Embryology Flashcards
The thicker layer, consisting of high columnar cells. Eventually forms the three definitive germ layers
Consisting of small cuboidal cells. Becomes part of the yolk sac.
Removal of seminal proteins from the surface
-Penetration through corona radiata
Acrosome reaction
-Release of acrosomal enzymes (acrosin, etc.)
-Penetration of sperm through zona pellucida
Fusion of the plasma membranes of sperm and oocyte
Changes in zona pellucida inactivates sperm receptors and prevents polyspermy.
Inner cytotrophoblast
Makes cells mitotically active
-Forms new cytotrophoblast and synctiotrophoblast
Secretes and Invades:
-Secrete human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)-early pregnancy tests
The thicker layer, consisting of high columnar cells.
Consisting of small cuboidal cells. Becomes part of the yolk sac.
Limb buds appear at week:
week 4
Hand & foot plates formed at week:
week 5
Digital rays appear
-Tissue between digital rays undergoes apoptosis
-Form notches at week:
Week 6
Upper limbs bend at elbow
-Fingers are short and webbed at week:
Week 7
Digits are distinct and separated at week:
Week 8
Limb extend ventrally
Hand plates & foot plates face each other at day:
48 days