Pathology - Lower GI Flashcards
obstruction of the small intestine
Mechanical Ileus
physical blockage of the bowel - May be due to a tumor, adhesions or hernias
Paralytic/Adynamic Ileus
due to cessation of peristalsis - Without these wave-like contractions, the bowel is unable to propel its contents forward. Causes may be due to infections (peritonitis, appendicitis), presence of certain drugs or a post-surgical complication
a twisting of a portion of the intestine on its own mesentary. Blood supply to the twisted portion is compromised leading to obstruction and necrosis (death of tissue). Most commonly found in the cecum and sigmoid colon
the telescoping of one part of the bowel into another. Often seen with infants
inflammatory condition of the large intestine - May be caused by many factors including bacterial infection, diet, stress and other environmental conditions
Ulcerative Colitis
a severe form of colitis - a chronic condition often leading to coin-like ulcers developing within the mucosal wall
the diverticulae (outpouching of the mucosal wall resulting from a herniation of the inner wall of the colon) have become infected - May develop peritonitis if the diverticulum perforates through the mucosal wall
“new growth” - A tumor that may be either benign or malignant
black tarry stools
the opening (mouth) from the bowel to the outside of the body
conditions where the patient’s GI tract is unable to process and absorb certain nutrients
a stoma is surgically created to the abdominal wall to allow drainage of the bowel contents into a closed pouch hung outside the body
Congenital Megacolon (Hirshprung’s)
the absence of neurons in the bowel wall prevents the normal relaxation of the colon and subsequent peristalsis which results in gross dilation to the point of narrowing and constriction
inflammation of the small bowel
Chohn’s Disease (regional enteritis)
chronic inflammatory disease. Typically located in the lower ileum but may be anywhere in the bowel – “string sign”
inflammation of the stomach and small bowel
inflammation of the vermiform process