Part 2: Appendicular skeleton Flashcards
bone # in appendicular skeleton
main parts of appendicular skeleton
-pectoral girdle (4)
-upper limbs (60)
-pelvic girdle (2)
-lower limbs (60)
parts of pectoral girdle
clavicle (2)
scapula (2)
parts of upper limbs
Humerus (2)
Radius (2)
Ulna (2)
Carpals (16)
Metacarpals (10)
Phalanges (28)
parts of pelvic girdle
hip bones (2)
parts of lower limbs
Femur (2)
Tibia (2)
Fibula (2)
Tarsals (14)
Metatarsals (10)
Phalanges (28)
green: Pectoral/Pelvic girdle
blue: Arm/Thigh
yellow: Forearm/Leg
pink: Hand/Foot
label clavicle ends
- sternal (medial) end
- acromial (lateral) end
label clavicle joint
1) sternoclavicular joint
2) acromioclavicular joint
sternal (medial) end of clavicle articulates with ____
manubrium of the sternum
acromial (lateral) end of clavicle articulates with ____
acromioclavicular joint is a _____
passive joint
sternoclavicular joint and acromioclavicular joint are both ____ that ____
synovial joints that provide stability but limited movement
sternoclavicular joint of clavicle allows for _____ of shoulder
elevation + depression
retraction + protraction
Label anterior view of scapula
- Vertebral (medial) border
- Axillary (lateral) border
- Superior border
- Subscapular fossa (lies on the thoracic cage)
- Acromion
- Coracoid process
Label lateral view of scapula
- Axillary (lateral) border
- Acromion
- Coracoid process
- Glenoid fossa
Label posterior view of scapula
green: inferior angle
1. Vertebral (medial) border
2. Axillary (lateral) border
3. Superior border
5. Scapular spine
6. Acromion
7. Supraspinous fossa
9. Coracoid process
Glenoid fossa articulates with _____
Acromion articulates with ____
clavicle to form the acromioclavicular joint.
Supraspinous fossa is _____ than infraspinous fossa
Label humerus
- Humeral head
- Greater tubercle
- Lesser tubercle
- Intertubercular sulcus
- Deltoid tuberosity
- Medial epicondyle
- Lateral epicondyle
- Olecranon fossa
- Capitulum
- Trochlea
Capitulum + Trochlea = ____
Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint is a _____ that allows for movement in ____
synovial ball & socket joint
multiple planes
(flexion/extension/abduction/adduction/lateral & medial rotation/circumduction
of the shoulder)
Joint capsule of glenohumeral joint is ______; reinforced by ____
four shoulder muscles (rotator cuff muscles)
Inferior dislocation of humerus is ______ because _____
most common
nothing is protecting the joint at the axilla - armpit)
Capitulum articulates with ____
trochlea articulates with _____
trochlear notch on ulna
Label radius and ulna
- Trochlear notch
- Coronoid process
- Olecranon
- Radial head
- Radial tuberosity
- Radial styloid process
- Ulnar styloid process
- Interosseous membrane
radius ___ ulna
turns over the
The coronoid process does what?
stabilizes the elbow joint and prevents hyperflexion
olecranon is what forms ____
the bony part you see sticking out of your elbow
radial head articulates with ____
capitellum of the humerus
Joint between trochlea (humerus) & trochlear notch (ulna) is a _____ and allows for ____
hinge joint (synovial uniaxial)
flexion/extension of forearm
Joint between capitulum (humerus) & radial head (radius) is a ______ and allows for ____
Pivot joint (synovial uniaxial)
pronation/supination of forearm
Label forearm
green: humerus
orange: ulna
blue: radius
Digit 1 in your hand is ____
your thumb
Label hand
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
M: Metacarpal (5)
P: Phalanx (plu. phalanges – 14)
4 bones in the hand with radius
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform
(aka proximal row)
4 bones in the hand with ulna
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
Joint between radius & scaphoid is a _____ and allows for _____
condylar joint (synovial biaxial)
flexion/extension & abduction/adduction of hand
biaxial vs uniaxial
biaxial : two planes of movement
uniaxial : one plan of movement
Joints between phalanges are _____ and allows for _____
hinge joints (synovial uniaxial)
flexion/extension of the digits
Joints between carpals are _____ and allows for _____
plane joints (synovial)
slight motions
Joints between metacarpals & phalanges are _____ allows for ____ with _____
condylar joints (synovial biaxial)
flexion/extension & abduction/adduction of the digits
the 3rd digit for hand line of reference
Joint between trapezium & 1st metacarpal (thumb) is ______ allows for ____
saddle-shaped joint (synovial specialized biaxial)
opposition of thumb (in addition to flexion/extension & adduction/abduction)
Os coxae (def.)
