m2 ch3 Flashcards
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 state?
forbids discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1991 say?
allows compensatory and punitive damages when intentional or reckless discrimination is proven, there are limits
Who does the burden of proof fall on?
the plaintiff
What is the age protected under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?
40 or older
What types of disabilities is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act
physiological, mental, and psychological,
What does the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1933 provide?
12 weeks of unpaid leave
Who is eligible and for how much leave?
after the birth or adoption of a child, care for sick spouse, child, or parent, and care for employees own serious health problems
What does OSHA protect from?
workplace hazards, retaliation or discrimination from making complaints, toxic and harmful substances or conditions
What is the uniform guidelines?
a framework for employers to follow to ensure that their selection procedures are fair, non-discriminatory, and legally compliant
What is adverse impact?
“a substantially different rate of selection hiring, promotion or other employment decision which works to the disadvantage of members of a race, sex, or ethnic group”
What is disparate treatment?
when individuals in similar situations are TREATED DIFFERENTLY because of race, sex, or the like.
What is prima facie?
enough initial evidence to suggest discrimination has occurred and it is up to the other party to refute it.
What is disparate impact?
occurs when a neutral employment practice AND TREATED IDENTICALLY, BUT THE OUTCOME IS DIFFERENT
What is the four-fifths rule?
a test on if the hiring rate for the protected group is less than four-fifths (80%) of the group with the highest hiring rate.
Know how to interpret data based on the four-fifths rule.
1- identify the highest selection rate
2- calculate 80% of the highest rate
3- compare the selection rates (if they’re lower than the calculated 80% there may be discrimination)
What is the Griggs v Duke Power co?
reinforced the idea that job requirements must be job-related, indirect discriminatory tests against blacks
What is a Bona fide Occupational Qualification? Know what is allowed versus not.
characteristic that is necessary, rather than preferred for a job. Only for sex, religion, national origin, or age - never for race. “reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business”
What is sexual harassment?
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when it relates to work
What is quid pro quo?
something for something sexual act of people in unequal positions
What is hostile work environment?
no “welcome or unwelcome” issues, can be between equals in the workplace, like vulgar comments, offensive touching, dirty jokes
What is affirmative action?
policies and practices designed to promote equal opportunity in employment, education, and other areas by addressing past and present discrimination.
What are examples of affirmative action?
employers seek out cadidates of underrepresented groups, providing additional support to them, quota-like hiring to ensure workforce commotion mirrors labor market in surrounding community which has alleged to reverse discrimination
What is employment-at-will?
the employer or employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason without legal liability
What are the employment-at-will exceptions?
violation of public policy, violation of implied contract, and violation of good faith and fair dealings