lesson 57 difficult eords Flashcards
maybe, perhaps
to grow/cultivate crops
to make oneself look nice
age (formal)
to see (high respect)
what one is wearing
excercise clothes
in other words/i.e
만약 is often used in sentences when the result of a sentence can’t be certain
만약 내가 공부했으면 시험을 합격했을 것이다 - if i studied i would’ve passed the test
만약 내가 밥을 먹었으면 배고프지 않았을 것이다 - if i ate i wouldn’t have been hungry
아무리 can be added to sentences that have 아/어도 in them
아무리 그 제품을 반값으로 줘도 저는 안 살 거예요 - regardless of if you give me that product at half price, i’m not going to buy it
어쩌면 often placed in sentences when the speaker is not sure, but making a guess about a situation. commonly used with sentences ending in ~ㄹ/을지(도) 모르다
어쩌면 그녀가 올지도 몰라요 - she might come/idk if she’ll come/perhaps she will come
어쩌면 우리가 내일 갈 수 있을지 몰라요 - we might be able (or might not be able) to go tomorrow/idk if we’ll be able to go tomorrow/perhaps we’ll be able to go tomorrow
어쩌면 can also be used to stress one’s amazement at some fact
어쩌면 이렇게 일찍 왔어요 - how is it possible that you came this early
어쩌면 시험을 그렇게 잘 봤어요 - how is it possible that you did that well on the exam
(usually 어떻게 is in place of it instead)
아무래도 is often used when speaker thinks something will occur. often used with 것 같다
아무래도 근여가 우리를 만나러 안 올 것 같아요
she probably won’t come to meet us
아무러하다 indicates “no form” of a particular noun. usually contracted to 아무렇다
우리가 일어났을 때 아무러한 소리도 안 냈어요 - When we woke up, we didn’t make any (form of) sound
남자가 자기 엄마가 죽은 것을 봤을 때 아무런 느낌이 없었어요 - When the man saw his mother die, he didn’t have any (form of) feeling
~아/어도 can be added to 아무러하다. “regardless of what sort of thing happens, everything will be okay or there will no problem.”
늦게 해도 일이 아무러해도 문제가 없을 거예요 - it doesn’t matter if you do it late, the work/task won’t have a problem
an action is done “hastily, without much though
집에 들어가서 들고 있었던 물건을 바닥에 아무렇게나 놓았어요 = I went into the house, and hastily, without much thought, just threw the items I was carrying on the floor