the hip bone
Label os coxae
- Ilium (superior)
- Ischium (posterior)
- Pubis (anterior)
- Acetabulum (articular surface)
- Iliac crest
- Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
- Iliac fossa
- Auricular surface
- Greater sciatic notch
- Ischial spine
- Ischial tuberosity
- Pubic symphysis
acetabulum articulates with ___ to form ____
head of femur
hip joint
ilium, ischium , pubis fuses to form _____
The Iliac articulates with three bones: _____
Sacrum, Femur and the Iliac on the opposite side
Auricular surface articles with ___
the sacrum
The pubic symphysis is the articulation between _____
the left and right pubis bones
Label femur
- Femoral head
- Femoral neck
- Greater trochanter
- Lesser trochanter
- Intertrochanteric line
- Gluteal tuberosity
- Linea aspera
- Medial condyle of the femur
- Lateral condyle of the femur
- Patellar surface
Femoral head articulates with ____
the acetabulum of the pelvis
The medial and lateral femoral condyles articulate with ____ to form ____
the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia the knee joint
The patella does not articulate with ____
the tibia
The patella articulates with _____ to form _____
the femur
the Patellofemoral Joint
Hip joint is a ______ and allows for ____
ball & socket joint (synovial multiaxial)
extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, circumduction
capsule of hip joint is reinforced anteriorly
by the ______ (important for _____ )
iliofemoral ligament
upright posture
Unlike the shoulder joint, the hip joint ______
has more reinforcements due to high demands from body weight
Label lower limb
- Medial condyle of the tibia
- Lateral condyle of the tibia
- Tibial tuberosity
- Head of fibula
- Medial malleolus (tibia)
- Lateral malleolus (fibula)
- Interosseous membrane (syndesmosis)
Label knee joint
- Patella
- Quadriceps tendon (muscle to bone)
- Patellar ligament (bone to bone)
- Meniscus (fibrocartilage)
Knee joint is _____ and allows for _____
modified hinge joint (synovial biaxial)
flexion/extension of leg, slight rotation, easy to injure
Label knee ligament
- Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
- Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
- Lateral meniscus
- Medial meniscus
- Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
- Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
Distally, the tibia articulates with the____to form the _____
talocrural joint of the ankle
Label foot
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiforms (3: medial, intermediate, lateral)
M: Metatarsal (5)
P: Phalanx (phalanges – 14)
Tarsals (7) are made of ____
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiforms (3: medial, intermediate, lateral)
Label foot
Ti: tibia
Ta: talus
Ca: calcaneus
Na: navicular
Joint between tibia & talus (_____) is a ____ that allows for _____
ankle joint
hinge joint (synovial uniaxial)
plantarflexion/dorsiflexion of foot
Joint between talus & navicular (_____) is a ______ that allows for _____
subnavicular/talonavicular joint
condylar joint (synovial biaxial)
inversion/eversion of foot (combination of movements)
Most commonly injured joint in the body is _____
talo-navicular joint
* most are inversion injuries
* involve stretching of fibular ligament(s) - can result in fractures of the lateral malleolus
Joints between other tarsals are _____ and allows for _____
plane joints (synovial)
slight motions
Joints between metatarsals & phalanges are _______ and allows for ____
condylar joints (synovial biaxial)
flexion/extension & abduction/adduction of the digits with 2nd digit for foot line of reference
Joints between phalanges are _____ and allows for _____
hinge joints (uniaxial)
flexion/extension of the digits