Module 4 - Chapter 6 - Innate Immunity - First Line Flashcards
What is innate immunity, and what does it include?
Innate immunity, also known as natural or native immunity, consists of natural barriers (physical and biochemical) and inflammation. These are the body’s first line of defense against injury and infection.
How do physical and biochemical barriers contribute to innate immunity?
Physical and biochemical barriers are in place at birth to prevent damage by environmental substances and protect against infection by pathogens. They form the initial defense at the body’s surfaces.
What is the role of surface barriers in innate immunity, and what are the “normal flora”?
Surface barriers protect against injurious agents and can harbor a group of microorganisms known as “normal flora,” which help protect against pathogens.
When do the second line of defense mechanisms, such as the inflammatory response, become active in the body?
The second line of defense, including the inflammatory response, is activated when injurious agents breach surface barriers. It aims to protect against further injury, prevent infection, and promote healing.
Describe the nature of the inflammatory response in innate immunity.
The inflammatory response is a rapid activation of nonspecific biochemical and cellular mechanisms that protect the body from various causes of tissue damage, regardless of the tissue type.
What is the third line of defense in the immune system, and what distinguishes it from innate immunity?
The third line of defense is adaptive (acquired) immunity, also known as specific immunity. It is slower and more specific in targeting particular invading microorganisms, often involving “memory” for quicker responses upon future exposure.
What is the level of defense associated with barriers in the immune system?
Barriers represent the first line of defense against infection and tissue injury.
What is the primary timing of defense for innate immunity?
Innate immunity provides an immediate response to tissue injury or infection, known as the inflammatory response.
How does the timing of defense in adaptive (acquired) immunity differ from innate immunity?
Adaptive immunity has a delay between the primary exposure to an antigen and the maximal response, but it provides an immediate response upon secondary exposure to the same antigen.
What is the specificity of the immune response in the innate immune system?
The immune response in innate immunity is broadly specific.
What types of cells are involved in innate immunity?
Innate immunity involves cells such as epithelial cells, microbiome, mast cells, granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils), monocytes/macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells, platelets, and endothelial cells.
Which cells are central to adaptive (acquired) immunity?
Adaptive immunity is primarily mediated by T cells, B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
Does innate immunity involve immunological memory?
No, innate immunity does not involve immunological memory.
What active molecules are associated with innate immunity?
Innate immunity relies on active molecules such as defensins, cathelicidins, collectins, lactoferrin, and bacterial toxins.
What are some components of protection in the innate immune system?
Protection in innate immunity includes anatomical barriers (e.g., skin and mucous membranes), cells, secretory molecules (e.g., lysozymes, low pH of stomach and urine), and ciliary activity.
What are the key elements of protection in adaptive (acquired) immunity?
Protection in adaptive immunity involves activated T and B cells, cytokines, and antibodies as key components.
What is the role of physical barriers in the first line of defense?
Physical barriers, such as the skin and linings of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tracts, provide protection against damage and infection by pathogens.
How are pathogens removed from the body when they attempt to breach physical barriers?
Mechanical processes in the body, such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or flushing by urine, help remove pathogens that try to breach physical barriers.
What are some characteristics of the epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract that aid in defense?
Epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract produce mucus and have hair-like cilia, which trap and move pathogens upward. Coughing and sneezing then expel these trapped pathogens.
How do temperature and pH contribute to inhibiting microorganisms in physical barriers?
Low temperature (such as on the skin) and low pH (such as in the skin and stomach) generally inhibit microorganisms because most pathogens require temperatures near 37°C (98.6°F) and a neutral pH for efficient growth.
What are some substances secreted by epithelial cells to protect against infection?
Epithelial cells secrete substances like mucus, perspiration (sweat), saliva, tears, and earwax, which can trap potential invaders and contain microorganism-killing substances.
What enzyme is found in perspiration, tears, and saliva that attacks the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria?
These secretions contain lysozyme, an enzyme that attacks the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria.
How do sebaceous glands in the skin contribute to defense against microorganisms?
Sebaceous glands in the skin secrete fatty acids and lactic acid that can kill bacteria and fungi, creating an acidic and inhospitable environment for most bacteria.
What are cathelicidins, and where are they produced?
Cathelicidins are antimicrobial peptides produced by epithelial cells of the skin, gut, urinary tract, and respiratory tract. They disrupt bacterial cell membranes, killing bacteria.
What is the role of collectins, such as surfactant proteins and mannose-binding lectin, in the immune system?
Collectins react with carbohydrates on the surface of pathogens and help macrophages recognize and kill microorganisms. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) activates the complement system, resulting in damage to bacteria or enhanced recognition by macrophages.
What are human defensins, and how do they function?
Human defensins are antimicrobial peptides that exist as two subtypes, alpha and beta. Alpha-defensins work with neutrophils to kill bacteria, while beta-defensins are found in various epithelial cells and help protect against microorganisms.
What is the pH range of the acidic environment created by sebaceous gland secretions in the skin, and why is it important?
The acidic environment created by sebaceous gland secretions has a pH range of 3 to 5. This acidity is important because it makes the environment inhospitable for most bacteria, inhibiting their growth.
How do antimicrobial peptides like cathelicidins and defensins activate the immune system?
