Anatomy of the Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot Flashcards
what is the most frequently injured major joint in the body?
what is the ankle essential for?
weight bearing
what kind of joint is the ankle?
what bones are involved in the ankle joint?
distal part of tibia, fibular and upper part of talus
when is malleolar grip strongest?
when is the ankle joint unstable?
plantar flexion
name the main ankle ligaments
collateral ligaments
medial or deltoid ligament
lateral ligament
describe the deltoid ligament of the ankle
- Large, strong triangular band
- Three slips from medial malleolus to talus, calcaneus & navicular
- Stabilises the joint during eversion
describe the lateral ligament of the ankle
has 3 slips
weaker than medial
what ligament is commonly involved in ankle injuries?
what muscles dorsiflex the foot?
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis longus
peroneus or fibular tertius
what muscles plantarflex the foot?
assisted by plantaris, tibalis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus
what is a Pott fracture?
dislocation of the ankle
are ankle sprains inversion or eversion injury (usually)
what is a footballer’s ankle
repeated strain on the anterior capsule
what is tarsal tunnel syndrome?
tibial nerve compression deep to flexor retinacula