PARA ENTA Flashcards
What are the seven species of amebae
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba dispar
Entamoeba moshkovskii
Entamoeba hartmanni
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butchlii
Intestinal ameba of pigs and monkeys, ocassionally found in humans (zoonotic)
Entamoeba polecki
Ameba Trophozoites divide by:
Binary Fission
Cyst-forming ameba divide by:
Nuclear division
Where does the final nuclear divison of cyst-forming ameba happen?
Excystion in a new host
Complete the taxonomy of the Entamoeba histolytica:Subphylum:Superclass:Class:Order:Family:Genus:
Sarcodina Rhizopoda Lobosea Amoebida Entamoebidae Entamoeba
Describe the characterization of the genus Entamoeba:
Vesicular nucleus
Centrally (or near central) located karyosome
Varying numbers of Chromatin Granules adhering to the Nuclear membrane
What are the Laredo Strain
Entamoeba histolytica
E. dispar
E. moshkovskii
The tests that distinguish Entamoeba histolytica from the complex:
Isoenzyme analysis
Polymerase chain reaction
Restriction fragment length polymorphism
Monoclonal antibodies typing
This species is known to be morphologically similar to E. histolytica, but differentiated through size”Small race” of E. histolytica
Entamoeba hartmanni
Entamoeba hartmanni
This species is known to be morphologically similar to E. histolytica, but differentiated through size”Small race” of E. histolytica
Pseodopod-forming non-flagellated protozoan parasite
Entamoeba histolytica (parasite biology)
Entamoeba histolytica (parasite biology)
Pseodopod-forming non-flagellated protozoan parasite
Invasive species of the Entamoebidae:
Entamoeba dispar
E. moshkovskii
E. gingivalis
Entamoeba histolytica
E. hartmanni
E. polecki
E. coli
The only species of the family to cause liver abscess
Entamoeba histolytica (common pathology and clinical manifestation)
Entamoeba histolytica (common pathology and clinical manifestation)
The only species of the family to cause liver abscess
What are the two stages of the life cycle of E. histolytica?
Infective cyst stage
Invasive (vegetative) trophozoite stage
The main host of E. histolytica
Human (and occasional infection of primates)
Resitant to gastric acidity and dessication, and can survive in a moist environment for several weeks.
Quadrinucleate cyst (E. histolytica)
Infection with E. histolytica occurs due to:
Ingestion of mature cyst from fecally-contaminated material
Aside from ingestion of fecally-contaminated material, what are the other modes of transmission of E. histolytica:
Venereal transmission through fecal-oral contactDirect colonic inoculation through contaminated enema equipment
Where does excystation of E. histolytica cyst occurs?
Small or large bowel
1 cyst: ___ trophozoite (number of excysted troph)
The E. histolytica trophozoites are […] motile and possess […]
The E. histolytica trophozoites are highly motile and possess pseudopodia
Size of E. histolytica troph:
12-60 micrometer (ave. 20 micrometer)
Motility of E. histolytica:
Progressive and (uni)directional
Locomotory organelle of E. histolytica
Characteristics of Psedopodia of E. histolytica:
contains Hyaline Clear, glasslike EctoplasmGranular Endoplasm flows into the extrusion
Observed as pale, greenish, refractile bodies in the cytoplasm
Ingested red blood cells
Size of the E. histolytica cyst
10-20 micrometer
Characteristics of E. histolytica cyst:
Hyaline wall
1-4 nuclei
Rod-shaped (cigar-shaped) Chromatoidal bars
How mant successive nuclear division occur in the E. histolytica cyst
What are the genes that suggest E. histolytica may have had a mitochondria?
Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase
Where can the functionality of the ER and Golgi body be found in the E. histolytica?
Cell surface (with secreted proteins)
What structure inhibits protein glycosylation in E. histolytica?
What are some differences in biochemical pathways from higher eukaryotes in E. histolytica?
Lack of glutathione metabolismPyrophosphate is used instead of ATP in glycolysisInability to synthesize de novo of purine nucleotides
End product of glucose metabolism of E. histolytica:
EthanolCO2Aerobic condition:Acetate
Proposed mechansim for virulence of E. histolytica:
Production of enzyme or other cytotoxic substances (which forms Amebapores)Contact-dependent cell killing (via Gal Lectin)Cytophagocytosis
The parasitic ameba kills mucosal cell via activation of what enzyme/protein that leads to the apoptotic death of the cells
Susceptibility of humans to E. histolytica may be associated with what specific allele?
