Male and Female Reproductive Physiology Flashcards
what cells produce sperm?
what cells produce testosterone?
name the male repro hormones and where they are released from?
GnRH - hypothalamus
Gonadotrophins - (FSH, LH) pituitary
testosterone - testis
draw a diagram showing the hormone control and signalling in the male repro system
see notes
when does spermatogenesis begin and end?
puberty and continues throughout life
approx how many sperm are produced per day?
30 million
how long does a full production cycle of sperm last?
60-75 days
how long does transport of sperm to the epididymis take?
10-14 days
how many sperm/ml of ejaculate?
15-100 million
name for low sperm count
name for no sperm count
describe the process of fertilisation
a single sperm succeeds in burrowing through the corona radiata and zona pellucida and making contact with the oocyte’s plasma membrane. the sperm’s plasma membrane dfuses with that of the oocyte and the sperm releases its nucleus into the cytoplasm of the oocyte
what cells form the blood testis barrier
function of the blood testis barrier
isolate secondary haploid spermatocytes, speramtids and spermatozoa from the immune system
function of sertoli cells
They assist in the physical movement of developing sperm towards the lumen. They help to provide nutrients to sperm. Removal of waste from developing sperm. Remove excess cytoplasm following cell divisions. Sertoli cells provide support from spermiation.
describe the counter current health exchange taking place in the male testis
Arterial blood going to the testis enters a dense network of capillaries coming from the testis and epididymis before reaching the spermatic cord. The arterial blood is cooled by the venous blood and helps to maintain a constant testicular temperature.
what factors affect spermatogenesis?
testis temp endocrine loss of blood testis barrier immunoloigcal reactions environment medication
what temp should the testis be?
2 degree below body
what may affect testis temp?
and other infections
how may endocrine problems affect spermatogenesis?
reduction in gonadotrophins and androgens
anabolic steroids
how may the blood testis barrier be affected?
physical damage
how may the environment affect spermatogenesis?
occupational - car industry, welders, plastic manufacture, pesticide sprayer
smoking, alcohol
what medications may affect spermatogenesis?
some anti-hypertensives and antidepressants
targets for male androgens
deepen voice male body hair increased sebaceous gland activitiy protein anbolism CNS - aggressive hypothalamus and ant pit penis - erective, copulatory and ejactulatory striated muscle prostate and seminal vesicles testis
male hormone levels: LH
1-8 U/L
male hormone levels: FSH
1-11 U/L
male hormone levels: testosterone
9-33 mmol/l
male hormone levels: inhibin-B
140-220 pg/ml
with a diagram show the developing female follicle
see notes
name the two roles of oestrogen
low = neg feedback high = pos feedback
with a diagram describe oogenesis
see notes
with a diagram describe spermatogenesis
see notes
draw a diagram showing: gonadotropin levels, ovarian cycle, ovarian hormone levels, urterine cycle, phases, basal body temp of the female cycle
see notes
where is GnRH released from?
funciton of GnRH
secretion of LH and FSH
where are LH and FSH released from?
ant pit
function of LH
b. Maintain dominant follicle
c. Induce follicular maturation and ovulation
d. Stimulate CL function
function of FSH
b. Stimulate follicular recruitment and development
where is oetradiol released from?
granulosa cells
fucntion of oestradiol
b. Supports female secondary sexual characteristics and reproductive organs
c. Negative feedback control of LH and GnRH except during follicular phase – positive
control of LH surge
d. Stimulates proliferative endometrium
e. Negative control of FSH
where is progesterone released from?
corpus luteum
targets from oestrogens
CNS ant pit hypothalamus fat distribution mammary gland bone maturation and turnover uterus, fallopian tube, cervix, vagina
repro hormones in women follicular phase: LH
repro hormones in women follicular phase: FSH
repro hormones in women follicular phase: oestradiol
repro hormones in women follicular phase: progesterone
repro hormones in women peak: LH
repro hormones in women peak: FSH
repro hormones in women luteal phase: LH
repro hormones in women luteal phase: FSH
repro hormones in women luteal phase: oestradiol
repro hormones in women luteal phase: progesterone
repro hormones in women menopause: LH
repro hormones in women menopause: FSH
repro hormones in women menopause: oestradiol
0.02 - 0.03
repro hormones in women menopause: progesterone