Oral Pathology Flashcards
Primary & permanent teeth absence
Complete true anodontia
most posterior missing tooth, congenitally missing teeth.
Partial Anodontia
Absence of teeth more than 6
Only few teeth are absent or less than 6
disease that has defect in Lamin A
Progeria Syndrome
most common supernumerary tooth (hyperdontia)
Paramolar - Faciolingual location of maxillary posteriors
Distomolars - 4th molars (Distally in 3rd molar)
disease that has an absence or hypoplasia of clavicle, impacted supernumerary teeth.
Cleidocranial Dysplasia
Portwine stain along the distribution of CN V
Sturge-weber syndrome / “Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis”
most common microdontia tooth
Max. 3rd molar
- heart shaped occlusal
- no distolingual cusp
Trigone or the Primary cusp triangle are:
Mesiolingual Cusp
Mesiobuccal Cusp
Distobuccal Cusp
- no DistoLingual cusp
Mandibular 3rd molar can be larger than normal called?
Joining of 2 developing tooth germs
Attempt to make 2 teeth from single enamel organ
Complete separation of 1 tooth bud
Fusion in the cementum area
thickest part of cementum
Apical 3rd
thinnest part of cementum
cervical 3rd
Dilaceration a curving or angulation of tooth roots is caused by
Trauma of tooth during development
Dilaceration is most common in
Max. Pre molars
Dens invaginatus / tooth-within-a-tooth is also called
- most common in max. lateral incisor
Dens evaginatus a anomalous tubercle/cusp located in the center of the occlusal surface, it is also called
Leong’s Premolar
Elongated crowns or apically displaced furcations resulting in pulp chambers with increased apico-occlusal height
Taurodontism “bulls teeth”
Enamel pearl is an extra enamel formation located at the
Enamel pearl is a high risk for
Perio pocket
Extra cusp usually in lingual of anterior teeth, most common in max. lateral incisor
Talon’s cusp
Extra cusp on buccal surface of molars
Doak’s Cusp
Cusp of carabelli is located at
MesioLingual Cusp
optimum level of fluoride
> = Fluorosis
mottled enamel
location of Endemic fluorosis in the Philippines
Agno, Pangasinan
Bacoor, cavite
High fluoride content
Fish (salmon…) , Tea, Cabbage
Tea that has high fluoride content
Tsaang Gubat
Syphilis is caused by
Treponema Pallidum
DOC for syphilis
Microscope used for syphilis
Darkfield microscope
Tetracycline is contraindicated px who is pregnant for
6 months - 8-9yr old child
hypoplastic or hypocalcified permanent tooth enamel or caused by abscessed primary tooth or trauma by primary tooth is called
Turner’s teeth
management of the Primary tooth when it is intruded
management of Intruded primary tooth affecting the permanent tooth bud
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a defect of?
Mesoderm or Ectoderm?
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta is a defect of?
Mesoderm or Ectoderm?
Hard but thin -> pin-point pits.
Normal quality, Poor quantity
Hypoplasia/Hypoplastic Amelogenesis Imperfecta
Soft, brittle -> removed by prophylaxis
Normal Quantity, poor quality
Associated by rubella/german measles
Hypocalcification AI
most common classification of dentinogenesis imperfecta with no bone involvement
Type 2 (Shield’s classification)
Type 1 (Revised shield’s classification)
Obliterates the pulp chamber
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
abnormal root dentin most common type that is rootless.
Radicular Dentinal Dysplasia (type 1)
Type 2 Coronal = Thistle tube appearance
Short lingual frenum, attachment near the tongue tip
a surgical procedure used to treat tongue tie / lingual frenum.
Frenotomy / ankylotomy
surgical procedure removal of labial frenum
“scrotal tongue” fissure are site of plaque growth
Fissured tongue
papilla of tongue, most commonly affected. most abundant, high metabolic activity but no taste buds.