HLA complex
The differentiation of E. dispar to E. histolytica has confirmed what about the prevalence of the two?
E. dispar is higher compared to E. histolytica via PCR testing
A clinical manifestation of E. histolytica with the gradual onset of abdominal pain and diarrhea, with or without blood and mucus in the stools.
Amebic colitis
Fever is not common in E. histolytica infection, and occurs only:
1/3 of the patients
These demographic is susceptible to developing fulminant colitis with severe bloody diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain.
This clinical manifestation in E. histolytica infection is a mass-like lession with abdominal pain and history of dysentery. And it occurs ___ of intestinal infections
Ameboma can be mistaken with what other condition?
The most common extra-intestinal form of amebiasis.
Amebic liver abscess (ALA)
What are the cardinal signs of ALA?
Right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain
ALA pain is localized or referred to in what location of the body?
Right shoulder?
The […] is tender, especially in acute cases, and […] is present in 50% of cases. (ALA clinical manifestations)
The liver is tender, especially in acute cases, and hepatomegaly is present in 50% of cases. (ALA clinical manifestations)
The onset of amebic colitis is sudden after an incubation period of?
8-10 days
ALA may have all the acute presentation in ____ (time), and chronic of ____ (time)
2 weeks
2 weeks
The most serious complication of amebic colitis is:
Bacterial peritonitis
[…] occurs in 60% of fulminant colitis cases.
Colonic perforation occurs in 60% of fulminant colitis cases.
The most serious complication in ALA are:
Rupture into the pericardium (70% mortality)Rupture into the Spleura (15-30%)Superinfection
Second most common complication in ALA:
Intraperitoneal rupture (2-7.5% of cases)
It should be considered in cases of amebiasis with abnormal mental status.
Secondary amebic meningocephalitis (clinical manifestation and consideration)
Genital involvement is caused by what? (ALA and colitis)
Natural or innate immunity to E. histolytica in the involves what to the amebic attachment to the underlying mucosal cells?
Mucin inhibition
In systemic circulation, what is the mode of immunity for trophozoites?
Complement-mediated killing
What are the three processes in which activated T-cells kill E. histolytica?
Directly lysing trophozoites in a contact-dependent processproducing cytokines which activate macrophage and other effector cells (neutrophils and eosinophils)Providing helper effect for B-cell antibody production
What are the two cytokines that enable macrophage to activate for ameboidal activity?
interferons (IFN)interleukin (IL-2)
What compound does macrophage release that is lethal to trophozoites?
Nitric oxide
What factor stimulates the release of nitric oxide in macrophage?
Tumor necrosis factor
What stage in E. histoylityca infection does the human subjects (and animals) show immunosuppresion?
Acute stage of amebiasis
The acute stage of amebiasis present these characteristics that is favorablef for amebic survival:
T-cell hyporesponsiveness
Suppressed proliferation and cytokine production
Depressed delayed-type hypersensitivity Macrophage suppression
What are some etiologic agent that should different shate bacilliary dysentery from amebic colitis?
Shigella Salmonella Campylobacter YersiniaEscherichia coli
Fever and high leukocyte-count is less common in? (comparison between bacillary and amebic)
Amebic colitis
Amebic colitis should be ruled out before this therapy for this condition due to the risk of developing toxic megacolon
Steroid therapy for inflammatory bowel disease
What are the differential diagnosis for ALA:
Pyogenic liver diseaseTuberculosis of the liverHepatic carcinoma
Genital amebiasis should be differentiated from:
CarcinomaTuberculosisChancroid Lymphogranuloma venereum
The standard method for parasitologic diagnosis, especially for E. histolytica, is what?
Microscopic detection of trophozoites and cyst in stool specimens
How many stool specimen and days for examination of E. histolytica?
Three stool sample for every 2-3 days in 10 days
For detection of trophozoites of E. histolytica, what stool sample should be examined?
Fresh stool sample defacated within 30 minutes
What technique is used to see the motility of E. histolytica trophozoite?
