neck Flashcards
composed of three layers:
o Epidermis
o Dermis
o Subcutaneous Tissue
o Sebaceous Glands
o Sweat Glands
secrete an oily substance called sebum that
lubricates hair and skin and reduces water
loss through the skin.
Sebaceous Glands
are located over the entire
skin surface and secrete an odorless,
colorless fluid, the evaporation of which is vital
to the regulation of body temperature.
Eccrine glands
are concentrated in the
axillae, perineum, and areolae of the breast
and are usually open through a hair follicle.
Apocrine glands
- Types of Hair
(peach fuzz) is short, pale, fine, and
present over much of the body.
o Vellus hair
Types of Hair
Terminal Hair (particularly scalp and eyebrows) is
longer, generally darker, and coarser than vellus
Terminal Hair
a paler, crescent shaped area.
extends over the entire nailbed and has a pink tinge
as a result of the rich blood supply underneath.
Nail Body
o layer of clear skin located along the bottom edge of
your finger or toe.
(loss of color) is seen in arterial insufficiency,
decreased blood supply, and anemia. Pallid tones vary from
pale to ashen without underlying pink.
may cause white skin to appear blue-tinged,
especially in the perioral, nail bed, and conjunctival areas.
Dark skin may appear blue, dull, and lifeless in the same
results from a cardiopulmonary problem,
whereas peripheral cyanosis may be a local problem
resulting from vasoconstriction.
Central cyanosis
in light- and dark-skinned people is characterized
by yellow skin tones, from pale to pumpkin, particularly in
the sclera, oral mucosa, palms, and soles.
is roughening and darkening of skin
in localized areas, especially the posterior neck.
Acanthosis nigricans
is a generalized loss of pigmentation.
(skin redness and warmth) is seen in
inflammation, allergic reactions, or trauma.
refers to how easily the skin can be
Turgor refers to the skin’s elasticity and how
quickly the skin returns to its original shape after being
Freckles – flat, small macules of pigment that appear
following sun exposure
Seborrheic keratosis – warty or crusty pigmented lesion
* Scar
Mole (nevus) – flat or raised tan/brownish marking up to 6
mm wide
Linear crack in the skin that
may extend to the dermis
and may be painful.
Bluish or red lesion with
varying shape (spider-like or
linear) found on the legs and
anterior chest.
Telangiectasis (Venous Star)
Circumscribed elevated,
palpable mass containing
serous fluid.
Vesicle and Bulla
Elevated mass with transient borders