Starts the tongue development
Tuberculum Impar
Tongue development starts at
4th week
Dekeratinization and desquamation of filiform papilla changes in location from 1 to another appears red and slightly tender
Geographic tongue “Benign migratory glossitis/ Wandering rash”
DOC for grand mal seizure
Phenytoin / Dilantin “Diphenylhydantoin”
Most common type of seizure
Grand mal seizure
Tx for gingival hyperplasia
Drugs that causes gingival hyperplasia
Nifedipine (anti-hypersensitive)
Cyclosporine (immunosuppressant)
anomalies in buccal mucosa, ectopic sebaceous glands, yellow in color, common in teenagers.
Fordyce granules/Spots
“Pink tooth of mummery”
Resorption of dentin at pulpal walls, Root canal defect is called?
What is the treatment?
What cells are present?
Internal Resorption
Periodontal defect, resorption of external surface of root.
External Resorption
loss of tooth structure from non-bacterial chemical process
Loss of tooth structure @cervical area caused by tensile & compressive forces during tooth flexure
thinnest part of enamel
Cervical area
Pathologic wearing of tooth
ex. excessive toothbrushing
Physiologic wearing of tooth
tooth to tooth contact
Thickest part of enamel
Incisal or occlusal 3rd
most common site of torus
Palate / “Torus palatinus”
Torus lingual surface of mandible
Torus Mandibularis
multiple/single bony excresences
TX for torus
Double Y-Flap
Red, raspberry like, hyperplastic granulation tissue, bleeds easily, common in female and located at interdental papilla
Pyogenic Granuloma
tx: Excision
“Pyo” = Pus
but no pus in pyogenic granuloma
Pregnant: “Epulis Gravidarum”
Denture should be replaced every
5-7 years
Painless fold of hyperplastic tissue
due to ill-fitting denture
commonly in the mandibular mucobuccal fold
Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia / Flabby / Epulis fissurantum
Papillary projection appearing as cobblestone/granular
due to ill-fitting denture
commonly hard palate
caused by Candida
Palatal Papillary Hyperplasia
White lesion can be rubbed/scraped off
White lesion that cannot be rubbed off
-needs biopsy
Most common cancer in oral cavity
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
“Cheek biting”
areas traumatized due to friction/rubbing
Frictional Hyperkeratosis
palatine salivary gland is located at
Posterior and lateral part of palate
autosomal dominant mutation in keratin 4 & 13 causing bilateral spongy, rough surface usually at the buccal mucosa
White sponge nevus “Cannon’s Disease”
Disappears at “STRETCH TEST”
edema of spinous cells, usually along occlusal line in PM & M region at buccal mucoa.
Wickham Striae, lace like pattern, white lesion cannot be rubbed off, in buccal mucosa
Lichen Planus
most common complaint of patient
Pain - “Dolor”
2nd most common complain of patient
Swelling - “Tumor”
3 fascial spaces that are affected in Ludwig’s angina
what is the most definitive sign of a masticator space infection
- internal pterygoid muscle
Changes of antibiotic is indicated when the antibiotic is not effective within __ hrs
48-72 hrs
acute, rapid, septic, indurated inflammatory process of all fascial space of mandible on both sides of FOM
Clinical Appearance: Elevated tongue, dyspnea, Dysphagia
Ludwig’s Angina
Maxillary canine infection, travels to cranial base affecting CN 3,4, 5(1), 6.
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
Major difference of acute and chronic
chronic, pain is not that common
Acute, pain is present.
Acute, generalized, large, diffuse border, doughy to indurated, aerobic microorganism
Chronic, localized, small, well circumscribed border, fluctuant, anaerobic microorganism.
Inflammatory response primary caused by infection affecting the bone marrow
Longest bone in the body
the body of long bone is covered by or the outermost body of long bone:
Periosteum is connected to your bone by what fiber?
