m2 ch1 Flashcards
What are individual differences?
traits or other characteristics by which individuals may be distinguished from one another
Define personality
the combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities
What are the 5 dimensions of personality?
Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience
outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive
trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted
dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, persistent
emotional stability
relaxed, secure, unworried, less likely to have negative emotions under pressure
openness to experience
intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-minded
conscientiousness has the…
strongest, most positive effects on performance across jobs
extroversion is beneficial if…
the job involves interpersonal interaction and is a stronger predictor of a job predictor of job performance than agreeable-ness
agreeable employees are more likely to stay with their jobs while…
openness tends to have a higher turnover
the ability to learn from experience, to reason abstractly, and to adapt to the surrounding environment
theory of general intelligence
Charles Spearman invented factor analysis which analyzes correlations among tests and discovered a single general factor that emerged from performance on all tests of mental ability
Theory of multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner proposed there are 8 different, independent constructs of intelligence, these abilities can be isolated and come from different areas of the brain
Gardner’s 8 different constructs of intelligence
Linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist
Theory of Successful Intelligence
make the most of their strengths to make up for weaknesses, 3 key abilities are creative, analytical, and practical
Core self-evaluation
a broad personality trait comprised of four narrow and positive individual traits
4 narrow and positive individual traits
generalized self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, emotional stability
generalized self-efficacy
the belief about your chances of successfully accomplishing a task
the general belief about your self-worth, relatively stable across a lifetime but can improve, best to apply yourself to areas or goals that are important to you
locus of control
how much personal responsibility someone takes for their behavior and its consequences, external and internal
internal locus of control
higher motivation, higher expectations, and exert more effort when given difficult tasks “I can make things happen/ determine my future/ accept my failures”
external locus of control
more anxious, earn less/ smaller raises, less motivated by incentives “things happen to me, blame others for failures, can’t control the future
impact of emotional stability
higher job performance, more organizational citizenship behaviors, few counter-productive work behaviors
5 aspects of emotional intelligence
self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, social skills
benefits/ drawbacks of EI
better social relationships, greater well-being, increased satisfaction, no clear link to improved job performance, research remains unclear
emotions are
complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular person, information, experience, or event
emotions can change
psychological and physiological states, both positive and negative, plus past versus future
past, retrospective emotion
future, prospective emotion
display norms
rules that dictate which types of emotions are expected and appropriate for their members to show
employee selection
to those individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings
what are the two types of selection models
person-job fit and person-organization fit
person-job fit
selecting people who have the KSAs needed for the job
person-organization fit
focuses on individual characteristics consistent with an organizational culture, and KSAs for future positions
developing a selection system
determine which KSAs are needed through job analysis, develop measures to asses required KSAs, and decide on decision rules for handling applicant scores
to be useful, measures should be…
reliable, valid, utility, and generalizable
consistent, dependable, and stable: the degree to which measure is free from error (test-retest reliability)
demonstrates if the measure is “job-related”