Parasitic Gut diseases II Flashcards
What is toxocara spp. ?
- Large white round worms, 7-18 cm in length
- Adults in small intestine
- Three main species:
What are the three main species of toxocara?
Toxocara canis – dog
» Toxocara cati (or mystax) – cat
» Toxascaris leonina – fox
What are the two definitions of a paratenic host?
- Host in which no development of the parasite occurs
- Hosts which are not neccesary for the parasites life cycle but can act as a reservoir of infection
What are the differences between T.Cati and T.leonina
T.Cati is-
* has paratenic hosts (rodents, earthworms, birds etc.)
* Migratory if eggs ingested, non-migratory after TM infection or paratenic host ingestion
* Eggs hatch in the stomach then migrate via the liver, lungs, trachea and back to the stomach
* no prenatal infection
* has no migration of larvae
* following ingestion, larvae enter the intestinal wall and remain there for two weeks
What are the clinical consequences of Toxicara?
All species
* Mild to moderate infections – no clinical signs
* May be potbelly, failure to thrive, vomiting,
diarrhoea, particularly in puppies & kittens
* Due to absorption of nutrients & damage to
the intestine lining
* Obstruction of intestinal lumen or
T.canis -> causes larval discharge
Where can toxicara eggs be found?
in the faeces
What is the difference between the eggs of T.canis and T. leonina?
Small finger-like process on the tail of male T. canis but not Tx. leonina
What is the epidemiology of toxicara?
Very widespread due to
* female worms being fecund (producing a lot of offspring)
* larvae in the tissue of bitches is not susceptible to antithelmintics
* The eggs are resistant to climatic extremes
What is the epidemiology of T.cati?
- Reservoir – larvae in tissue of dam & in paratenic hosts
- Patent infections more common in young cats
- Prevalence 10-20% in adult cats – continued shedding through life of cat
What is the epidemiology of Tx. leonina?
- Infection mainly through eggs, but can occur
» through paratenic hosts
What are the four clinical conditions found in humans with toxocara?
mainly in children
1) Visceral larval migrans
2) Ocular toxocariasis – visual impairment
3) Covert toxocariasis
4) Cerebral toxocariasis
How long are hookworms and where can they be found?
Up to 20 mm long and the adults are found in the small intestine
What are the hookworm species that can infect dogs and cats?
Uncinaria stenocephala (temperate regions)
A. braziliense (tropical & subtopical regions)
What are the clinical consequences of hookworms?
- Diarrhoea, weight loss and anaemia, may be acute or chronic signs
- Ancylostoma caninum more serious
- Disease most common in younger animals
What are the most common hookworm species in the UK?
Uncinaria stenocephala & A. tubaeforme