Lesson 11 (Part 1) Flashcards
Are kidneys intro or retroperitoneam?
Why does the left kidney sit a little higher in the body than the right kidney?
Because the right lobe of the liver come slower down pushing the right kidney a little more inferior
What 2 muscles are posterior to the kidneys?
- Psoas
2. Quadratus Lumborum
What is the QL also known as?
Kidney bed
Where does the liver lay compared to the right kidney?
Superior and anterior
Where does the spleen lay compared to the kidney?
What are the 4 external layers of the kidneys?
- Renal capsule
- Perirenal fat
- Gerota’s fascia
- Pararenal fat
Renal capsule
Tough fiberous capsule
Perirenal fat
Surrounds the renal capsule
Gerota’s fascia
Anchor’s the kidney
Why do kidneys need lot of protection?
Because it has a lot of vascular components
- so if you get in an accident you could lose a lot of blood
What are 2 other names for the renal capsule?
- True capsule
2. Fibrous capsule
What are 2 other names for perinephric fat?
- Adipose capsule
2. Packing fat of Zuckerland
What are 2 other names for fascia of Gerota?
- Perirenal fascia
2. Perinephric fascia
What is another word for pararenal fat?
Pararenal body
What are the 4 retroperitoneal spaces?
- Anterior pararenal space
- Perirenal space
- Retrorenal space
- Posterior pararenal space
Anterior pararenal space
Fat area between the posterior peritoneum and Gerota’s fascia
What other organs does the anterior pararenal space? (5)
- Pancreas
- Descending portion of the duodenum
- Ascending/descending colon
- Superior mesenteric vessels
- Inferior portion of the CBD
Posterior pararenal space
Space between the Gerota’s fascia and the posterior abdominal wall muscles
What does the posterior pararenal space contain? (3)
- Iliopsoas and QL muslces
- The posterior abdominal wall
- Fat and nerves
Perirenal space
Space separated from the pararenal space by Gerota’s fascia
What does the perirenal space contain? (6)
- Kidneys/adrenal glands
- Perinephric fat
- Ureters
- Renal vessels
- Aorta/IVC
- Lymph nodes
What do perirenal fat and pararenal fat do?
Accommodate movement during respiration
What 2 areas is the kidney divided into?
- Renal parenchyma
2. Central sinus
What is contained in the renal parenchyma? (2)
- Cortex
2. Medulla
What is contained in the central sinus? (2)
- Renal sinus
2. Renal hilum
Renal cortex
Outer portion
- most superficial layer
Deeper layer of the parenchyma
What does the medulla fold into?
Projections called renal pyramids
How many renal pyramids are within the medulla?
What are the areas between the pyramids called?
Renal columns