Fractures: Basics, Healing and Complications Flashcards
what is an open fracture?
direct communication between the external environment and the fracture. usually through a break in the skin but could also be fragments of bone from a fractured pelvis penetrating the rectum
what accounts for 50% of open fractures?
tibial shaft
describe type I open fracture according to Gustilo grading
low energy
would < 1 cm
often bone piercing skin from inside
describe type II open fracture according to Gustilo grading
moderate soft tissue damage
wound < 10 cm
no soft tissue flap or avulsion
describe type III open fracture according to Gustilo grading
high energy, extensive soft tissue damage
severe fracture (communution, displacement)
wound > 10cm
any gunshot, farm accident, segmental fracture, bone loss, severe crush injury, marine
describe type IIIa open fracture according to Gustilo grading
soft tissue damage +++ but not grossly contaminated
describe type IIIb open fracture according to Gustilo grading
periosteal stripping
extensive muscle damage
heavy contamination
describe type IIIc open fracture according to Gustilo grading
associated neurovascular complication
what type of open fracture is most common?
management of open fractures
full ATLS assessment and treatment
tetanus and antibiotic prophylaxis
cefuroxime/augmentin/clindaymicin -gent at time of fixation
repeated examination n/v status
wounds only handled to remove gross contamination, photograph, cover (saline swabs) and stabilise limb
no provisional irrigation/exploration
radiographs - orthogonal views inc joint above and below
what is the 6 hour rule for surgery in an open fracture?
polytrauma marine or farmyard environment gross contamination neurovascular compromise compartment syndrome
if someone does not fit into the 6 hr criteria when should emergency surgery be carried out?
within normal working hours and within 24 hrs
4 Cās for surgical debridement in open fracture
capacity to bleed
types of skin coverage for open fracture
SSG myofasciocutaneous fasciocutaneous rotation free flaps
decision to amputatr
dual consultant insensate lib/foot irretrievable soft tissue or bony damage other life threatening injuries Guillotine type and refashion at a later stage
define dislocation
complete joint disrupton
define subluxation
partial disolocation - lot fully out of joint
diagnosis of dislocation
clinical and radiological
assessment of dislocation
associated injuries - soft tissue, musculoskeletal, multi-system
associated #, n/v damage, pre op
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: shoulder
ant - squared off
post - locked in internal rotation
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: elbow
olecranon prominent post
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: hip
leg short, flexed, internal rotation, adduction
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: knee
loss of normal contour
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: ankle
exernally rotated
prominent med. malleolus
direction and deformity associated with dislocations: subtalar joint
lat displaced os calcis
what may the outcomes of a dislocation be?
recurrent instability and stiffness