MSK Exam Diseases Flashcards
Lack of calcium, either from low intake or inadequate absorption by the small intestine due to a lack of vitamin D. Occurs in children.
Lack of calcium, either from low intake or inadequate absorption by the small intestine due to a lack of vitamin D. Occurs in adults.
Acromegaly (GH-mediated)
Excess of Human Growth Hormone which stimulates epiphyseal cartilage growth, producing tall stature.
Dwarfism (GH-mediated)
Lack of Human Growth Hormone which normally stimulates epiphyseal cartilage growth. Short stature is produced
Osteoporosis-Primary Type I
Decreased estrogen in post-menopausal women reduces the inhibition of osteoclasts, leading to progressive loss of bone density.
Osteoporosis-Primary Type 2
Decreased bone density due solely to aging.
Decreased bone density as a consequence of drug therapy (corticosteroids) or another disease process (malnutrition, weightlessness, metastatic cancer, etc.)
Decreased bone density as a consequences of drug therapy (corticosteroids) or another disease process (malnutrition, weightlessness, metastatic cancer, etc.).
Ectopic Pregnancy
Blastocyst implanting at a site other than the superior part of the uterine body. Most common ectopic site is oviduct.
Spina Bifida Occulta
Unfused vertebral arch in the newborn.
Spina Bifida Cystica w/Meningocele
Unfused vertebral arch with meninges protruding out.
Spina Bifida Cystica w/ Meningomyelocele
Unfused vertebral arch with meninges, spinal cord, and nerves protruding out.
Spina Bifida Cystica w/ Myeloschesis
Skin and bony defect with the spinal cord open to the environment
Failure of the rostral neuropore to close, leading to an absence of large part of the brain and the skull.
Herpes Zoster
Varicella zoster virus dormant in one or two dorsal rami reactivates due to stress or other factors, causing rash.
Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
X-linked recessive inheritance pattern. Mutation of the dystrophin gene.
Myocardial Ischemia
Reduced amount of blood flow to heart via the coronary artery, due atheromatous plaque buildup, causing damage.
Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune disease where antibodies are produced against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction, causing endocytosis and destruction of them.
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
Autoimmune disease where antibodies are produced against presynaptic calcium channels, thus reducing Ach release.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Demyelinating disease of the PNS. Nerve fibers accumulate lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells. Occurs rarely as following a neurovirus infection.
Multiple Sclerosis
Demyelinating disease of the CNS. Myelin detaches from the axon and is destroyed. Oligodendrocytes are damaged. 3 histo stage-(1) myelin breakdown due to lymphocyte and macrophage infiltration, (2) proliferation of astrocytes, (3) reduced cellularity/astrocytes reduce in size.
Caused by ingestion of botulinum toxin, produced by clostridium botulinum. The toxin cleaves SNARE proteins (snaptobrevin, etc.) needed for presynaptic vesicle fusion.
Plant-derived poison that is often used as a poison on arrows and blow darts. It competitively inhibits ACh at the neuromuscular junction.
Tetanus (Lock Jaw)
Clostridium tetani infection of a wound. CT releases tetanus toxin which causes high-frequency discharge of alpha motor neurons, leading to sustained muscle contract.
Clinical seizures, primarily associated with hypocalcemia. Lowered depolarization threshold and raised RMP results in uncontrolled action potentials and, thus, muscle spasms
Failure of the abdominal wall to close during embryonic development. Abdominal organs protrude through the abdominal wall and into the environment.
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Herniation of organs through Hesselbach’s triangle and the superficial ring.
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Herniation of organs through Hesselbach’s triangle and the superficial ring. High chance of strangulation.
Sliding Hiatus-Diaphragmatic Hernia
When the esophagus and small part of stomach moves back and forth through diaphragmatic hiatus.
Paraesophageal Hiatus-Diaphragmatic Hernia
Esophagus and cardia of the stomach herniates through the hiatus, preventing closing of the esophageal sphincter.
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Hernia develops due to a defect in the development of the diaphragm, leading to stomach and small intestines to protrude through the diaphragmatic hiatus.
Extra nipples. More common in males.
Ectopic, fully-functional mammary glands.
Development of mammary gland tissue in males.
Inflammation of the pleura. The inflamed pleural layers rub against each other every time the lungs expand to inhale air. Pleural rub (scratching) sounds are heard. Opaque on X-ray.
Femoral Hernia
Hernia through the femoral ring, inferior to the inguinal ligament.
Premature fusion of the epiphyses, caused by an autosomal dominant FGFR3 mutation.
Congenitally fused digits caused by failure of a notch to develop between one or many of the digital rays.
Supernumerary digits caused by failure of a notch to develop between one of many of the digital rays.
Club Foot (Congenital Talipes)
Congenital. Foot is turned medially and inverted.
Congenital. Complete absence of limbs, due to suppression of limb bud development in the 4th week (AER issue-FGFs)
Partial absence of limbs, due to disturbance of limb development during the 5th week.
Ectrodactyly (Cleft Hand and Cleft Foot)
Absence of one of more central digits from birth, due to a failure to develop one or more digital rays. Remaining digits are usually partially or completely fused. Very rare.
Amniotic Band Syndrome
Tear in the amnion, resulting in an amniotic band that encircles and snares fetal limbs and/or digits.
VACTERL Syndrome
Caused by interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Stands for Vertebral defects, Anal atresia, Cardiac defects, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Renal Anomalies, and limb Abnormalities. Association with use of estrogen BC.