Direct fecal smear (DFS) with saline solution
What technique or stain is used to differentiate Entamoeba spp. from white blood cells?
Saline and methylene blue
What technique or stain is used to differentiate E. histolytica from nonpathogenic species?
Saline and iodine
What feature seen in the stool is diagnostic of amebiasis?
E. histolytica trophozoites with ingested red blood cells. Charcot-leyden crystals can also be observed.
These concentration technique is more sensitive than DFS in detection of E. histolytica cysts
Formalin Ether/Ethyl acetate concentration test (FECT)Methiolate-Iodine-Formalin concentration test (MIFC)
These morphological structure are noted of E. histolytica cyst:
Size of the cystNumber of nucleiLocation and appearance of karyosomeCharacteristic appearance of chromatoid bodiesPresence of cytoplasmic features such as glycogen vacuole
What stool culture is more sensitive than stool microscopy?
Robinson’s and Inoki medium
Differentiation of E. histolytica to what other Entamoeba sp. is not possible by microscopy
E. dispar (and E. moshkovskii)
This is the key diagnosis of ALA
Detection of antibodies in the serum
Why is microscopy not suitable for the diagnosis of ALA?
Aspiration is an invasive procedureTrophozoites are missed because they are located in the periphery of the abscess
What are the serological tests for amebic disease?
Indirect hemagglutination (IHAT)
Counter immunoeletrophoresis (CIE)
Agar gel diffusion (AGD)
Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT)
Enzyme Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
This serological test can detect amebic infection for as long as 10 years ago?
Indirect hemagglutination (IHAT)
Noninvasive methods that are sensitive in detecting early ALA
Ultrasound Computerized Tomography (CT) scan
Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI)
What are the two objectives for treatment of amebiasis?
To cure invasive disease at both intestinal and extraintestinal sitesTo eliminate passage of cysts from the intestinal lumen
Drug of choice for treatment of invasive amebiasis
Drug of choice for asymptomatic cyst passers in amebiasis:
Indicated for patient who do not respond to metronidazole and who need prompt symptomatic relief of severe pain.Also done for left lobe abscess that may rupture to the pericardium, large abscesses in danger of rupture, and multiple abscesses with a probable associated pyogenic etiology.
Percutateous drainage of liver abscess
What are the three species in E. histolytica complex?
E. histolytica E. disparE. moshkovskii
What are the two significance of the presence of commensal amebae in the stool of an individual:
They can be mistaken for the pathogenic E. histolytica It is an indication of fecal contamination of food or water
What are the three genera of the intestinal amebae:
This genus has a spherical with a distinct nuclear membrane lined with chromatin granules and a small karyosome found near the center of the nucleus.
How many nucleus is typical of the Entamoeba trophozoites?
This genus has a vesicular nucleus with a relatively large, irregularly shaped karyosome anchored to the nucleus by achromatic fibrils.
This genus is characterized by a large, chromatin-rich karyosome surrounded by a layer of achromatic globules and anchored to the nuclear membrane by achromatic fibrils.
All species of the commensal amebae have the following stages:Except:
TrophozoitePrecystCyst Metacystic Trophozoite;Entamoeba gingivalis
Commensal amebae excyst in what environment and location in the body?
Alkaline environment of the lower small intestines
These colonize the large intestines and live on the mucus coat covering the intestinal mucosa.
Metacystic trophozoites of commensal amebae
What is the division of Commensal amebae trophozoite?
Binary fission
Encystation of commensal amebae happens at what location of the body?
Lower colon (where colonic contents are more dehydrated)
This commensal amebae is morphologically similar to E. histolytica, but their DNA and ribosomal RNA is different.
E. dispar
First detected in sewage, and is morphologically indistinguishable from E. histolytica.
E. moshkovskii
This is uniquely osmotolerant and able to grow at room temperature (25-30 degrees celsius)
E. moshkovskii
All human isolates of E. moshkovskii belong to one group called?
Ribodeme 2
The appearance of this commensal amebae is relatively similar to that of E. histolytica but smaller
E. hartmanni
Size of trophozoite of E. hartmanni:What about cyst?
