Lungs and Mechanism of Breathing Flashcards
How many membranes are there covering the lungs?
First membrane?
visceral pleura
second membrane?
parietal pleura
Which membrane is the outermost?
pleura is a thin serous membrane called …resting on a …. that forms a sack around each lung.
mesothelium, basal lamina
visceral pleura covers …
each lung
parietal pleura lines…
the wall of the pleura cavities that surround the lung
pleural cavity holds…ml of serous fluid
pleural fluid pressure is…
slightly lower than atmospheric pressure.
if the pleural cavity is compromised, then the lung will …toward the …region.
collapse, hilar
visceral pleura is continuous with the parietal pleura at the …of the lung.
hilum (hilar region)
root of the lung; where the bronchus and pulmonary vessels enter and leave the lung
pulmonary ligament is…
not a true ligament
What is the pulmonary ligament?
an extra reflection of pleural membranes onto each other; it is inferior to the hilar regions.
parietal pleura is subdivided into 4 areas…
cervical, costal, diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleuras
cervical pleura (cupula)
extends superior to 1st rib
costal pleura
contact with rib cage
diaphragmatic pleura
contact with upper surface of diaphragm
mediastinal pleura
contact with mediastinal structures
costomediastinal recess
where costal and mediastinal pleura meet anterior to the heart in the left pleural space.
what is adjacent to the costomediastinal recess?
costodiaphragmatic recess (aka costophrenic sulcus)
region that will most likely collect excess fluid in pleural space when upright.
fluid in pleural cavity is about …mmHg less than atm pressure which keeps lungs filling the pleural cavity.
because there is normally a lower pressure in the pleural space, both fluids and air will…and …lung from space.
fill this space; displace aka collapse the lung
hole in lung which allows air to be pulled into pleural space. Causing lung collapse
common symptoms of pneumothorax are…
chest pain, respiratory distress and tachycardia
spontaneous pneumothorax is caused by the rupture of a … or a small sac on the surface of the lung.
spontaneous pneumothorax is ….
primary pneumothorax affects about… person
primary pneumothorax most common in … between the ages of ….
20-40, men
secondary pneumothorax occurs…
in individuals with known lung disease
the term …is used much more frequently than hydrothorax
pleural effusion
both lungs have …fissure and right lung has a horizontal or …. fissure that subdivides the upper lobe.
major or oblique, minor
bronchopulmonary segments include … and … with pulmonary veins draining segment nearby
bronchi and pulmonary arteries
pulmonary arteries carry ..blood from …to lungs.
deoxygenated; right ventricle
left pulmonary artery is attached to… by …
arch of aorta, ligamentum arteriosum
right pulmonary artery crossed under the ….to reach the right lung
arch of aorta
each lung as three principal surfaces
costal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic
right lung has grooves for…
superior vena cava, arch of azygos vein
right hilum has …
right bronchus (superior and posterior). right pulmonary arteries (middle), right pulmonary veins (anterior and inferior)
left lung has grooves for…
cardiac impression and grooves for arch of aorta and descending aorta
left hilum has
left posterior bronchus, left pulmonary artery (superior), left pulmonary veins (anterior and inferior)
right bronchus is … and shorter and more … We are more likely to receive an aspirated foreign body here.
wider, vertical
left bronchus is … and more … as it passes into the lung
narrower and horizontal
the carina is a ridge that subdivides the … into right and left bronchi
Aspirated foreign objects end up blocking the …
right, inferior lobar bronchus
the pulmonary plexus receives both…. innervation
sympathetic (T1-5) and parasympathetic (From vagus)
parasympathetic innervation produces …. mucous secretion and bronchial vasodilation.
bronchial constriction
sympathetic innervation produces … and likely reduced mucous secretions.
bronchial dilation
afferent nerves are generally responsible for … and … reflex and travel with sympathetic nerves.
pain and cough
the visceral pleura and lungs themselve shave no ….fibers.
the parietal pleura, particularly the costal region, is innervated with …fibers.
because diagphragm is innervated by C3,4,5. parietal pleura pain may be referred to the..
neck and shoulder regions
quiet inspiration muscles…
diaphragm and little bit of external and interchondral portion of internal intercostal muscles.
quiet expiration muscles…
passive, elastic recoil of lungs in thoracic cage and abdominal muscles
forced inspiration muscles
same as quiet plus sternocleidomastoid, 3 scalene muscles and serratus posterior superior
forced expiration muscles
rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, internal intercostal muscles, serratus posterior inferior, transverse thoracis muscle