Lymphatic System Flashcards
Cells that synthesize IFN-gamma, IL2, TNF
-Activate macrophages to destroy intracellular pathogens
TH1 cells (T lymphocytes)
Cells that synthesize IL4, IL5, IL10, IL13
-Activate eosinophils, mast cells, and B lymphocytes (for IgE production) to destroy extracellular parasites
TH2 cells
Synthesize IL-17 and IL-22
-Destroy extracellular bacteria and fungi by recruiting neutrophils to the site of inflammation
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes express:
CD8 (cell differentiation factor), participate in cell-mediated immune response
-Target and destroy transformed or virus infected cells (also parasites and transplanted cells)
What % of circulating lymphocytes are natural killer lymphocytes?
Natural killer lymphocytes release the following enzymes:
Granzymes and perforins
Which type of lymphocytes participate in humoral immunity?
B lymphocytes
Which type of MHC receptor do B lymphocytes express on their surface?
Primary Lymphoid Organs
1) Bone Marrow
2) Thymus
Secondary Lymphoid Organs
1) Lymph Nodes
2) Spleen
3) Tonsils
4) GALT: Gut associated lymphoid tissue
Where are Hassall’s Corpuscles found?
Only in the thymic medulla and consist of rings of degenerating epithelial reticular cells.
Portion of the lymph node that contains dense connective tissue
Which part of the lymph node contains an abundance of B lymphocytes?
The outer cortex
Which part of the lymph node contains an abundance of T lymphocytes and no nodules?
The inner cortex/paracortex (area between outer cortex and medulla)
Area of the lymph node where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
The hilum