Sharpey’s Fiber
Microorganism caused by Osteomyelitis of the Jaw
Streptococcus Viridans
Brodie’s abscess is seen in
Old bone: Sequestrum
New bone: iNvolucrum
Bone marrow infection with periosteitis, common in children. most common caused by dental caries, chronic osteomyelitis is also known as
Garre’s Osteomylelitis
Most common complication of wound healing process of exo after 3-5 days.
Alveolar osteitis / Dry Socket
Major component of clot
Sialolithiasis is most common in what gland
most common cause of sialadenitis
what is the duct of subMandibular gland
Wharton’s duct
Stensen’s duct is in what gland?
Parotid Gland
Bartholin’s duct is in what gland?
Sublingual Gland
Duct of rivinus is seen in
Sublingual gland
Increase in salivation is called
Asymptomatic enlargement of salivary gland
Related to vascular insufficiency & glands infarction, most common in male, self limiting, most chief complaint: palate feels falling out. Most common in Palatal salivary glands.
Necrotizing Sialometaplasia
-no treatment
most common TUMOR appears in what gland
Parotid gland
Painless swelling of the parotid gland, lower pole of parotid gland.
Warthin’s tumor “Adenolymphoma/Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum”
Most common benign tumor of salivary gland, most common salivary gland tumor, most common parotid gland tumor. most common salivary gland neoplasm.
Major: Parotid
Minor: Palate
True or False: Prostate and Breast cancer is a adenocarcinoma?
- Mammary gland & prostate gland.
Most common malignant tumor of minor salivary glands
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Most common malignant tumor of major salivary gland
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Most aggressive tumor of salivary gland
Salivary duct carcinoma
tumor is most common in what salivary gland
Parotid gland
stones, inflammation is common in what salivary gland
Submandibular Gland
Contact dermatitis/contact allergy a type of eczema is a form of type __ hypersensitivity reaction
Type 4
Fungal infection, TB is what type of hypersensitivity reaction
Type 4
Hypersensitivity reaction of Allergy
Type 1
Aphthous ulcer is also known as
Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis/Ulcer
- non keratinized mucosa
- canker sore: painful ulcer
Sutton’s disease is a form of
Ulceration / Ulcerative disease
“Periadenitis mucosa necrotica reurrens”
Rheumatoid arthritis
most common in female
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Behcet’s syndrome
painful ulceration in genitalia and oral cavity, most common in male. What part of ulceration affects in genitalia of males
Most common type of traumatic disturbance
Internal Derangement
most common form of internal derangement
Anterior Displacement
Most commonly dislocation of articular disc/TMJ
+ Post.
Capsule: Loose, thin.
Most common cause of ankylosis
Most common form of trauma/ankylosis in TMJ
Fracture of Condyle
Largest muscle of mastication
Fusion of coronoid process and temporalis, coronoid hyperplasia is a ____ ankylosis
What part of the mandible will fracture if there is a sudden contraction of temporalis muscle
Coronoid Process
What muscle of mastication commonly causes muscle pain/fatigue
Lateral Pterygoid muscle
Wear and tear, most common degenerative disease, common in elderly, pain at night, asymmetrical.
autoimmune, common in female, pain in the morning, symmetrical.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
an epithelial-lined cavity
Rest of malassez came from
Degeneration of HERS
Most common odontogenic cyst
Radicular Cyst
- apex of root
- round/pear shape, uniocular
- inflammatory process
- Liquefaction necrosis
Radicular cyst is almost/always associated with
Non-vital pulp
Incomplete removal of cyst during extraction or residue.
Residual Cyst
Epithelium surrounding crown
Reduced enamel epithelium
Cyst around the crown of an impacted/unerupted CEJ Area.
Most aggressive, most destructive.
Dentigerous Cyst
Ameloblastoma came from what cyst
Dentigerous Cyst
bluish, alveolar edema, associated with an erupting primary teeth
Eruption Cyst
came from degeneration of dental lamina
Rest of Serres
has a High recurrence, presence of active epithelial lining and satellite/ daughter cyst. associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma
Odontogenic Keratocyst
a developmental cystic process, appears “tear-drop” shape unilocular beside or adjacent to root of tooth. Vital tooth.