3-12 micrometer;4-10 micrometer
Characteristics of the mature cyst of E. hartmanni:
Quadrinucleate cystRod-shaped chromatoidal bars with rounded or squared ends
A commensal amebae that is cosmopolitan in distribution and is considerably more common than other human amebae:
Entamoeba coli
Size of Entamoeba coli trophozoite: What about cyst?
15-50 micrometer;10-35 micrometer
What are the characteristics of Entamoeba coli trophozoites in comparison with E. histolytica?
More vacuolated or granular endoplasm with bacteria and debris, but no red blood cells Narrower, less-differentiated ectroplasmBroader and blunter pseudopodia, for feeding than locomotionSluggish, undirected movementsthicker, irregular peripheral chromatin with a large, eccentric karyosome in the nucleus
Characteristics of Entamoeba coli cyst, in comparison with E. histolytica:
Larger size (10-35 micrometer)More nuclei (8-16)More granular cytoplasm Splinter-like chromatoidal bars
Iodine staining reveals what feature or structure in Entamoeba histolytica cyst:
Dark-staining, perinuclear masses of glycogen
Where is the glycogen mass of the Entamoeba coli located?
Surrounds the nucleus
A commensal amebae found in the intestines of pigs and monkeys, and is rarely found in humans.
Entamoeba polecki
Motility of E. polecki:
Sluggish (and undirectional)
Characteristics of E. polecki cyst:
consistently uninucleateAngular or pointed chromatoidal bars
In stained fecal smear of E. polecki, these strutures are prominent:
nuclear membranekaryosome
This commensal amebae is found in apes and monkeys and is morphologically simillar to E. polecki
Entamoeba chattoni
Recently, how many human infections are detected of E. chattoni?
This commensal amebae is found in the mouth
Entamoeba gingivalis
Motility of Entamoeba gingivalis:
Characteristics of E. gingivalis:
Numerous blunt pseudopodiaFood vacuoles contain cellular debris (mostly leukocytes) and bacteria
A commensal amebae occurs the same frequency of Entamoeba coli:
Endolimax nana
Size of E. nana trophozoites:Cyst?
5-12 micrometer;same sa trophozoite
Motility of E. nana:
What are the characteristics of E. nana trophozoites?
Blunt, hyaline pseudopodiaLarge, irregular karyosomeFood vacuoles has bacteria
How many nucleus of cyst of E. nana?
Quadrinucleate (4)
Identified by large, vesicular nucleus with a large, central karyosome, surrounded by acrhomatic granules
Iodamoeba butschlii
Size of I. butschlii trophozoite:Cyst?
9-14 micrometer (ave. 4-20 micrometer);9-10 micrometer (ave. 6-16 micrometer)
A commensal amebae that has no peripheral chromatin granules on the nuclear membrane:
Iodamoeba butschlii
Characteristics of I. butschlii cyst:
UninucleateLarge glycogen body that stains dark brown with iodine
‘Diagnosis’ of commensal amebae:
Stool examination
These technique and stain are useful to differentiate the species of commensal amebae:
FECT and iodine stain
This is the sample collection of E. gingivalis:
Swab between gums and teeth
Cyst are recovered in what stool?How about trophozoite?
Formed stools; Watery or semi-formed stools
What are the concentration techniques for commensal amebae?
FECT or Zinc Sulfate floatation
Who discovered E. histolytica and what time range?
Losch between 1873-1875
Who differentiated E. coli and what year?
Schaudinn in 1903
Who established the pathogenicity of E. histolytica and what year?
Walker and Sellards in 1913
Cyst stage of E. histolytica can survive in what condition:What about trophozoite?
2 days in 37 degrees celsius up to 60 days at 0 degrees celsius;5 hours in 37 degrees celsius up to 96 hours at 5 degrees celsius
Virulence factors of E. histolytica:
Gal/GalNAc lectinAmebaporesCysteine proteinase/protease
Bull’s eye karyosome
E. histolytica
Blot-like karyosome
E. nana
Mahogany brown iodine cyst
Iodamoeba butschlii
Commensal ameba with “basket nuclei”
Iodamoeba butschlii
ADDITIONAL!!!Identified initially as an amoeba, but later became a flagellate
Dientamoeba fragilis
Isoenzyme marker of E. dispar that differentiate it from E. histolytica:And the antigen?
Hexokinase;Gafractose specific lectin