Pediatric Dentistry Flashcards
Ideal stage for 1st dental appointment
- parents dependent
- related to tongue tie, breastfeeding
- 0-1yr
Brief attention span
Autism becomes obvious, ADHD, mental retardation.
Toddler stage
Consistency of rules: Control over decision; Choices are both acceptable.
the belief that inanimate objects are capable of actions and have lifelike qualities.
- 2-4 yrs old
- demonstrate tell-show-do
- demonstrate to a doll
- learn living from non-living things
Bonding w/ sibling becomes stronger, child passion runs high, separation anxiety
Pre-school stage
- 3-6yrs old
eruption of 1st mandibular molar
6yrs old
age where lower primary central incisor starts to exfoliate
5 yrs old
Eruption of lower permanent mandibular central incisor
Labially or Lingually?
Mixed dentition stage, sense of purpose/independence > Goals.
Peer influence
Teacher is the 1st significant authority outside home
School age
- 6-12 yrs old
- Ugly duckling space, flaring of central incisor and diastema.
sign of puberty in males
Testicular Enlargement
sign of puberty in females
Thelarche / Breast buds
- 9yrs old
Female 1st menstration is called?
stage is where mostly, communication w/ parents is low abstract reasoning and scientific analysis
- 12-19yrs old
Highest form of play
Cooperative play
Abnormal brain development from early infancy. Repetitive behavior, social deficit, language impairment triad.
ADHD meaning
Attention-Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder
- most common neurobehavioral disorder
- Behavioral Therapy
- core symptom: Inattention - Hyperactivity - Impulsivity
Delayed achievement of developmental milestones
Mental Retardation
IQ 60
Mild Classification
parents assist the child in aid of brushing until the age of?
9 yrs old
most common perinatal disorder.
Cerebral Palsy
- posture and movement non-progressive disorder
most common type of cerebral palsy
- tightness, rigid or stiff muscles, contractures and lack of control
- hypertonia
damaged portion of brain in cerebral palsy
Motor cortex
Ataxic - tremors or uncoordinated voluntary movement, affected what part of brain?
Hypotonia type of cerebral palsy
Cognitive theory by
Jean Piaget
Psychosexual theory by
Sigmund Freud
Psychosocial Theory
Erick Erickson
Knee to knee position
<2yrs old
- lacks cooperative ability
Tell show do technique
2 y/o
- most common technique used.
a child who misbehaves on 1st dental appointment
- Innocent victim of circumstances
- Dentist as symbol of displeasure
loss of internal control
Temper tantrum (uncontrolled)
solution for temper tantrum
complaining without tears
most ideal frankl behavior “Good rapport”
Frankl 4
- completely cooperative
Completely uncooperative frankl behaviour
Frankl 1
- Definitely negative
Appropriately timed feedback
Positive Reinforcement
Use of age-appropriate words
- children orientation of the procedures
- Bedrock strategy which all of pedo dental behavior managements rests
The tooth statue
Model of tooth structure that is made of plaster
Negative Stimulus Incorporation
Conditioning Aversive
highest form of aversive conditioning
Initiate Voice control
to establish a good rapport you must:
eye to eye contact (sit)
how to check for the effectivity of IAN block
Lateral Incisor gingiva tip of explorer
most ideal topical anesthesia
- dries the mucosa easily
Can retain lipophilic medications for longer time
Classification of drug acceptable to be administered at home before the procedure
Minor Tranquilizers
Most commonly used oral sedation drug in dentistry
- in the form of syrup of tablets
Chloral hydrate responsible for CNS effect
most common inhalational sedation
Nitrous Oxide
Most common complaint of Nitrous oxide
dose calculations
weight (pounds) x adult dose = Infant dose
Clark’s rule
Age (year) x adult dose = child dose
Young’s rule / cowlings rules
surface are x adult dose = child dose
Body surface
Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by interfering with cyclooxygenase enzyme
Analgesics for tooth ache
Paracetamol - Mild Pain
Ibuprofen - Mild to moderate pain (X px with kidney disease)
Diclofenac - Moderate Pain
Naproxen Sodium Escalan.
antibiotic for Acute infection, acute abscess
- allergy in amoxicillin: Clindamycin (Chronic Infection), Metronidazole, Co-amoxiclav.
most common caries susceptibility
occlusal surfaces of 2nd primary molars.
white spot lesion is reversible by
Fluoride application
how to check for incipient lesion?
Prolonged air water syringe
- ICDAS; 2
discoloration of lesion extended to dentin
Yellow-Brown discoloration
- ICDAS; 3
- pain elicited by cold
- not reversible by fluoride application
discoloration caused by high intake of iron
Iron staining
treatment of nursing bottle caries
- Topical Fluoride Application
- Monthly interval of caries activity test
- After every 3 months of recall
the completion of the primary dentition is
3yrs old
Caries preventive method, caries risk basis.
Pit and fissure sealant
- 3-4y/o; all primary molars are preferred
- 6-7y/o; 1st permanent molars are preferred
- 11-13 y/o; all 2nd and 1st permanent molars and premolars are preferred.
Restorative treatment Depth: 1.5mm from the occlusal surface or 0.5mm from dentin
Class 1
treatment for very small incipient lesion @interproximal?
Fluoride treatment, 3 months recall, bitewing xray.
Class 3 amalgam restoration is located at the proximal box on ____ of canine, Converge of labial and lingual walls.
finishing line of stainless steel crown?
Feather edge
zirconia crowns for kids is only used after
Pulp therapy
Pulpal treatment is contraindicated on patient with
blood disorders, cancer, kidney failures.
TX: extraction
it will cause internal resorption
Entire roof of the pulp chamber is removed
Pulpotomy in pedo is called?
Formocresol Pulpotomy
treatment for pulp exposure w/ inflammation or infection is confined to coronal pulp
Most popular agent
“Buckley’s” / Formocresol
complete removal of all remaining pulp tissue
what is the best space maintainer
Pulpectomize Molar
Barrier creation at an open apex in a NON-VITAL, immature, permanent tooth CAOH PASTE
- Factor, most important: Thorough debridement of root canal
Barrier creation at an open apex in VITAL, immature, permanent tooth CAOH Paste
- Development and completion of root apex
Simple crown fracture with little or no dentin affected
Class 1
Extensive crown fracture with considerable loss of dentin, but with the pulp not affected
Class 2 Ellis
Teeth lost as a result of trauma
Class 5 ellis
Best prognosis for crown fracture
Poor prognosis for crown fracture