Blood Supply to the Brain and Spinal Cord Flashcards
What is the most common cause of neurologic disability in adults and the third most common cause of death?
cerebrovascular disease
Loss of consciousness occurs in less than … after blood flow to the brain has stopped. Irreparable damage to the brain tissue occurs within …. to several hours after disruption to blood flow.
15 seconds
5 minutes
85% of strokes are ischemic due to …
thrombolytic or embolic
15% of strokes are due to
Cerebellar arteries
The small penetrating arteries which branch off the basilar artery supply blood to
brain stem and centers within the brainstem
Lacunar strokes result from
occlusion of one of the penetrating arteries that provide blood to the brains deep structures
Lacunar strokes occur is almost all patients that have.
Posterior cerebral artery supplies blood to
occipital lobe
Stroke of the right and left middle cerebral artery causes nearly …
2/3 of all strokes
Stroke affecting the territory of the ….artery are the most severe in the contralateral face and arm.
middle cerebral artery
In a stroke affecting the territory supplied by the anterior cerebral artery, weakness is most pronounced in the …
anterior cerebral
contralateral trunk and leg
Only 5-10% of ischemic strokes are
posterior and cerebral
Venous drainage of the brain includes the veins of the …, ….venous sinuses, ….veins and ….veins.
Cerebral veins have no …
Dural sinuses are lined by … have no…
smooth muscle
Subdural hemorrhage is often … blood.
Subdural hemorrhage is common in …
…% are unilateral in adults.
very young and elderly
Carotid cavernous fistula is..
when the internal carotid drains into the cavernous sinus and jugular veins causing ishcemia in the cerebral arteries.
…. is secondary to carotid-cavernous fistula
pulsating exophthalmos
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is due to …
rupture of berry aneurysms
90% of aneurysms are on the … half of the circle of willis
Radicular arteries supply blood to the … while medullary arteries supply blood to…
anterior and posterior
Radiculmedullary artery is used when…
one cannot determine where the artery terminates
A left sided great ventral medullary artery of Adamkiewicz supplies spinal cord blood between …. and …. from the inferior intercostals or superior lumbar arteries.
T8 and L3
central veins drain
medial ventral gray matter
radial veins drain
much of the rest of the spinal cord
What forms the internal vertebral venous plexus?
anterior and posterior spinal veins
Epidural venous plexus receives blood from many anterior and posterior…. veins.
radiculomedullary or segmental medullary veins