MYCO & VIRULOGY L1 (Prelim- Introduction) Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of a Eukaryotic cell?
- Posses true nucleus
- Nuclear membrane
- Mitochondria
What are the 2 types of fungi?
- Yeast
- Mold
Enumerate at least three characteristics of a fungi
- Chitin in cell wall
- Ergosterol in the cell membrane
- Sexual or asexual reproduction
- Lack chlorophyll
- Lack antibiotic susceptibility
- Saprophytic
General considerations for the identification of Yeasts
- Colonial morphologic features
- Microscopic morphologic features
- Psychologic studies
- Rapid commercial yeast identification tests
Most fungi are __________ that grow best at a _______, although they tolerate a wide pH range
obligate aerobes; neutral pH
IDENTIFY: Single vegetative cells (unicellular). Moist, creamy, opaque or pasty colonies on media
Yeast reproduces through?
This is the term used to describe the daughter cell in “budding”
General considerations for the identification of Molds
- Growth rate
- Colonial morphologic features
- Microscopic morphologic features
IDENTIFY: Filamentous Fungi. It has fluffy, cottony, woolly or powdery colonies
Most molds have a fuzzy or woolly appearance because of
formation of mycelia
Mycelia are made up of
many long strands of tubelike structures called?
Hyphae can be classified as?
Aerial or Vegetative
These mycelia extend above the surface of the colony and
are responsible for the fuzzy appearance
Aerial mycelia
This support the reproductive structures that produce conidia
Aerial mycelia
In many cases, these are used to identify different fungal genera
These mycelia extend downward into the medium to absorb nutrients
Vegetative mycelia
Enumerate the three different kinds of septation in a hyphae
- Septate
- Sparsely septate
- Aseptate
Enumerate the four different appearances of a hyphae
- Antler hyphae
- Racquet hyphae
- Spiral hyphae
- Rhizoids
This refers to the frequent cross walls of a hyphae
This refers to the irregular interval (of cross walls) of a hyphae
Sparsely septate
The absence of cross walls of a hyphae
This elevation is described as furrowed or convoluted
This elevation is described as slightly raised in the center
The elevation furrows (and) radiate out from the center
How many days does it take for a slow grower to grow?
11-21 days
How many days does it take for a rapid grower to grow?
5 days or less
How many days does it take for an intermediate grower to grow?
6-10 days
IDENTIFY: This is nonpigmented or lightly pigmented. And sometimes referred to as moniliaceous
IDENTIFY: This is darkly pigmented and melanized. Sometimes referred to as dematiaceous.
This fungus is easy to isolate, and is tan to yellowish
In phaeoid, the pigmentation is caused by?
This is the characteristic of a fungi that refers to its ability to obtain food by absorbing it from its environment
TRUE OR FALSE: Pigmentation should be seen with a stain
FALSE. It should be seen without a stain
Its black appearance is brought about by the stain not necessarily by a phaeoid
Gomori methylene
In Fontana-Masson, what is the color of the stain if it is a hyaline
pink to red
In Fontana-Masson, what is the color of the stain if it is a phaeoid?
This texture is described as loose, high aerial mycelium
This texture is described as high aerial mycelium that appears slightly matted down
This texture is described as dense, powdery, resembling sugar granules
This texture is described as low aerial mycelium resembling a velvet cloth
Mold and yeast phase
Dimorphic fungi
If the fungi are dimorphic, mold grows in what temperature?
25C to 30C
This texture has a smooth surface with no aerial mycelium
Both yeast and mold forms in the same culture
Polymorphic Fungi
If the fungi are dimorphic, yeast grows in what temperature?
35C to 37C
This term refers to asexeual reproduction
If the production of spores is endogenous it is termed as ____________, and if it is exogeneous it is _____________
sporangiospore; conidiophore
IDENTIFY: Large, usually multiseptate, and club- or spindle- shaped
IDENTIFY: small, unicellular, round elliptical
Asexual reproduction results in the formation of _______ following mitosis
Asexual reproduction
is carried out by specialized fruiting structures known as _______________. This also contains genetic material
Conidiogenous cell
Two common conidiogenous cells are the:
- Phialides
- Annellides
These are vaselike structures that produce phialoconidia
These are ringed structures that produce annelloconidia
These conidia are formed by fragmentation of fertile hyphae as opposed to being formed by conidiogenous cell
These are supporting structure and are saclike structure produced at the tip
Asexual reproduction is characterized by the presence of?
sporangiophores and sporangiospores
Produced through the structure sporangium
Asexual spores (sporangiospores)
Joining of two compatible nuclei, followed by meiosis.
Sexual reproduction
Fungi that reproduce sexually
Asexual forms of the same fungus
The sexual term (counterpart) of conidia
The sexual term (counterpart) of sporangiospore
Sexual and asexual reproduction in mucorales
sexual: Zygospores
asexual: Sporangiospores
Subphylum Mucoromycotina. This reproduces asexually (for most clinically significant pathogens
Reproduce sexually (ascospores). 50% of all named fungi belong to this phylum
Produce profuse, gray to white, aerial mycelium characterized by the presence of hyaline, sparsely septate hypha
This phylum has no mode of sexual reproduction as it is yet to be identified.
Fungi imperfecti or Deuteromycota
Reproduce sexually (basidiospores). Its distinct feature is its ability to form clump connections
Enumerate the different respiratory tract specimens
- Sputum
- Induced sputum
- Tracheal aspirations
- Bronchial washings
- Broncho alveolar lavage
Processing of fungi should be done in a (safety issue)?
