingad
Put on these black ones, then you’re not taller than me
Pane need mustad, siis sa ei ole minust pikem
Are going to the company’s Christmas party on Friday?
Kas sa reedel firma jõulupeole lähed?
I think so
Ma arvan küll
What will you wear?
Mis sa selga paned?
I’ll probably wear the red women’s suit
Ma panen vist punase kostüümi
it suits you really well
see sobib sulle tõesti hästi
But I, once again don’t have anything to wear
Aga mul pole jälle midagi selga panna
Well, but you put on long trousers for instance and some kind of pretty blouse
No aga sa pane näiteks pikad püksid ja mingi ilus pluus
Some kind of jewellery also (around the neck (movement)) and it’ll be really pretty
Mingid ehted ka veel kaela ja ongi väga ilus
all blouses are all small for me
Kõik pluusid on mulle väikesed
well come on, what are you saying
No mis sa ajad
Yesterday at the theatre you had a really pretty blouse on
Eile teatris oli sul väga ilus pluus seljas
I do not want to come with the same blouse
Ma ei taha sama pluusiga tulla
You know, there’s still time till Friday
Tead, reedeni on veel aega
let’s go shopping
lähme šoppama
Buy a new blouse (sing.)
Osta uus pluus
I’ll help you choose
Ma aitan valida
That would be great indeed
See oleks küll tore
i put the blouse on
panen pluusi selga
i have a blouse on
mul on pluus seljas
i take the blouse off
võtan pluusi seljast ära
i put the hat on
ma panen mütsi pähe
i have a hat on
mul on müts peas
i take the hat off
ma võtan mütsi peast ära
i put the headscarf on
ma panen rätiku pähe
i have a headscarf on
mul on rätik peas
i take the headscarf off
ma võtan rätiku peast ära
i put the sweater on
ma panen kampsuni selga
i have a sweater on
mul on kampsun seljas
i take the sweater off
ma võtan kampsuni seljast ära
i put the scarf on
ma panen salli kaela
i have a scarf on
mul on sall kaelas
i take the scarf off
ma võtan salli kaelast ära
i put the gloves on
ma panen kindad kätte
i have gloves on
mul on kindad käes
i take the gloves off
ma võtan kindad käest ära
i put the rubber boots on
ma panen kummikud jalga
i have rubber boots on
mul on kummikud jalas
i take the rubber boots off
ma võtan kummikud jalast ära
i have a jacket on
Mul on jope seljas
i have jewellery on
Mul on ehted kaelas
i have trousers on
Mul on püksid jalas
i have boots on
Mul on saapad jalas
i put a tie on
Panen lipsu kaela
i put jewellery on
Panen ehted kaela
i put the pants / jeans / leggings on
Panen püksid / teksad / retuusid jalga
i put the shoes on
Panen kingad jalga
i put the boots on
Panen s’aapad jalga
i put the gloves on
Panen kindad kätte
i put the jacket / sweater / blazer on
Panen jope / kampsuni / pintsaku selga
i put the skirt / dress / overcoat on
Panen seeliku / kleidi / mantli selga
i put a shirt / jacket / suit on
Panen särgi / jaki / ülikonna selga
i take the hat / headscarf off
Võtan mütsi / rätiku peast ära
i take the jacket / blouse off
Võtan jope / pluusi seljast ära
i take the scarf / jewellery off
Võtan salli / ehted kaelast ära
i take the pants / boots off
Võtan püksid / saapad jalast ära
i take the gloves off
Võtan kindad käest ära
he has a hat on
Tal on müts peas
she has a skirt on
Tal on seelik seljas
he has shoes on
Tal on kingad jalas
she has a dress on
Tal on kleit seljas
she has a scarf on
tal on sall kaelas
he has pants on
Tal on püksid jalas
he has gloves on
Tal on kindad käes
i have a necklace on
Mul on kaelakee kaelas
i put the scarf on
Panen salli kaela
i take the tie off
Võtan lipsu kaelast
i have a women’s costume on
Mul on kostüüm seljas
i put the fur coat on
Panen kasuka selga
i take the jacket off
Võtan jaki seljast
i put the socks on
Panen sokid jalga
i have slippers on
Mul on sussid jalas
i take the rubber boots off
Võtan kummikud jalast
please put on the gloves
Pane palun kindad kätte
don’t put the hat on
Ära pane mütsi pähe
take the headscarf off
Võta rätik peast
it suits her really well
see sobib talle tõesti hästi
he has a pink suit on
tal on roosa ülikond seljas
they don’t suit him at all
need ei sobi talle üldse
look, she has yellow pants on
vaata, tal on kollased püksid jalas
she puts such a short skirt on
ta paneb nii lühikese seeliku selga
she puts a purple hat on (not ‘müts’, skrybele)
ta paneb lilla kübara pähe
she has a light pink hat on
tal on heleroosa müts peas
she has a light green scarf on
tal on heleroheline sall kaelas
he has light red gloves on
tal on helepunased kindad käes
they suit him really well
need sobivad talle tõesti hästi
she puts white gloves on
ta paneb valged kindad kätte
what do i put on (the head)?
mis ma pähe panen?
what do i put on (my back)?
mis ma selga panen?
put a sweater on
pane kampsuni selga
what do i put on (my legs)?
mis ma jalga panen?
put the slippers on
pane sussid jalga
what do i put on (my hands)?
mis ma kätte panen?
put the gloves on
pane kindad kätte
what do i put on (my neck)?
mis ma kaela panen?
put a tie on
pane lips kaela
the sky is clear
there’s a rainbow in the sky
Taevas on selge
Taevas on vikerkaar
it’s thawing, atlydys
On sula
let’s go pick berries during the weekend
Lähme nädalavahetusel marjule
i want to go on a trip and take pictures
Tahan reisile minna ja pilte teha
im on a trip and taking pictures
Ma olen reisil ja teen pilte
i was on a trip and took pictures
Ma olin reisil ja tegin pilte
you are making a bonfire and shashlyk
Sa teed lõket ja šašlõkki
they made a bonfire and shashlyk
Nad tegid lõket ja šašlõkki
How long were you on the trip?
Kui kaua sa reisil olid?
What did you do and see there?
Mida sa seal tegid ja nägid?
what do you want to do and see?
Mida sa tahad teha ja näha?
what are you doing and what do you see there?
Mida sa seal teed ja näed?
i’ll put on sweatpants and wellingtons, a jacket and a hat
Ma panen jalga dressipüksid ja kummikud, selga jope ja pähe mütsi
im taking off the sweatpants and rubber boots, and the jacket and the hat
Ma võtan dressipüksid ja kummikud jalast ära, jope seljast ja mütsi peast
i have sweatpants, rubber boots, a jacket and a hat on
Mul on jalas dressipüksid ja kummikud, seljas jope ja peas müts
she’s wearing a pink dress, white tights and black shoes
Tal on seljas roosa kleit ja jalas valged sukkpüksid ja mustad kingad
she is taking off the pink dress, white tights and black shoes
Ta võtab roosa kleidi seljast ära ja valged sukkpüksid ja mustad kingad jalast ära
she is putting on a pink dress, white tights and black shoes
Ta paneb selga roosa kleidi ja jalga valged sukkpüksid ja mustad kingad
put on a jacket, hat, gloves and sneakers
Pane jope selga, müts pähe, kindad kätte ja tossud jalga
take off a jacket, hat, gloves and sneaker
õta jope seljast ära, müts peast ära, kindad käest ära ja tossud jalast ära.
he is wearing a jacket, a hat, gloves and sneakers
Tal on jope seljas, müts peas, kindad käes ja tossud jalas