final exam study guide 2 Flashcards
Know the following pay structures: profit sharing, gain sharing, merit pay, merit bonus, stock options
profit sharing: payments are based on a measure of organization performance, not a part of base pay
gain sharing: group or plant wide profits, based on organization performance
merit pay: annual base pay increases usually linked to PA’s
merit bonus: merit pay paid in the form of a bonus
stock options: plan that allows employees to buy company stock at a previously fixed price
Abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behaviors across situations
Define the concept of attitudes and list/describe the three main components of an attitude
Attitude: evaluation of an object in a positive or negative fashion
- Affect: “I feel”
- Cognition: “I believe”
- Behavior: “I intend”
Describe the following key job attitudes: organizational commitment, employee engagement, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction
Organizational commitment: extent to which an employee identifies with an organization
Employee engagement: extent to which employee gives it their all
Perceived organizational support: extent to which employees believe their org cares about them
Job satisfaction: extent to which someone likes their job
Describe the concept of cognitive dissonance and how it can be reduced
The psychological discomfort a person experiences when having two attitudes about one behavior, reduced by changing attitude, reducing significance, or find elements that outweigh them
List and define the Big 5 personality dimensions.
Emotional stability
Openness to experience
Define the concept of motivation and distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The psychological processes that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought
Intrinsic: individuals inspired by positive internal feelings
Extrinsic: individuals inspired by recognition or money
List and explain the three main needs according to McClelland’s Learned Needs theory.
Achievement: desire to excel and overcome obstacles and surpass others
Affirmation: desire to maintain social relationships
Power: desire to influence, coach, or encourage others
Summarize the basic principles of Equity theory
Equity theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships
Define the concepts of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice and explain how each relates to work motivation.
Distributive justice: perceived fairness of resource distribution
Procedural justice: perceived fairness of process and procedures used to make allocation decisions
Interactional justice: quality of interpersonal treatment
Label the job characteristics model.
Job characteristic model: promotes high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs that possess the five core job characteristics
Define the concept of a work group and distinguish between formal and informal groups.
Formal: assigned by org to complete goal
Informal: main purpose is to get together
Explain the concepts of group roles and norms
ROLES: behaviors that help contribute to the group accomplishing goals
NORMS: shared behavior
Differentiate between task roles and maintenance roles in work teams.
TASK ROLES: enable group to define, clarify, and pursue a common fate, ex: evaluator
MAINTENANCE ROLES: foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships
Label and describe the five stages of group development in Tuckman’s model
Forming: ice-breaking stage
Storming: time of testing
Norming: group more cohesive
Performing: problem solving
Adjourning: group moves on
List eight common decision-making biases and explain how each affects decision-making
Confirmation: selectively gather information
Overconfidence: overestimating skills
Availability heuristic: readily available information
Representativeness heuristic: estimate probability of an event occurring
Anchoring bias: first information
Hindsight bias: thinking you would know it after it happens
Framing bias: how question is posed
Escalation of commitment bias: sticking with something even when its not working
Define decision making
Process for identifying and choosing alternative solutions that lead to a desired state of affairs
Define power and list and describe the different bases of power that leaders can use to affect followers’ behavior
Power: discretion and means to enforce your will over others
Legitimate: formal authority
Reward: promised or actual rewards
Coercive: threatened or actual punishment
Expert: through valued knowledge
Referent: personal characteristics and social relationships
Define the concept of leadership and explain the difference between leading and managing
The process by which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal
Leading: says what to do an inspires
Managing: says how to do it and directs
Explain which influence tactics are most effective at building commitment
Positive legitimate power, expert power, and referent power tend to foster commitment
Summarize the evolution of leadership theories, from trait theories to modern approaches to leadership
a. Trait: identifies personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can be used to differ leaders from followers
b. Behavior: Uses four categorizes of unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders
c. Contingency: Based on the premise that a leader is effective to the extent to which leaders styles fits the situation on hand
Define transformational leadership and explain the key ways transformational leaders change their subordinates
Motivate followers to pursue organizational goals over self-interests by using leader behaviors that appeal to followers’ self-concepts such as values, motives, and personal identity
Inspirational motivation: attractive vision for the future
Idealized influence: instilling pride, respect, and trust within employees
Individual consideration: behaviors associated with encouragement, empowerment, and coaching employees
Intellectual stimulation: question the status quo
Label and explain the components of the Competing Values Framework of organizational culture.
look at picture
Label the stages of the organizational socialization process and describe what occurs at stage of the process
Process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to assume a work role
Phase 1: Anticipatory socialization: occurs before an individual actually joins an organization.
Phase 2: Encounter phase: employees come to learn what the organization is really like
Phase 3: Change and acquisition phase: requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to work group values and norms