pharma Terminologies Flashcards
lowest concentration of the drugs to produced the desired pharmacologic effects
highest concentration of drug to produced the desired pharmacologic effects -
- maximum effect of a drug regardless of the drug conc.
– finished dosage form of the drug containing active ingredients
Drug product
– chemical components responsible for claimed therapeutic effects of the drug product
Active Ingredients
meaning of EDTA
Ethylene - Di amine - Tetra - Acetate
drug product whose patent has been expired or never been patented
Generic Drug
shortened scientific name base on active ingredient, widely used
Generic name
complete description of chemical structure of drug,
not used
Chemical name
– name given by pharmaceutical company to distinguished their drug products from other competitors although it contains the same active ingredient(s)
Brand name
Trade name
Propriety Name
most abused OTC drug
Paracetamol / Acetaminophen
most abused prescription drug
rate (time) of absorption
– time it takes for ½ of the drug to be eliminated
at constant rate of 0.693 t ½
– art of treating the diseases
application of drugs for the treatment of the disease
– deal with drugs w/c are capable of destroying microbes or foreign bodies w/o destroying/sparing host
deals with procurement, preparation & dispensing of drugs
drug produces usual effect at unexpected low dosage
Hypersensitivity / Hyperreactive
Drug produces usual effect at unexpected high dose
Hyposensitivity / Hyporeactive
decrease sensitivity acquired as a result of prior exposure to the drug due to enzyme induction metabolizing more drugs thus decrease plasma effect
tolerance rapidly develop after administration of only few drug doses
– reduced sensitivity as a result of antibody formation
– increase sensitivity as a result of denervation (allergy)
Super sensitivity
any other unwanted reactions to pharmaceutical administration that has no obvious logical pharmacodynamic cause and can not be attributed to hypersensitivity
Ex. Mydriatic that causes miosis
Idiosyncratic reactions
drug toxicity in Elderly is caused by?
impaired liver function
slow down drug metabolism
drug toxicity in children is caused by?
immature liver
increase risk of drug toxicity
they are high risk of drug toxicity for unknown reason
substance w/o intrinsic pharmacologic activity but may yield valuable therapeutic effect
meaning of PPSR
Physio Psycho Somatic Reactions
Appearance of differences in magnitude of response among individuals in the same population given the same dose of the drugs
a dose-response influenced by:
- receptor & effector of response
- binding of drug to receptor
Slope of dose-effect curve