MSK Weak Points Flashcards
ATP-PC System
sprinting 100 meters
enough energy for 15 seconds
Phosphagen system represents…
the most rapidly available source of ATP for muscle use
ATP and PC are stored directly in
contractile mechanisms of muscle
Anaerobic glycolysis
sprinting 400-800 meters
glycogen used and split into glucose and then again into pyruvic acid
formulates lactic acid
Anaerobic is __% slower than phophocreatine system.
Anaerobic can provide a person with __-___seconds of muscle contraction
Anaerobic only uses what fuel source?
Which energy system yields the most ATP?
frontal plane has what axis?
anterior-posterior axis
abduction and adduction
sagittal plan has what axis?
medial-lateral axis
flexion and extension
transverse plane has what axis?
Class 1 lever: how many in the body?
very few
Example of class 1 lever?
triceps extension
Class 2 lever: length of effort arm is always ______ than resistance arm.
In most instances in a class 2 lever arm, what acts as effort and resistance?
gravity as effort
muscle as resistance
Class 2 lever example?
hand on table and weight bearing through it
Class 3 lever: length of effort arm is always ______ than resistance arm
With a class 3 lever shoulder abduction has weight where?
at wrist
Class 3 levers allow ___ movements at rapid speeds and are the most ____.
example of class 3 lever in body
elbow flexion
Synarthroses joints are…
Synarthroses (fibrous) joints are ….
Movement in fibrous joints
minimal to none
Fibrous joints
suture (skull)
syndesmosis (interosseous membrane of tib/fib)
gomphosis (tooth in socket)
Do suture joints move?
Syndesmosis joints’ connection and motion
bone to bone with fibrous membrane or cord
very little motion
Amphiarthroses are known as
cartilaginous joints
Amphiarthroses (Cartilaginous) joints have what kind of cartilage, and connect what structures and what is their movement like?
hyaline or fibrocartilage
bone to bone
slightly moveable
types of cartilaginous joints
synchondrosis joints examples in body. They have what kind of cartilage?
sternum and true rib articulations
hyaline cartilage
Symphysis example in body, cartilage type.
two bones covered in hyaline cartilage and connected by fibrocartilage
Synovial joints aka
Synovial (diarthroses) joints have 5 distinguishing characteristics, what are they?
joint cavity, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, synovial fluid and fibrous capsule
3 types of joints in synovial joints
Uniaxial joints include which ones and have what kind of motion around an axis?
hinge and pivot
elbow and atlantoaxial
one motion around a single axis in one plane
Biaxial joints include which ones and have what kind of motion around an axis?
condyloid- MCP
two planes and 2 axes through convex/concave
Multi axial joints include which ones and have what kind of movement around an axis?
plane (gliding)-carpal
ball and socket
three planes and around three axes
Gogli tendon organs are located where
in most joints
golgi-mazzoni corpuscles are located where?
they are sensitive to?
primarily distributed where?
joint capsule
compression of joint capsule
knee joint
Pacinian corpuscles are usually where?
What are they sensitive to?
where are they distributed?
fibrous layer of joint capsule
high frequency vibration, acceleration, and high velocity changes in joint position.
all joints
ruffini endings are where?
what are they sensitive to?
and where are they distributed?
fibrous layer of joint capsule
stretching of capsule, amplitude and velocity of joint position
greater density in proximal joints, particularly in capsular regions.
Type IIa muscle fibers are what color? Type IIb?
Muscle spindle sends info about….
Important in….
muscle length and/or the rate of change in its length
control of posture and help of gamma sys, involuntary movements
Golgi tendon organs have an average of ___-____muscle fibers connected. and send ____information.
Nociceptors are
free nerve endings
Nociceptors activated by
thermal, mechanical or chemical stimuli
Nociceptors have two types of afferent neurons
A delta and C
A-delta fibers transmit
C fibers transmit
slowly and from deeper tissues
A-delta are more ___pain
C-fibers are more ___pain
nociceptors transmit to what part of spinal cord and up which tracts?
dorsal horn
thalamus via spinothalamic tract
Gate control theory
says that the a-delta and c fibers also synapse with an inhibitory interneuron A-alpha and A-beat that help inhibit pain naturally.
What do we use for gate control theory as therapists?
e-stim and massage
Endogenous opioids are aka
How do endogenous opioids work?
by controlling the amount of calcium and potassium that are moving in and out of the cell in depolarization and also inhibiting GABA
What is viscerogenic pain?
internal organ pain
Viscerogenic pain does not ___ based on movement.
Common sites of viscerogenic pain that will refer are
shoulder, scap, back, chest, pelvis, SI joint, groin, hip
Heart is innervated by ___-____ and can cause pain on/in
left side of body in chest, mid-back, jaw, shoulder, arm, neck
Kehr’s sign is positive when?
What is it testing? What is happening?
pressure too upper abdomen or supine positioning results in L shoulder pain.
blood accumulating in abdominal cavity, secondary often to rupture in spleen and can cause irritation of diaphragm and refer pain to left shoulder. due to irritation of diaphragm’s nerves C3-C5
Gallstones can refer pain to
R upper abdomen and interscapular region because they are innervated by mid-thoracic spinal segments. Can also irritate diaphragm which will refer pain to R shoulder
Cutaneous/ superficial somatic pain is caused by…
It feels like….
within skin or subcutaneous tissue
well-localized, sharp/stabbing
dull ache at rest
Deep somatic pain is caused by….
type of pain felt….
associated with…
bone, muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules and blood vessels.
diffuse and may be referred to other areas
onset of muscle spasm or trigger points
Visceral pain is….
associated with…
internal organs
autonomic symptoms (perspiration, changes in BP)
Neuropathic pain is…
Symptoms provocation is with….
Associated with…
sharp, burning, shooting, tingling or electrical that follows a peripheral and/or dermatomal pattern.
Tests that move, load or compress neural tissues will evoke symptoms.
Evoked by things that dont normally evoke pain.
sensory or motor changes
Referred pain can be from what sources?
It is usually …
Does not have ….
Localized tenderness and …. are common.
somatic or visceral source
well defined borders
muscle hypertonicity
3 types of classifications of pain
injury, inflammation, or mechanical irritation to non-neural tissue. usually in proportion to level of stimulus
nerve pain in dermatomal distribution. Sensory signs like tingling, numbness, burning as well as changes in color, temp, and trophic changes
abnormal pain processing
disproportional to stimulus applied.
Diffuse and not related to a specific structure
Vascular pain
throbbing, pulsing, beating, pounding
Body fat percentage for males…. females
Skinfold measuring sites
medial calf
If you have a low metatarsal arch, what can you see under the ball of the foot?
Empty end feels (Abnormal) meanings
joint inflammation
Firm end feels (abnormal) meanings
increased tone
tightening of capsule
ligament shortening
Hard end feel (abnormal) meanings
osteophyte formation
Soft end feel (abnormal) meanings
ligament instability/tear