defined as the doubling of the cell number
is the time required for bacteria to double their population
Generation Time or Doubling Time
obtained by plotting the logarithm of the number of cells against the time of growth
Bacterial Growth Curve
The period of adaptation of the organisms to their new environment characterized by little or no multiplication
Lag Phase/ Period of Rejuvenescence
period when there is no cell division or an abrupt increase in the cell number
Lag Phase/ Period of Rejuvenescence
period when microorganisms are actively growing and dividin
Log Phase/ Exponential Phase
Star of biosynthesis- cells are very active but no increase in cell mass; preparing to divide
Lag Phase/ Period of Rejuvenescence
Stage in which the bacteria increase logarithmically since cellular production is most active during this period
Log Phase/ Exponential Phase
Phase in which microorganisms are utilized in physiological, biochemical and antimicrobial testing
Log Phase/ Exponential Phase
This period when there is a balance between cell division and dying organisms although the number of viable microorganisms remains constant
Stationary/ Plateau Phase
No. of living organisms= No. of dead organisms
Stationary/ Plateau Phase
In Stationary/ Plateau Phase growth ceases because:
> Exhaustion of nutrients
Accumulation of toxic metabolic products
Period when there is a cessation of bacterial growth as the number of dead cells exceeds the living microorganisms
Death Phase/ Decline Phase
stage in which there is a loss of nutrients and increase in the amount of toxic waste
Death Phase/ Decline Phase
type of growth measurement where there is a use of microscopy, use of electronic particle counter, or colony count
By cell count
> A measured volume of a bacterial suspension is placed on a microscope slide or on a counting chamber
it does not distinguish between living and dead cells
Microscopic count
> most commonly used method
Measure the number of viable cells
Determines the CFU/mL of bacteria
30-300 colonies (non aggregate cells) should be counted
Plate Count
counter for prokaryotes
Petroff-Hausser counter
counter for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
CFU meaning
Colony forming unit
type of growth measurement where there is a use of weighing, measuring the nitrogen content, and turbidimetry
By cell mass
for filamentous organisms (fungi)
Dry Weight Determination
used to prepare the standard inocula for antimicrobial testing
Turbidimetric method
Turbidimetric method requires
10-100 million cells/mL
type of growth measurement where there is an observation of biochemical activity
By cell activity
enumeration of bacteria in milk
Biochemical activity