Lysosomal Storage Diseases (LSDs) Flashcards
Tay-Sachs Disease
First LSD
-Deficiency of HEXA (beta-hexosaminidase A, alpha-subunit)
-Gene location: chromosome 15q24.1
-Results in the accumulation of GM2 ganglioside
-Death of neurons in the brain and spinal cord
-Major cellular pathway to degrade proteins and organelles in the lysosome
-Digested components are recycled and reused
-Essential role in starvation, cellular differentiation, cell death and cell aging
Anti-cancer agents
Proteasome inhibitors
-Brownish-gold pigment
-Generally seen in non-dividing cells
-Accumulates over years: “Wear and tear” pigment
-Conglomerate of lipids, metals, organic molecules
-Brown pigment
-Iron-storage complex found in the cytoplasm
-Likely formed by indigestible residues of hemoglobin: easily demonstrated in the spleen
-Brown pigment
-Non-membrane bound, TEM dense bodies
-Storage form of glucose: catabolism releases glucose for energy
-Non-membrane bound, TEM dense
-Fat droplets: spherical droplets of triglyceride
-Liquid at body temperature
-Energy store and source of short carbon chains for membrane synthesis
-Lipid storage disease (lipidoses)
-Lipid droplets accumulate in abnormal amounts or locations
Anticancer compound that prevents polymerization and binds to unpolymerized tubulin molecules
-If given to dividing cells, mitotic spindle breaks down
-Programmed cell death
-Related compounds : vinca alkaloids, vinblastine, vincristine
Anticancer drug
-Stabilizes and prevents microtubule disassembly
-Preferentially binds tubulin within assembled microtubles
-Arrests dividing cells in mitosis: unable to achieve metaphase spindle conformation
-Programmed cell death
Cilia arrangement
9+2 microtubule arrangement
-Pair of Dynein arms, with motor protein, binds adjacent microtubule
-Anchored to cell via the basal body
Primary cilia arrangement
9+0 arrangement
-Microtubule based, antennae-like structure
-Outer segment of rods derived from primary cilia
Odor detection by receptors on primary cilia of olfactory neurons
Primary cilia of epithelial cells monitors the flow of fluid through the kidney tubules
-Defects underlie a variety of disorders