Class II biological safety cabinet
Container used for respiratory tract specimens
sterile & screw-top
Media used for respiratory tract specimens
- Nonselective and with antibacterial agents
Type of swab for respiratory tract specimens
Dacron swab
What is the mucolytic agent for respiratory tract specimens?
If the respiratory tract specimens are processed within 2 hours, it is stored at?
Room Temperature
If there is a delay in processing respiratory tract specimens, it is stored at?
Refrigerated (4°C)
Automation used for blood cultures
- VersaTREK
If fungi are dimorphic, this is used to lyse the WBCs and RBCs to get concentrates
The media used for CSF should have?
no antibacterial or anti-fungal agents
Incubation period of blood
30°C for 21 days
Preparations for CSF
- Centrifugation
- Filtration
Storage for CSF
Room Temperature or 30°C
This specimen is to be examined using direct microscopic slide examination
Eye (Corneal Scarpings)
This is used as a common identifier of hair, with a UV of >365 nm
Wood lamp
Media used for Eye (Corneal Scarpings)
Storage for eye (Corneal Scarpings)
Room temperature
This is inoculated on fungal medium and incubated at 22° to 30°C
Cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol prior to the collection
Skin and nails
Scraped from outer edge of surface lesion. KOH wet mount is used to examine this specimen
Scrapings or cuttings. Deeper scrapings for KOH
Use to cut nails into small thin strips
sterile scissors
Submitted within 24 hours and transported via swabs
Vaginal sample
When using nails as a specimen this is more ideal for inoculating or culturing in a media
Media used for vaginal sample
Selective and inhibitory
Screened for yeasts and incubate at 30° C for 7 days
Vaginal sample
Processed immediately
CSF or Urine
If urine is clear this is done as well as for quantitative culture
Centrifugation/ centrifuged
Storage for urine
< 2 hrs: RT
> 2 hrs: 4°C
This specimen is minced, grinded, and homogenized and is incubated at 30°C for 21 days
If bone marrow is the specimen used, the syringe should be flushed with?
This is the common specimen used to identify yeast and hyphal elements
Centrifugation is performed and isolator tubes can be used in processing this specimen
Bone marrow
What is the percent of KOH solution used in KOH preparation?
10% to 20% KOH solution
This breaks down keratin
10% to 20% KOH solution
Samples that can be used for KOH preparation
skin, hair, nails, and tissue
Procedure for KOH Preparation:
1. Add _______to sample in slide
2. Cover w/ slip
3. Heat then cool for approx ________
1 drop ; 15 mins
Greater breakdown of debris. No heat required
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
Binds to polysaccharides in chitin walls of fungus
KOH with Calcofluor White
The positive for this procedure is fluorescent apple green or blue-white
KOH with Calcofluor White
Used to examine CSF
India Ink
Positive for yeast using india ink
clear w/ halo (capsule)
What is observed in KOH preparation?
Hyphal formation
Procedure for India Ink:
1. 1 drop specimen: _____ drop India ink
2. Examine on ________
1 drop; HPO
Disadvantages in India Ink
WBCs or air bubbles resemble encapsulated organisms
Detection of fungi. Hyphae of molds and yeasts can be readily distinguished
Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain
Examination of melanin pigment in fungal cell
Masson-Fontana stain
Enumerate the different procedure for direct microscopic examination of specimens
- KOH preparation
- KOH with calcofluor white
- India Ink
- Tissue stains
Microscopic examination involves:
- Septate versus sparsely septate hyphae
- Hyaline or phaeoid hyphae
- Fruiting structures
- The types, size, shape, and arrangement of
Kills, preserves and stains organisms
Lactic Acid, phenol and dye in LPCB
Positive for tease mount
Blue appearance
Involve gently touching a piece of clear tape, sticky side down, to the surface of the colony and then removing it
Cellophane tape preparation
Initial isolation of pathogens and saprobes
Sabouraud dextrose agar
Composition of Lactophenol cotton blue (LPCB)
Lactic Acid, phenol and dye
Tape preparations should be read within _________ and then discarded.
30 minutes
An antibiotic agent that inhibits insignificant fungal contaminants
An antibiotic agent that inhibits bacterial growth
Gentamicin or Chloramphenicol
With 5% to 10% Sheep
blood. Enhanced growth of dimorphic fungi
Brain-heart infusion (BHI)
Routine procedures performed (katong gi emphasize ni ma’am jo na dili kalimtan)
- KOH preparation
- India Ink
- Germ tube
Isolation and presumptive identification of filamentous fungi
Chromogenic agar
Allows identification of pathogenic yeast by examining the microscopic morphology of inoculum growth
Cornmeal agar
Incubation requirements:
For culture
- Temperature: __________
- Duration: _____________
- Cultures should be examined at least __________
- Temperature: 30°C
- Duration: 21 to 30 days
- Cultures should be examined at least three times weekly
Differentiate yeast with their ability to create a
germ tube
Germ tube
- Grown with serum or plasma at 35° C
- Ability to form hyphae
- (+) Candida albican
Germ tube
Procedure for Germ tube:
1. Add yeast colony to _______ serum
2. Incubate at 35°C for __________
3. Observe under microscope
0.5 ml serum; 2.5-3 hours
Reporting for KOH preparation
(+) Presence of Hyphal elements
(-) No hyphal elements
Does not appear blue in tease mount because it is darkly pigmented