LaTEARal Periodontal Cyst
Grape-like / multilocular of lateral periodontal cyst is called
Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst
Degeneration of tooth bud before the formation of enamel and dentin matrix as replacement of Missing/Supernumerary tooth, prior to calcification , cystic degeneration of tooth bud
Primordial Cyst
Odontogenic Epithelial remnants within gingiva or mandible/maxilla.
Cyst that has Ghost Cell keratinization, associated with odontoma.
Calcifying odontogenic Cyst
cyst of newborn located at palatine raphe, keratin.
Epstein Pearl
cyst of newborn located between soft and hard palate, mucous gland.
Bohn’s Nodule
bluish soft lesion
affects major salivary gland
caused by trauma
located at lower lip
bluish soft lesion
affects minor salivary gland
caused by trauma
also called frog belly
located at floor of the mouth
Most common non-odontogenic cyst, seen in between CI, heart shaped.
Nasopalatine duct cyst “Incisive canal cyst”
cyst between maxillary lateral incisor and canine, appears pear-shaped.
Globulomaxillary Cyst
primary dentition space located between maxillary lateral and canine
Primate Space
bone cystic formation located at median palatine raphe.
Median Palatal cyst.
bone cystic formation between mandibular central incisor
Median alveolar/mandibular cyst
located at the ala of the nose - upper lip, soft tissue, cystic formation that has no radiographic appearance
Nasolabial cyst “nasoalveolar cyst”
most common developmental cyst of the neck at neck midline both or one side
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- common symptom: Mouth hemorrhage
congenital cyst, anterior to sternocleidomastoid muscle at lateral neck area, unfused branchial cleft 2, 3, 4.
causes compression, dyspnea, dysphagia
Branchial Cleft cyst
Pseudocyst located inferior border of the mandible contains submandibular gland located below mandibular canal, bone defect.
Static Bone cyst
Pseudocyst “blood soaked sponge” contains blood with fibroblasts and macrophages line the sinusoidal-blod-filled spaces
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Empty cystic cavity with dome-like projections/scalloped margin without root resorption, common site mandibular posterior.
Traumatic Bone
Most common epithelial odontogenic tumor
Concentric rings with clear space “Liesegang Rings”
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor /
Pindborg tumor
Xray appearance of pindborg tumor
Driven-snow appearance
Adenomatoid OT and Squamous OT is common in
Maxillary anteriors
Most common site of metastasis
Snow flake calcification is seen in
Adenomatoid OT
appearance in radiograph of a small ameloblastoma
Honey-combed appearance
appearance of a large ameloblastoma in radiograph
Soap-bubble appearance
a ameloblastoma that is located in long bones is
Benign =
Standard treatment for ameloblastoma
Segmental resection with 1 cm of bone
Mesenchymal tumors resembles
Epithelial tumors resembles
Most common mesenchymal odontogenic tumor, histologic study: stellate cells.
xray: multilocular honey-combed appearance.
Myxofibroma / Odontogenic myxoma
tumor at Apical of erupted tooth causes root resorption with fibrous connective tissue “cementoid or dentinoid”
Odontogenic Fibroma
MC epithelial OT
MC Mesenchymal OT
MC Odontogenic tumor
also known as true cementoma
bone expansion but slow swelling with little pain
very common in mandi posterior. 1st molar
Benign Cementoblastoma
MC odontogenic cyst
Radicular Cyst
MC non-odontogenic Cyst
nasopalatine duct cyst
MC developmental cyst of the neck
Thyroglossal duct cyst
mixed tumors with multiple tooth-like structures, common in max ant.
Compound Odontoma
Most common odontogenic tumors:
can be answered
Odontoma, Ameloblastoma, Myxofibroma.