Antimicrobial peptides like cathelicidins and defensins can activate cells of the innate and acquired immune systems, helping to coordinate and enhance the immune response against invading microorganisms.
What role does mannose-binding lectin (MBL) play in the immune system, and how does it recognize pathogens?
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) recognizes a sugar commonly found on the surface of microbes. It is a powerful activator of the complement system, resulting in damage to bacteria or increased recognition by macrophages.
What is the significance of surfactant proteins A through D in the context of collectins?
What is the significance of surfactant proteins A through D in the context of collectins?
What are defensins, and what is their primary function in the immune system?
Defensins are antimicrobial peptides produced by various cells, including epithelial cells. Their primary function in the immune system is to defend against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.
What are the two main subtypes of defensins, and how do they differ in their activation requirements?
Defensins exist as two main subtypes: alpha-defensins and beta-defensins. Alpha-defensins often require activation by proteolytic enzymes, while beta-defensins do not require enzymatic activation.
Which cells work in conjunction with alpha-defensins to combat bacterial infections?
Alpha-defensins work in collaboration with neutrophils to kill bacteria, particularly in areas of infection or inflammation.
In which specific location in the body can alpha-defensins be found, and what is their role there?
Alpha-defensins are present in Paneth cells lining the small intestine. They protect against a variety of disease-causing microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
Where in the body are beta-defensins predominantly found, and what types of infections might they help protect against?
Beta-defensins are primarily found in epithelial cells lining the respiratory, urinary, and intestinal tracts, as well as in the skin. They contribute to protection against a range of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, including adenovirus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Besides their role in direct antimicrobial activity, how else do antimicrobial peptides like defensins contribute to the immune response?
Antimicrobial peptides like defensins can also activate cells of the immune system, helping to coordinate and enhance the overall immune response against invading microorganisms.
What is the normal microbiome, and what was it previously known as?
The normal microbiome is an array of microorganisms that colonize the body’s surfaces. It was previously known as normal flora.
Is the composition of the microbiome the same throughout the body, or does it vary?
The composition of the microbiome varies depending on the specific location in the body, such as the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts, upper respiratory tract, urethra, and vagina.
How would you describe the typical relationship between microorganisms in the microbiome and the human body?
The microorganisms in the microbiome do not normally cause disease. Their relationship with humans is often commensal, benefiting one organism without affecting the other. However, it can also be mutualistic, benefiting both organisms.
What are some of the ways in which the normal microbiome in the GI tract benefits the human body?
The normal microbiome in the GI tract benefits the body by (1) producing enzymes that aid in digestion and utilization of dietary molecules, (2) generating usable metabolites like vitamin K and B vitamins, and (3) producing antibacterial factors that prevent colonization by pathogenic microorganisms.
How do members of the normal microbiome in the colon contribute to the prevention of pathogenic infections?
Members of the normal microbiome in the colon produce toxic chemicals and proteins, such as ammonia, phenols, indoles, and bacteriocins, which are toxic to pathogenic microorganisms. They also compete with pathogens for nutrients and block their attachment to the epithelium, a crucial step in the infection process for most pathogens.
Where do most cells of the adaptive immune system reside in relation to the gut, and how does the gut microbiome affect them?
Most cells of the adaptive immune system reside in gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The gut microbiome influences the growth of this tissue and the development of both local and systemic adaptive immunity.
What can happen when an individual undergoes prolonged treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics?
Prolonged treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics can alter the normal microbiome, reducing its protective activity and potentially causing an overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms.
Can you provide examples of microorganisms that may overgrow in response to prolonged antibiotic treatment in the intestine?
In the intestine, overgrowth of microorganisms like Candida albicans (yeast) or Clostridium difficile (a bacterium that causes pseudomembranous colitis, a colon infection) may occur in response to prolonged antibiotic treatment.
How does the bacterium Lactobacillus contribute to the protection of the vaginal and urinary tracts in healthy women?
Lactobacillus, a major constituent of the normal gastrointestinal and vaginal microbiome in healthy women, produces various chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and bacteriocins. These chemicals help prevent infections of the vagina and urinary tract by other bacteria and yeast.
What is the potential risk associated with prolonged antibiotic treatment concerning Lactobacillus colonization?
Prolonged antibiotic treatment can diminish colonization with Lactobacillus in the microbiome, increasing the risk of urological or vaginal infections, such as vaginosis.
How does the physical integrity of the skin and mucosal epithelium contribute to the maintenance of a mutualistic relationship with the microbiome?
The physical integrity of the skin and mucosal epithelium, along with other protective mechanisms, helps maintain a mutualistic relationship with the microbiome by preventing the immune and inflammatory systems from disrupting this relationship.
What are opportunistic microorganisms, and when can they cause disease?
Opportunistic microorganisms are normally harmless members of the microbiome but can cause disease if an individual’s defenses are compromised or if there is a breach in the body’s protective barriers.
Can you provide an example of an opportunistic microorganism and its protective role within the microbiome?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a member of the normal skin microbiome, produces a toxin that protects against infections with staphylococcal and other bacteria.
Under what circumstances can severe burns lead to life-threatening systemic infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Severe burns can compromise the integrity of the skin, which may result in life-threatening systemic infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as the protective barrier is compromised, allowing the microorganism to enter the body.